
  • 网络workaholic
  1. 那你可能就是个工作狂人,这也没有什么好大惊小怪的。

    You might be a workaholic . No surprises there .

  2. 但是新的研究认为身为工作狂人不一定就是件坏事。

    But new research suggests that may not be a bad thing .

  3. 她是一个天生的母亲,却又是一个工作狂人;

    a natural-born mother obsessed with her work ;

  4. 但是许多工作狂人在生活中还是感到了平衡,只不过他们的工作和生活的比率与多数人不同。

    But many workaholics still feel balance in their lives , they just have a different work-to - 'life ' ratio than most .

  5. 他们是痴迷于工作的狂人。

    They are intensely , almost obsessively collaborative workers .

  6. 工作对工作狂人也是一样,工作给了他们活力,成功地完成一个任务让他们感觉良好。

    Same with work for a workaholic they are energized by their work and feel good when succeeding at a task .