
  • 网络dnv;Norske Veritas;det norske veritas
  1. 最后,根据挪威船级社的火灾危害计算分析结果,提出了减小LNG接收站火灾危害风险的措施。

    In the end , according to the fire hazards analysis results done by DNV , some countermeasures of reducing the risk of fires damaged to LNG receiving terminal have been recommended here .

  2. 挪威船级社定量风险评估方法解析

    Analysis of the Quantitative Risk Evaluation Method of DNV

  3. 我们的产品先后荣膺API认证、挪威船级社ISO9001质量体系认证等专业资质。

    Our products have consecutively won API certification and DNV ISO9001 quality-system certification .

  4. SY与挪威船级社将对任何一开始就交换到其他货船上的电机进行澄清。

    Any exchange of motors to other vessels than as from the beginning will be clarified between SY and DNV .

  5. 公司已通过ISO9001–2000国际质量体系认证,及中国船级社和挪威船级社认可。

    The company has passed ISO9001-2000 international quality system certification , and the China Classification Society and Det Norske Veritas approved .

  6. 文章介绍了挪威船级社DNV安全评估软件的作用及其安全评估的方法和流程,同时阐述了此软件对保证海上油气生产设施安全生产的重要性以及在应用中应注意的问题。

    The importance of the software for ensuring the safety of offshore oil and gas production and the notable matters of the software application are described .

  7. NAUTICUS系统是挪威船级社(DNV)开发的集成系统软件包,涉及规范校核、疲劳评估、结构分析等各个方面。

    NAUTICUS system is a integrated software produced by DNV , including rule checking , fatigue assessment and structure analysis etc.

  8. 2001年至2004年,中国石化海上石油工程技术检验站与挪威船级社(DNV)成功地对胜利浅海海域的三座平台进行了量化风险评估。

    From 2001 to 2004 , Offshore Petroleum Engineering Survey of SINOPEC and DNV have performed a successful risk assessment for three platforms that located in Shengli offshore area .

  9. 1998年学校的质量管理体系通过国家港务监督局和挪威船级社(DNV)的认证,成为我国第一所获得ISO9001质量管理体系认证证书和DNV三个认证规则证书的大学;

    In 1998 , the University was awarded the IS09001 Certificate of Quality Assurance accredited by the Norwegian Det Norske Veritas ( DNV ) and the China Maritime Safety Administration ( MSA ) ; it became the first maritime university in China to have the IS09001 Certificate .

  10. 论述以事故数据库和实验数据库为基础的系统风险辨识方法,对挪威船级社从事海上油气生产设施建造、操作的定量风险评估概念与方法进行初步解析。

    The systematic risk identification method based on accident data base and experimental data base is discussed and a preliminary analysis is given to the quantitative risk evaluation theory and method of DNV for fabrication of offshore oil and gas production facilities and operation .

  11. 利用挪威船级社规范和美国舰船工程师协会规范分别对在三种不同地质资料中桩靴基础的承载力与入泥深度进行计算,并对承载力稳定性进行分析。

    Using the Det Norske veritas specification ( DNV ) and the American society of naval architects and marine engineers specification ( SNAME ) separately calculate the bearing capacity and penetration depth of pile shoe fundament in three different geological datum , and then analyzing its stability . 3 .

  12. 编写过程中,吸收了主机制造商苏尔寿及英国船级社劳氏、挪威DNV船级社、法国BV船级社关于主机和轴系校中计算及安装等问题处理的方法和技术。

    In this article , the way of calculation , installation and problem handling , quoted of Sulzer , the main engine maker , and classification societies like Lloyd 's , DNV and BV are referred .