
  • 网络Come or not;are you coming or not
  1. 别转弯抹角地解释了,直率地告诉我,你来不来?

    Never mind the tortuous explanation ; tell me in plain English , are you coming or not ?

  2. 我们去踢足球,你来不来?

    We 're going to play football . Do you want to join in ?

  3. 那你来不来参加品尝比赛?

    Well , are you coming to the taste test or not ?

  4. 想我,你来不来这里啊?

    Thinking of me ? Then , come over and see me .

  5. 你来不来?

    Leslie : So are you in ? -

  6. 放学后我要和汤姆干一架,你来不来?

    Bob : I will fight with Tom after school , will you come with me ?

  7. 你来还是不来?

    Are you coming or not ?

  8. 请说清楚,你来还是不来。

    Please say definitely whether you will be coming or not .

  9. 说吧,你到底来不来参加葬礼?

    Look , are you coming to memorial service or not ?

  10. 爸爸你到底来不来

    Daddy , are you coming or not ?

  11. 那你还来不来?

    So are you coming or not ?

  12. 请告诉我们你是来还是不来。

    Please tell us whether you will come or not .

  13. 怎么搞的,这个聚会你到底来还是不来?

    What 's the deal ? Are you coming to the party or not ?

  14. 你这个礼拜来不来?

    Are you gonna come down this weekend ?

  15. 你一定要来,不来可不行!

    You 're coming and I won 't take no for an answer !

  16. 请你弄清楚她来不来开会好吗?

    Could you ascertain whether she will be coming to the meeting ?