
  • 网络soil sampling
  1. 田间土壤采样数据的统计特征与空间变异性研究

    Statistical parameters of soil sampling data and its spatial variability

  2. 土壤采样密度及栅格尺度对处方图结果的影响

    Effects of soil sampling density and interpolation scale on variable rate prescription map

  3. 为此,在土壤采样点数据基础上,利用GIS技术,对徐州市土壤重金属来源与空间分布关系进行了研究。

    Based on data of soil samples and supported by GIS technologies , this paper has discussed the relationship between origin of heavy metals in soils and spatial distribution in Xuzhou city .

  4. 2通过对农场477个有效土壤采样点土壤有效养分以及pH值的常规统计,发现土壤养分属性并不完全呈正态分布,土壤有效磷和有效钙含量呈对数正态分布;

    Conventional statistics of soil nutrients and pH value of 477 sampling sites showed the distribution of soil nutrient was not always normal . Available P and Ca had logarithmic normal distribution .

  5. 在1:10万尺度下,利用土壤采样分析数据与DEM提取的海拔高度以及地统计学分析增城市水稻土土壤碱解氮的空间变异。

    The spatial variety of soil available of paddy soil was analyzed by using soils sampled , geostatistics and altitude derived from DEM at the scale of1:100,000 in Zengcheng city .

  6. 精细农业中最佳土壤采样间距确定方法的研究

    The Research of Determine Method for the Best Soil Sampling Space in Precision Agriculture

  7. 一种适用于多目标地球化学调查的土壤采样记录卡

    Discussion of data collection for multi-purpose geochemical exploration in the field of soil surveying

  8. 精准农业土壤采样技术是变量施肥技术获取土壤养分信息的重要手段,土壤养分测定值是生成施肥处方图的重要数据之一。

    Soil sampling technique was one of ways of getting the information of soil nutrition .

  9. 精准农业土壤采样栅格划分方法的研究

    Field soil sampling grids for precision agriculture

  10. 传统的土壤采样技术存在着诸多的不足,使得新技术的探索势在必行。

    Inherent limitation involved in the traditional soil sampling techniques makes it imperative to explore alternative new techniques .

  11. 从日本冲绳县土壤采样经垃圾处理场堆肥化处理,分离到一株有固氮能力的菌株HS-G8,该菌为革兰氏阳性菌,不产芽孢,无运动性。

    A bacterial strain HS-G_8 was isolated from the garbage heap in Japan , gram-positive , non-endospore , non-motile , azotobacter .

  12. 采用田间土壤采样及施钼、锌肥试验,分析了黄土丘陵区土壤钼锌含量及农作物对钼锌的反应。

    A survey was conducted to evaluate contents of molybdenum and zinc , essential trace elements for crop , in soil of Upland of Loess .

  13. 但是江卓珊说,该报告缺乏具体的地理信息。报告没有公布土壤采样来自哪些省份或地区,她说。

    But Ms. Kong said that report lacked specific geographic information . No names of the provinces or locations where they took samples were disclosed , she said .

  14. 与正推广的县域耕地地力评价相比,此模型在层次分析法应用、土壤采样指导、成果应用和掌握速度都有一些提升。

    Comparing of the existing county farmland fertility evaluation , the model improve the application of AHP model , guidance of soil sampling , extension achievement and learning speed .

  15. 在广泛搜集资料和实地土壤采样调查的基础上,系统分析人为干扰下松嫩平原水盐运动规律及土壤盐渍化过程。

    Based on the abroad collected data and study of soil sampling , the rule of water-salt movement in Songnen Plain and the process of soil Saline-alkali were analyzed fully .

  16. 2002年秋对黑龙江省友谊农场精准农业试验区进行土壤采样,测定土壤肥力指标,并据此确定2003年春播大豆的变量施肥处方。

    In the fall of the year 2002 , the soil samples were done in the precision agriculture test region of Youyi Farm in Heilongjiang with the index of soil fertility being analyzed .

