
  • 网络Shipping agency;Shipping Agent
  1. 船舶经营管理、船务代理、货运代理、船驳买卖经纪、船员劳务及其他业务合作。

    Shipowner , Shipping Agency , Cargo Forwarding , Crew Mannary , Ship Broker , Various Kind of Labour Cooperation .

  2. 在此基础上,对龙口中海船务代理有限公司的未来经营与发展进行了SWOT分析,提出了公司经营与发展的目标、模式及具体实施措施。

    It also analyses and forecasts the supply and demand condition of the shipping agency market in Longkou , it offers the proof for the company to set down reasonable development strategy . The fifth part analyses the aim of development strategic with the method of SWOT .

  3. 文章首先简述了面向对象建模语言UML的建模机制,随后基于面向对象技术,采用统一建模语言,结合水运行业中船务代理系统,进行了一个完整的实例分析、设计及实现过程。

    This paper introduces modeling mechanics of Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) . Then , based on the O-O technology and the help of UML , the complete example is presented in which the management information system about shipping agent is analyzed , designed and realized .

  4. 远洋班轮公司通过船务代理在指定港口销售舱位。

    Shipping lines use shipping agent to sell their freight space in a particular port .

  5. 论船务代理之本人的确定浙江中小型货运代理企业经营网络的构建研究

    Researching on Building of Managing Network in Zhejiang Medium and Small - Sized Shipping Agent Enterprises

  6. 论文针对系统中的核心模块-船务代理模块详述了具体的数据库设计过程和模块实现中所采用的关键技术与方法。最后对整个系统的网络架构和安全性进行了评述。

    The dissertation specifically introduced the details of database structure design process and the key methods and technologies used in the core module of the system & ship management .

  7. 本文的最后针对该公司的不足之处提出提高黄骅港中海船务代理有限公司竞争力的主要措施,希望在最短的时间内实现竞争力的显著提高。

    In the end this article proposes the main competitive measures for the inadequacies of the Huanghua Port China Shipping Agency Co. , Ltd. that hopes to achieve competitiveness improved significantly in the shortest time .

  8. 为了能使天津中海船务代理公司明确今后发展的方向及确定战略目标,最终达到增强经济效益之目的,故写作本文。

    In order to let China Shipping Agency Tianjin know well her direction of the future development , determine the strategic aim , and achieve the goal of boosting up the economic benefits , this essay is written .

  9. 我们诚望藉由这个机会向您推介敝公司有关采购船务的业务代理。

    We take this opportunity to place our name before you as being a buying , shipping agent .