
chuán jia
  • boatman;one who owns a boat and makes a living as a boatman
船家 [chuán jiā]
  • [one who owns a boat and makes a living as a boatman;boatman] 靠营运或捕捞为生计的船户

船家[chuán jia]
  1. 在职务上帮助官府,在感情上却亲近了船家。

    Whereas his job was to help the authorities , at heart he sympathized with the boat people .

  2. 希兰差遣他的仆人,就是熟悉泛海的船家,与所罗门的仆人一同坐船航海。

    And Hiram sent in the navy his servants , shipmen that had knowledge of the sea , with the servants of Solomon .

  3. 只有少数群体像广东的船家女儿和南方边远地方的女子才不裹脚。

    Only a few groups did not participate in this custom . They were the boat women of Kuang-tung and the aboriginal people of the southwest .

  4. 薄荷叶,红藕圈,卷菜捆,卖了几个卢比,菜便从一个船家身上抛到另一个船家身上。

    Sprigs of mint , red coils of lotus root and bundles of knotted cabbage change hands for a few rupees , tossed from one boatman 's lap to another .

  5. 仅仅2小时以后,车子就已经陷在了2米深的水里——岸边的观看者和船上过路人以及摆渡船家都乐得不行。

    Just four hours later the car was stranded in two metres of water - to the great amusement of onlookers on the shore and passengers on passing boats and ferries .

  6. 在陶瓷消费市场上,因东南船家在东洋航路上的深化及与洋船亚欧航路的衔接,海洋性陶瓷在原有基础上进一步延伸至欧美等更为广大的区域。

    On the consume market of ceramics , as join of the Dongyang sea route and the Asia-Europe sea route , based on the primary development , maritime ceramics extend to vaster area like Occident .

  7. 族群认同是族群关系的重要一环,族源认同是族群自我认同的重要因素,贺州市灵凤村、三加村、船家和都江村的族源认同都证明了这一点。

    The identity of racial groups plays an important role in the relationships between racial groups , and the identity of racial origin is a vital part in the self-identification of racial groups , which has been proved true by the identity of racial groups in several villages of Hezhou .