
  1. 鲯鳅在飞掠的鱼下面破水而行,只等飞鱼一掉下,就飞快地钻进水里。

    The dolphin were cutting through the water below the flight of the fish and would be in the water , driving at speed , when the fish dropped .

  2. 飞鱼是一种极受欢迎的体育项目,并成为一个与大自然的好方法。

    Fly fishing is an extremely popular sport and a good way to become one with nature .

  3. 渔民们很是钟爱这种鱼,野生飞鱼数量众多,所以40种飞鱼中没有一种濒临灭绝。

    Fishermen favor these types of fish , but due to their sheer numbers in the wild , none of the 40 different species of flying fish are listed as endangered .

  4. 飞鱼得名于它独特的避难方式。遇到捕食者时,飞鱼会采用一种独特的逃跑方式:它会纵身一跃,跳出海面。

    This fish earned its name by utilizing evasion as a way to escape its predators .