
  1. 水工业学科的研究对象及其与相关学科的关系

    Study Object on Water Industry Subject and Its Relations to Other Subjects

  2. 文中还探讨了水工业学科与水利工程学科、土木工程学科及环境工程学科的关系。

    The relations between subject of water industry and other subjects , such as hydraulic , civil and environmental engineering are also discussed .

  3. 工业工程学科体系现状及发展趋势

    The Present Situation and Development Trends of Discipline System of Industrial Engineering

  4. 工业工程学科形成与发展综述

    A Summary of the Formation and Development of IE

  5. 中国工业工程学科发展现状与趋势

    Developing Status and Tendency of Chinese Industrial Engineering Subject

  6. 新时代工业设计学科的发展特色

    Development Features of Industrial Design in the New Era

  7. 台湾工业工程学科的历史、现状与发展趋势

    The History , Status quo and Development Tendency on Industrial Engineering Speciality in Taiwan

  8. 高等教育国际化动力与工业工程学科发展实践

    The Driving Forces of the Internationalization of Higher Education and the Developing Practice of Industrial Engineering Discipline

  9. 学科成长:问题与策略&以浙江工业大学学科建设为例

    Discipline Development : Issues and Strategies & A Case Study of the Discipline Construction of Zhejiang University of Technology

  10. 但对大部分中小型企业来说,引入工业工程学科是比较困难的。

    But for most of the small and medium-sized enterprises , the introduction of industrial engineering disciplines is relatively difficult .

  11. 为创造好用、优雅及富于人文关怀的交互产品提供有效的设计方法与思路,并为在工业设计学科基础上导入交互设计提供参考。

    To provide an effective design methods and ideas create useful for interactive products that would elegant and rich humanistic .

  12. 固定化酶在化学生物学、生物工程、医学、环境工程及食品工业等学科领域的研究异常活跃。

    Immobilized enzyme is extremely active in research of the field of chemical biology , bio-engineering , medicine , environmental engineering and food industries .

  13. 工业设计学科正逐渐兴起,其设计方法和理论正不断发展和丰富。

    The subject of industrial design is now gradually on the rise , its designing method and theory are under unceasing development and enrichment .

  14. 文章探讨了工业设计学科产学研合作的产生背景、发展及趋势,并且对其特点及形式进行了研究。

    This paper discusses the background , development and trend of the cooperation of production , education and research in industrial design , including its characteristic and modes .

  15. 随着工业工程学科在国外企业多种领域中大量成功的应用,其重要性越来越被认可。

    With the large number of successful applications in foreign enterprises that of a variety of areas , the importance of industrial engineering disciplines has been recognized by more and more people .

  16. 针对这一状况,笔者在国内首次明确提出了工业设计学科理论体系结构的构想,将设计的研究划分成本体层、原理层与表述层三个层面,并对现有的设计理论研究进行简要归类。

    Divide the industrial design study into three levels ; essential level , principle level and expressional level . These can then be used to organize and develop the existing design theory found in China .

  17. 对工业设计专业学科建设的探析

    Search for the Construction of Industry Design Discipline

  18. 设计素描教学是工业设计类学科的基础性教学。

    Design sketch is a basic teaching method for the discipline of industrial design and the like .

  19. 关于情感,我们在建筑、电影院、舞台和工业设计等学科中可以了解很多这方面的知识。

    We can learn a great deal about affect from architecture , the cinema and stage , and industrial design .

  20. 工业工程的学科特点决定了混流装配生产实验在教学中具有重要的作用。

    Model - Mixed assembly production experiment is very important because of the characteristics of the discipline of industrial engineering .

  21. 该文从工业工程的学科特点和专业教学要求出发,阐述了系统的实验室建设设计方案。

    According to the feature of industrial engineering and the demand of teaching , this paper discussed the systematic design plan for lab construction .

  22. 综述了我国染料工业与染料学科在过去的六年来的进展,同时详细阐述了21世纪20年代染料工业与染料学科的发展目标。

    The progress of dyestuff industry and dyestuff science in China during the past six years is previewed , and their development goals are prospected in details in 2020 ' .

  23. 本文从工业工程的学科特点和专业教学与科研要求出发,阐述了规划实验室的理论依据,提出了系统的实验室建设设计方案。

    According to the feature of IE and the demand of teaching and research , the paper discussed the theoretical basis for lab schemes and puts forward a systematic design plan for lab construction .

  24. 机械工业现状与机械学科发展的前沿技术

    Status Quo of the Mechanical Industry and the Foremost Technologies of Mechanical Field

  25. 谈工业设计专业多学科跨专业的研究生教育

    Study of the Multi-Discipline and Cross-Discipline Pedagogies Applied to the Education of Industrial Design Postgraduates

  26. 测量流体的粘度在工业生产和基础学科研究中都非常有意义。

    It is very significative to measure liquid viscosity in industrial production and basic study .

  27. 为了解决能源资源短缺和环境污染问题,人们开始向自然生态系统学习,由此诞生了生态学、生态经济学、工业生态学等新兴学科。

    In order to solve the shortage of energy resources and environmental pollution problems , people have begun to study natural ecosystems , which resulted in the birth of the ecology , ecological economics , industrial ecology and other emerging disciplines .

  28. 这正是工业设计人的动力和目标,也是工业设计学科蓬勃发展的源泉。

    This is the very motive and goal of industral designers , from which industrial design can experience a promising development in the future .

  29. 随着计算机辅助技术在工业设计中的应用,出现计算机与工业设计的交叉学科&计算机辅助工业设计。

    With the application of computer aided technology in Industrial design , the intersecting subject of computer and industrial design & computer aided industrial design emerged .

  30. 本文通过对当前设计中存在问题的进行研究,提出引入健康工业设计理念的重要意义;通过对健康工业设计与相关学科的比较研究,使健康工业设计这一理念轮廓更清晰的展现来。

    This paper puts forward the significance of Health industry design through researching problems in current design , and presents the outline of it according to compare it with the related fields .