
  • 网络Power frequency induction furnace;main frequency furnace;operating frequency induction heater;line frequency induction furnace
  1. 介绍了单相负载工频感应炉供电的S7-200CPU224改造实践方案。

    One of S7-200 CPU224 adapting project about the operating frequency induction heater ′ s power circuit was introduced .

  2. 工频感应炉PLC自动控制系统的应用

    Application of Power Frequency Inductive Furnace PLC Automation System

  3. 10t工频感应炉坩埚技术改造

    Technical Transformation of 10t Main Frequency Furnace Crucible

  4. 熔炼Al-Li合金用6t无芯工频感应炉炉衬寿命的探讨延长工频感应熔化炉炉龄的实际操作方法

    Discussing on Lining Durability of 6t Coreless Power Frequency Induction Furnace for Al-Li Alloys Melting Practical Method for Prolonging the Life of Frequency-induction Furnace

  5. 10t工频感应炉炉衬原采用酸性耐火材料,在高温满负荷工作状态下,受铁液及碱性炉渣侵蚀,加冷料过程中受机械磨损,造成感应炉炉龄低。

    The campaign of induction furnace is lower because 10t main frequency furnace uses of acid refractory liner that is corroded by liquid iron and basic slag under the working condition of high temperature and full load and abraded in the process of charging cold burden .

  6. 以单板机为主体的工频感应炉补偿及平衡控制系统

    Microcomputer - Based Correcting And Balancing Control System of Induction Furnace

  7. 大型工频感应炉主要技术参数的选择

    Setting of main technical parameters for large-scale line-frequency furnace

  8. 工频感应炉的应用及故障处理

    Application and trouble shooting of main frequency furnace

  9. 双频感应淬火的计算与应用双室工频感应炉的研制

    The Calculation and Application of Double-Frequency Affecting Quenching Researching and Making of Twin-room Electromagnetic Induction Furnace

  10. 根据大功率工频感应炉的特点,介绍了其在运行中对电容补偿的几点意见。

    Some opinion about condenser compensation in operation based on characteristics of large power industrial frequency furnace .

  11. 结果表明:采用真空工频感应熔炼炉,在氩气保护状态下,获得了不同晶粒细化剂含量的LA141镁锂合金。

    The results show that : LA141 alloys with different additions of grain refiner are successfully produced by using frequency induction furnace , protecting by argon .

  12. 本文介绍工频感应熔炼炉优化设计的编程。

    The programs of the optimum design on mains induction melting furnaces are introduced .

  13. 中频无芯感应熔炼炉熔炼过程中断后的温度特性数值模拟工频感应熔炼炉的计算机辅助设计

    Numerical simulation on temperature characteristics after melting process intermitted in intermediate frequency induction melting furnace

  14. 锌合金熔炼用工频无心感应炉节能措施探讨

    Discussion on Saving Energy Measures for Mains Frequency Coreless Induction Furnace used for Zinc Alloy Production

  15. 介绍了工频感应熔化炉通过改进筑炉和正确使用工频炉来延长炉龄的方法。

    This paper presents the method for prolonging the life of the frequency-induction furnace through improving furnace making and correct use of the furnace .

  16. 利用电磁场轴对称理论,对熔锌工频有心感应炉熔沟建立相关的物理和数学模型,求解了熔沟内的电磁场、电磁力和流速场。

    The physical and mathematic model for the channel of mains frequency induction channel furnace for melting zinc is established based on the axial symmetry theory of electromagnetic field and then the electromagnetic field , electromagnetic force and flow velocity field are solved .

  17. 工频无心感应熔炼炉跌落式熔断器无银熔断件保护特性的研究

    Research into Protection Characteristic of No-silver Fuse-links of Drop-out Fuse

  18. 熔锌工频有芯感应炉电磁场和温度场的数值仿真研究

    Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic and Thermal Fields in the Mains Frequency Induction Furnace for Melting Zinc

  19. 本文介绍短线圈工频无心感应保温炉采用的复合炉衬。

    The article introduces the composition lining of the mains frequency coreless induction furnace with short coils .

  20. 针对无芯工频感应电炉试炉及运行过程中易发生的事故,提出了炉衬烧结和烘炉、熔炼操作过程中应注意的安全事项,以及停电、漏炉、冷却水事故的紧急处理方法

    Based on the accidents in test and operation of line-frequency coreless induction furnace , the safety proceedings in furnace lining sintering , furnace drying and the melting operation and the emergency treatment methods of service interruption , leakage of steel and accident of cooling water have been pointed out

  21. 消除谐波对工频有心熔锌感应炉的影响

    To Remove Influence of the Harmonic on Mains Frequency Channel Melting Zinc Induction Furnace

  22. 工频有芯感应镀锌炉采用预制熔沟在液态下的修复

    Repair of line frequency cored induction galvanization furnace with ready-made melting trough under liquid condition