  17. 该系统实现了以土壤采样测试分析数据作为土壤背景养分,并根据已有的历史产量及其他信息分析确定所要达到的目标产量,通过集成施肥模型和专家知识实现智能决策,生成田间定位施肥处方。

    It integrated soil test nutrition data , object yield obtained by historical crop yields of past years , fertilization model and expert knowledge to realize intelligent decision and made field fertilizer prescription .

  18. 笔者对根际土壤采样方法和营养检测技术、根际微区养分状况、根系分泌物对根际营养影响等方面的研究进展进行了综述。

    This paper reviewed the rhizosphere soil sampling methods , the determination technologies of nutrients of rhizosphere soils , the nutrient status in the rhizosphere microzone and the effects of root exudates on rhizosphere nutrition ecology .

  19. 对覆草3~5a的苹果园和葡萄园土壤进行采样分析。

    The soil of apple orchard and grape orchard which were covered by straw for 3 ~ 5 years were analyzed .

  20. 在GIS技术支持下,利用地统计学方法系统地研究了基于村级土壤养分采样点实现村级土壤养分管理的可行性,并给出村级土壤养分管理的概念模型和实现方法。

    The feasibility of village - level soil nutrient management is analyzed based on system study of soil nutrient sample point using geostatistics method supported by GIS technology , then village - level soil nutrient management conceptual model and its realization method is shown .

  21. 对天津市西青区某国家级蔬菜基地的土壤进行采样,用原子吸收光谱法和石墨炉法分析土壤中Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn、Hg、Se七种元素的含量。

    The soil was sampled in a vegetable planting base near suburbs of Tianjin City . The levels of Cd , Cr , Cu , Pb , Zn , Hg and Se in soil sample were determined by atomic adsorption spectral photometry .

  22. 基于地统计的土壤养分采样布局优化

    Optimal arrangement of soil nutrient sampling based on geo-statistics

  23. 土壤的采样使用芯形采样器。

    Soil is sampled with a core sampler .

  24. 种子在各种类型土壤的采样点间出现的频度为60%~100%。

    · m - 2 under forest cover . Frequency of seeds identified from soil samples across all 19 soil types varied between 60 % - 100 % .

  25. 在田间条件下,通过对7种肥料结构组合处理下的土壤进行采样和分析,系统地研究和比较了不同养分模式对华北平原潮土土壤有机碳组分和土壤团聚体稳定性的影响。

    Organic carbon fractions and aggregate stability in aquatic soil under different fertilization . A field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of different nutrient regimes on aquatic soil organic carbon fractions and aggregate stability in Northern China Plain .

  26. 通过方法试验确定土壤测量采样密度为4~12点/km2,采样粒度为-4~+80目,采样层位为残积层。

    The method trial has defined the sampling density for soil survey as 4 - 12 spot / km2 . The grain size for samples is in the range of 4 to 80 per inch . The eluvium is the favorable layer for sampling .

  27. 多次浇灌CrCl3溶液后,土壤剖面20cm以下采样点约99%的Cr被土壤吸持;

    After irrigation with CrCl 3 solution several times , about 99 % of the Cr in the soil below 20 cm was adsorbed by the soil .

  28. 对地表下10cm深度土壤含水率的采样试验结果表明,2组测量数据在小范围内空间变异系数<10%,说明仪器性能稳定可靠。该测试仪能为变量灌溉和墒情监测提供科学依据。

    The experimental results indicated that the instrument provided a scientific basis for soil moisture monitor and variable irrigation .

  29. 精确农业田间土壤空间变异与采样方式研究

    Spatial Variants and Sampling Strategies of Soil Properties for Precision Agriculture

  30. 草地土壤有机质合理采样数应建立在统计特性和空间结构性基础上。

    The reasonable sampling number of grassland soil nutrients should be based on classic statistical characteristics and spatial variability .