
  • 网络Hull Strength;Strength of ship;hull integrity
  1. 船体强度载荷可视化计算

    Visual calculation of hull strength loads

  2. 它不仅仅可以解决垂向弯矩作用下的船体强度问题,而且还可以解决由于水平弯矩作用下和斜浪引起的扭矩的强度问题。

    FEM not only can solve hull strength caused by the vertical bending moment , but also can solve torsion strength due to the horizontal bending moment and oblique waves .

  3. 运用NASTRAN进行波浪载荷作用下船体强度分析

    The Strength Analysis of Overall Ship under Wave Loads with NASTRAN

  4. 船体强度三维有限元分析的载荷直接计算和验证

    Ship Loads Direct Calculation and 3D Finite Element Strength Analysis

  5. 船体强度及构件稳定性与技术经济性的关系

    On the relationship of structural strength and buckling with the economic property of ships

  6. 船体强度概率估算方法

    Probabilistic Approach to the Estimation of Ship Strength

  7. 纵向重力式下水计算中船体强度分析

    Strength analysis for longitudinal gravity launching calculation

  8. 纵轴式掘进机重心位置对稳定性的影响纵向重力式下水计算中船体强度分析

    Influence of Gravity Center on Stability of Longitudinal Roadheader Strength analysis for longitudinal gravity launching calculation

  9. 耐压液舱区域耐压船体强度的研究

    The Strength of Pressure Hull in the Range of Pressure Tank with Longitudinal and Solid Floor

  10. 基于有限元理论的船舶强度直接计算法改变了用传统的梁理论来校核船体强度的方法。

    Based on the finite element method , the direct ship strength calculation is superior to the traditional ship beam theory .

  11. 由于这一系列的特殊性,采取规范的总强度计算方法难以合理地评估船体强度,且采用舱段模型进行直接计算也存在困难。

    Just because of this , it 's very hard for us to evaluate the ship structural strength , which based on whole strength calculation method .

  12. 该软件可以运用于实际生产,通过控制船舶装货环节船体强度,提高散货船的安全性,延长船舶的使用寿命。

    Using the software to optimize the loading process in practice will improve the security of the bulk carrier , and prolong the life span of the bulk carrier .

  13. 综合以上分析,深化海浪飞沫积冰的危害认识,对评估冰区航行船舶船体强度有一定的指导意义和参考价值。

    Summarizing the above analysis , deepen the understanding of wave droplet icing hazards , there are certain guiding significance and reference value to assess ice sailing ship hull strength .

  14. 这种方法是目前船体强度分析最准确、最完善的方法,也是在理性结构设计中,最能精确预报结构对载荷响应的结构分析方法。

    The method is the most accurate and perfect one in the analysis of ship structures , and it is also the best one in predicting the response of load .

  15. 本文以300000dwt超大型油船为对象,在确定主尺度和船型系数下,从保证船体强度、提高构件疲劳特性出发,对结合骨材间距和类型选取作了详细的比较。

    With the design of 300 000 DWT VLCC as the reference , the paper described in detail how to decide the frame spacing and frame type at the given principal dimensions and hull form factors to meet finally the requirements on hull strength and fatigue life of the structure .

  16. 在改进P磁简化公式的基础上,提出了不对称弯曲条件下的船体极限强度计算的简化方法。

    The simplified method to calculate the ultimate strength for the asymmetrical hull is presented based on the Revised Paik 's Method ( RPM ) .

  17. 运用直接计算法,利用国际上相关成熟的计算程序(Ansys),进行船体结构强度计算,即:首先建立三维舱段模型,对给定的工况,分析载荷情况,计算局部结构强度;

    With the help of the international widely-used software ANSYS , the thesis adopts the Direct Strength Method ( DSM ) to calculate the local structure strength .

  18. 通过对一艘双壳LPG运输船的有限元分析,将此程序在实际工程中进行了应用,本程序有助于对船体结构强度进行快速有效地预测。

    Through finite element analysis of a LPG carrier with double hull , this program is carried out in practical application . This program can help provide quickly and efficiently forecast to the hull structure strength .

  19. 利用VC++和OpenGL等工具,仿照真实试验测试流程,与有限元软件紧密结合,开发完善出能够反映测试过程的船体结构强度虚拟测试系统。

    Imitating the process of real test , the virtual test system based on VC + + and OpenGL is developed and refined , which is closely linked to FEA saftware , reflects the process of testing . 4 .

  20. 大开口船体纵横强度耦合分析

    Strength of Large Opening Ship with Interaction Between Longitudinals and Transverses

  21. 用塑性节点法作船体极限强度分析

    Ultimate Strength analysis of Ship Hulls Based on Plastic Node Method

  22. 反分析方法在船体结构强度分析中的应用

    Application of Back Analysis Method in Estimation of Ship Structure Strength

  23. 基于板条梁假设的船体局部强度检验方法

    Checking method for ship local strength based on lath-beam assumption

  24. 船体结构强度有限元分析与优化

    Ship Structure Analysis and Optimization Based on Finite Element Method

  25. 15000t甲板驳船体结构强度计算与分析

    Structural strength calculation and analysis of a 15 000 t deck barge

  26. 散货船的船体结构强度与安全

    The Structure Strength of Bulk Carrier s to Navigational Safety

  27. 大型液化天然气船船体极限强度研究

    Study of Ultimate Hull Girder Strength of Large Liquefied Natural Gas Carriers

  28. 基于逐步破坏法的船体极限强度分析

    Analysis of Ultimate Strength for Ships Based on Progressive Method

  29. 破损船体极限强度估算

    An Assessment of Structural Ultimate Strength of Damaged Ships

  30. 受损船体极限强度分析与可靠性评估

    Ultimate strength analysis and reliability assessment for damaged hull