
ɡōnɡ nónɡ wǔ zhuānɡ ɡē jù
  • armed independent regime of workers and peasants
  1. 理论创新:提出并论证了工农武装割据的思想。

    Second , Theoretical Innovation : to put forward and proved " armed independent regime of workers and peasants " idea .

  2. 实践创新:迈出了工农武装割据的第一步,创立了第一个革命根据地。

    First , practice and Innovation : towards the " armed independent regime of workers and peasants " is the first step , founded the first revolutionary base .

  3. 只要买办豪绅阶级间的分裂和战争是继续的,则工农武装割据的存在和发展也将是能够继续的。

    So long as these splits and wars continue , it is possible for an armed independent regime of workers and peasants to survive and grow .