
  • 网络biker;Bikers;The Wild One
  1. 有情报说14号高速公路南边的十字路口附近有飞车党殴斗!

    We 've got reports of biker gangs fighting near the intersection of Highway 14 south !

  2. “地狱天使”曾是飞车党中最臭名昭著和无法无天的一伙。

    The Hell 's Angels were once the most notorious and anarchistic of motorbike gangs .

  3. 想想《飞车党》(TheWildOne)里的马龙·白兰度(MarlonBrando),或者他的牛仔裤吧。

    Think Marlon Brando in " The Wild One " ( or his jeans , anyway ) .

  4. 他和飞车党密切相关,rick。

    He 's tied to this motorcycle gang , rick .

  5. 周年纪念日发布的时候,将会与其他四部克雷默的电影一起载入DVD光盘中,还包括其他两部名著,马龙.白兰度的《飞车党》。

    The anniversary release is included in a new DVD set with four other Kramer films , including another classic , The Wild One , with Marlon Brando .

  6. 好像是普通的飞车党,长官。

    They seem to be an ordinary bike gang , sir .

  7. 那是飞车党的缀片符号。

    That is a symbol for a motorcycle gang patch .

  8. 世间没有法律和秩序,只有飞车党横行霸道。

    There is no law and order and motorcycle gangs terrorize the country .

  9. 他变成与飞车党有牵连。

    He got involved with a motorcycle gang .

  10. 某个飞车党失控了

    Some speed freak lost control

  11. 那个年代发生了很多事:帕蒂赫斯特绑架案,街头飞车党枪击事件,以及十二宫凶杀案。

    Those were the years of the Patty Hearst kidnapping , drive-by shootings on the streets , and the zodiac killer .

  12. 一人曾经尝试炸广州,结果刚一出火车站,炸药包就给飞车党抢了;

    One person tried to bomb Guangzhou , but as he came off the train , a motorcycle robber ( flying car robber ) snatched his bag ( containing the bomb ) from him ;