
  1. 不过他们会记住你有多美。

    They 'll remember how beautiful you are , though .

  2. 从此忘情、忘爱、忘伤悲、忘掉你有多美!

    Henceforth forget feeling , forget love , forget sadness , forget how beautiful you are !

  3. 你知道你自己有多美吗?

    A : Do you realize how beautiful you are ?

  4. 答:因为兰花的生殖器官就是以这个合蕊柱为代表,你看它形象有多美。

    Answer : because the reproductive organs of the Arethusa be with this matches the close column pillar for represent , you see its image have much beautiful .

  5. 当你环顾四周,你会发现这儿有多美。

    When you look around , you 'll find how beautiful there is .

  6. 这双眼睛是那么的栩栩如生,无论你走到哪儿它们都追随着你&看你妈妈有多美。

    The eyes are so real that they follow you everywhere and look how beautiful your mother is .