
  • 网络Instrument compartment;Vehicle Equipment Bay
  1. 火箭仪器舱试验与计算模态相关性分析

    Correlation evaluation of tested and calculated modes of a rocket equipment cabin

  2. 机舱惰性气体灭火装置这个仪器舱是个圆柱体。

    Gas smothering system in machinery space This instrument unit is cylindrical .

  3. 卫星仪器舱布局问题中不同构图的计算

    The computation of non isomorphic graph in the layout problem about satellite cabin

  4. 用统计能量法预示导弹仪器舱的动力学环境

    Predicting the Dynamic Environment of Missile Instrument Bay with the Statistical Energy Analysis Method

  5. 火箭仪器舱仪器安装板的振动控制试验研究

    Experimental study on vibration control for instrument board of apparatus cabin of launch vehicle

  6. 这个仪器舱是个圆柱体。

    This instrument unit is cylindrical .

  7. 应用研究表明,统计能量分析方法在导弹仪器舱环境预示方面有一定的实用价值。

    The result shows that SEA method is practical in the environmental prediction for missile instrument bay .

  8. 本文以人造卫星仪器舱布局问题为背景,建立了一个半无限优化模型。

    This paper studies the layout problem for a satellite module . A semi-infinite optimization model is presented .

  9. 某航天器仪器舱结构减振试验研究卫星减振的试验研究

    STUDY ON VIBRATION SUPPRESS OF A CABIN STRUCTURE BASED ON DYNAMIC TESTING Experimental Research on Whole-Spacecraft Vibration Suppression

  10. 针对火箭仪器舱,研究了计算模态和试验模态的相关性分析问题。

    The technique for correlation evaluation of the tested and calculated modes of a rocket equipment cabin is studied .

  11. 运载火箭仪器舱位于加速级上部,临近有效载荷部位。

    Instrument compartment of launch vehicle is located on the upside of the acceleration stage , next to the payloads .

  12. 笔者研究求解了航天飞行器仪器舱高频结构声振问题的统计能量方法,给出了用统计能量法计算的一般步骤;

    The statistic energy method for solving high-frequency structural acoustic-vibration problem of high speed aero-craft is studied in this paper .

  13. 依照卫星仪器舱布局问题的实际应用状况,讨论多种图元的布局优化模型。

    According to the practical instance of the apparatus modules of artificial satellite , the layout optimization models of the difform graph elements are discussed .

  14. 以某导弹驾驶仪舱为例,将统计能量分析方法应用于导弹仪器舱的动力学环境预示。

    Taking the autopilot cabin of certain missile as example , the statistical energy analysis method is applied to the prediction of the dynamic environment of missile instrument bay .

  15. 三维水平井井眼轨道设计和人造卫星仪器舱布局分别是非线性多阶段最优控制和带性能约束的布局优化问题。

    The 3D-trajectory of the horizontal well and the packing problem of the artificial satellite module belong to the nonlinear multistage optimal control and the layout optimization with performance constraints respectively .

  16. 针对仪器舱结构复杂和模态密集的特点,引入整体模态和局部模态的概念,并提出一种用模态应变能比值区分整体模态和局部模态的定量的方法。

    In order to solve the difficulty in analyzing a large and complex structure with dense modes like a rocket equipment cabin , the concepts of integral modes and partial modes are introduced .

  17. 在本研究中拟设计出双层金属蜂窝夹层结构,用作某武器内部电子仪器舱热防护系统的外蒙皮,这在国内外尚未见任何报道。

    In this study , double-layer metallic honeycomb sandwich structure was designed for application as surface skin in TPS of electronic machine cabin of certain weapon , which has never been reported all over the world .

  18. 以人造卫星仪器舱布局为例,应用图论、群对集合的作用、轨道与等价类等刻划各种布局方案的同构、等价关系等性质,给出了圆形图元布局的问题的一种全局优化算法。

    By taking man-made satellite module layout for example , applying the properties such as isomorph and equivalence relation of several layout plans to set operation , trajectory and equivalence class , a globally optimal algorithm of circle element layout problem is given .

  19. 根据高空高速飞行特点及瞬态热载荷值,确定仪器设备舱调温系统方案。

    According to flight feature and transitional thermal load value , scheme of temperature adjusting system of electronic equipment cabin was presented .