
  • 网络soil water erosion
  1. 运用遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术来进行中国陕西省北部地区的土壤水蚀风险评估。

    The remote sensing and GIS are applied to evaluate the soil water erosion risk in the northern part of Shaanxi Province , China .

  2. 土壤水蚀分布式预报模型研究述评

    Commentary on Soil Water Erosion Distribution Forecasting Model Study

  3. 基于GIS的土壤水蚀预报能量力学模型研究

    Soil Erosion Prediction and Energy Exchange Modeling Using GIS

  4. 基于物理过程基础上的WEPP土壤水蚀预报模型将坡面侵蚀分为细沟侵蚀和细沟间侵蚀,建立了独立的细沟间模型和细沟模型。

    WEPP ( Water Erosion Prediction Project ), a physical-process-based soil erosion prediction model partitions the hillslope soil erosion into rill erosion and inter-rill erosion , with independent prediction models .

  5. 结果显示近50a来贵州省降雨侵蚀力呈增加趋势,即由降雨引起的土壤水蚀潜在能力增加。

    The results indicate that rainfall erosivity show increasing trend during the last 50 years which indicates that the potential ability of the soil loss caused by rainfall increase in Guizhou Province .

  6. 土壤水蚀模型中的融雪侵蚀模拟研究

    Review of Studies on Snowmelt Erosion in Soil Water Erosion Models

  7. 化学因素在土壤水蚀过程中起了相当重要的作用。

    Chemical factors play an important role in soil water erosion .

  8. 中国土壤水蚀区环境背景因子分析

    Factor Analysis of Environment Background in Water Erosion of China

  9. 不同下垫面径流小区土壤水蚀特征试验研究

    Study of Plot Soil Erosion Characteristic Under Different Underlying Horizon

  10. 土壤水蚀是一个复杂的物理化学过程。

    Soil water erosion is a complex physicochemical process .

  11. 土壤水蚀中关于化学因素的研究现状和展望

    Research status and future development of effects of chemical factors on soil water erosion

  12. 我国退化土地广泛分布,土壤水蚀是严重的土地退化现象。

    There are large areas of degeneration land in China with serious soil erosion by water .

  13. 红壤坡地土壤水蚀过程的产流产沙动态模拟试验研究

    Research on Simulated Rainfall Experiments of Sediment Yield in the Processes of Soil Water Erosion on Sloping Field

  14. 陕北黄土高原多沙粗沙区乡村聚落土壤水蚀定位观测研究

    Field Survey and Analysis on Soil Erosion of the Rural Settlements in Coarse Sediment Region of Loess Platean of Northern Shaanxi Province

  15. 防止土壤水蚀应以生物措施为主,增加植被覆盖度是最有效的措施。

    Priority should be given to biological measures in preventing soil water erosion , and the most effective measure is to increase vegetation coverage .

  16. 水土流失生态预报模型能够准确反映土壤水蚀的空间差异性。在坡度较陡,地形破碎,暴雨频发的黄土高原,此模型可以得到较好的应用。

    The soil erosion ecological prediction model can reflect the spatial difference of soil water erosion more accurately in the Loess plateau with steep slope , small terrain plot and frequent rainstorm .

  17. 运用评价指标和模型分析了排土场未复垦时期、复垦初期、复垦后期的土壤水蚀程度及影响因子的时空变化特征。

    In newly-constructed stage , early stage and later stage of reclamation , the degree of erosion and the space-time characteristics of influence factors have been analyzed and compared by the evaluation index and model .

  18. 坡度也是影响水蚀的关键因子,受人为活动影响较大的平原、台地、丘陵及低山区,应是防治土壤水蚀的重点地区。

    Slope is another key factor , and plain , tableland , hill and low mountainous areas where are greatly influenced by human activities should be regard as the key areas in the control of water erosion .

  19. 风雨侵蚀了山坡的土壤。水蚀风蚀交错带坡面土壤水分特性研究

    Study on Soil Water Properties on Slope in Water-Wind Erosion Crisscross Region on the Loess Plateau

  20. 国外多年的保护性耕作实践表明,旱地保护性耕作能减少土壤风蚀水蚀,抑制沙尘暴。

    Conservation tillage ( CT ) has been shown as a wind and water erosion reduction technology from many years , research in developed countries .

  21. 坡度对坡面土壤矿质氮素水蚀流失负荷的影响

    Soil Mineral Nitrogen Loss in Surface Runoff and Sediment as Affected by Slope Gradient on Loess Slope

  22. 农田地表秸秆覆盖是防止水土流失的一项主要措施,研究秸秆覆盖度与土壤风蚀、水蚀的定量关系对农田采取合理的覆盖形式有重要的指导意义。

    The soil straw cover of farmland is a main method to prevent the soil and water erosion , it is very important to research the relation between the straw cover and the wind erosion .

  23. 由于常年采用传统梨耙翻耕作业,加剧了水土流失状况,造成土壤风蚀、水蚀现象较为严重;长期使用化肥,导致耕地地力下降,环境质量恶化。

    Owing to the adoption of the conventional tillage every year , the soil and water loss , soil wind erosion and water erosion is worse ; using chemical fertilizer for a long time , the cultivated land fertility decrease , and the environmental quality is deteriorated .

  24. 铁路所经区域,地貌类型复杂多样,且土壤侵蚀强烈,水蚀、风蚀并存,生态环境脆弱。

    Landform type is complex and variable in the region , with serious soil erosion by water and wind and weak ecologic environment .

  25. 土壤结皮及其对土壤水蚀影响的研究进展

    The Research Status of Soil Crust and Its Effect on Soil Erosion

  26. WEPP模型是目前应用比较广泛的土壤侵蚀模型,它是详细描述与土壤水蚀相关的物理过程。

    The WEPP model , as an extensive soil erosion model currently , which is a detailed description of physical process related to the soil erosion .

  27. 该地区传统的耕作措施对土壤扰动较大,加剧了土壤的风蚀和水蚀,水土流失更加严重。

    The traditional tillage practice exacerbated wind and water erosion by soil disturbance , soil erosion is more serious .

  28. 黄土地区水蚀风蚀严重、生态环境非常脆弱,黄土地区土壤结构状况是影响自然降水入渗,产生地面径流,引起土壤水蚀的根本问题;

    The ecological environment of Loess Plateau was very poor . Water erosion and wind erosion were acute in there . Rainfall infiltration , surface runoff , water erosion were influenced by the situation of soil structure .

  29. 土壤结皮的研究是认识降雨入渗规律、地表径流形成过程以及探求土壤水蚀机理的关键。

    Research of soil crust is key to further know the relationship between infiltration and runoff and the mechanism of soil erosion .

  30. 本文以土壤侵蚀模型中的植被因子(C因子)为指标,研究不同植被类型对土壤水蚀的影响。

    In this study , the C factor for nine types of grassland and woodland was estimated from195plot-year observation data of six groups of soil erosion experiments on Loess Plateau .