
kōnɡ qì shì
  • air chamber;buoyancy chamber
  1. 空气室对水煤浆隔膜泵性能影响的仿真研究

    Simulation research on air chamber affected to features of coal water mixture membrane pump

  2. 空气室对往复泵管道系统脉动作用研究

    Pulsation Action of the Air Chamber to the Pipeline System of the Reciprocating Pump

  3. 论述了X系列筛下空气室跳汰机机体、风阀系统、排料机构、筛板及电控系统等设计特点和技术性能,介绍了X系列筛下空气室跳汰机的技术发展概况。

    Discussed are the design feature and technical characteristics of X Series Batac jigs regarding the jig body , air valve system , refuse discharge mechanism , jigging sieve and electric control system , also introduced isits technical development status .

  4. YT-14型跳汰机采用了复合空气室、多室共用风阀、多频及复频数控、内置导向浮标、新型软体盖板阀、可编程序控制器等先进技术;

    Advanced technology of YT-14 includes compound air-chamber , common air valve for multichambers , multi-and compound-frequency digital control , built-in deflected buoy , novel soft-covered valve , programmable controller , etc ;

  5. 带空气室脉冲水射流系统通用分析法

    A Universal Method for Analyzing Pulsed Water-jet System Embodied Air-chamber

  6. 空气室位置对脉冲水射流的影响

    Study on the effect of air - chamber 's site upon pulsed water-jet

  7. 带附加空气室空气弹簧动态特性的实验研究

    Research on the Dynamic Characteristics of the Air Spring with Auxiliary Chamber by Test

  8. 双浮子气化器有一个浮子室,它局部环绕着化油器的空气室。

    The dual carburetor has a float bowl that partly surrounds the carburetor air horn .

  9. 带附加空气室空气弹簧垂直刚度和阻尼实验研究

    Research on the vertical stiffness and damping of the air spring with auxiliary chamber by test

  10. 睡觉的空气室似乎心跳的激情与绝望的两个歌手。

    The air of the sleeping-chamber seemed to palpitate with the hopeless passion of the two of singers .

  11. 在带附加空气室的条件下,空气压力对空气弹簧刚度和阻尼有什么影响?

    With auxiliary chamber , how the pressure influences on the stiffness and damping of the air - spring ?

  12. 气伞内置软状进气管,与车内压缩空气室连接。

    The ballute is internally provided with a soft intake pipe which is connected with the compressed air chamber in the truck .

  13. 排沙潜水泵在结构上增加了空气室,使机械密封两端的压力平衡,减少泄露量,较为成功的解决了工程施工中抽排沙水、污水的技术难题;矿用排沙潜水泵轴封的选型设计

    There is an air room at submersible sand pump added . Model Selecting Design for Axle Seal of Diving Pump with Draining Sands for Mine

  14. 所使用设备为中国矿业大学提供的数控筛下空气室跳汰机,指标控制非常稳定。

    By the use of equipment for the China University of Mining and provided CNC Room sieve air jig , indicators of control is very stable .

  15. 本文对带附加空气室空气弹簧动态特性进行了探索性的研究,为今后进一步研究空气悬架提供了一定的参考依据。

    This article has probed into the dynamic characteristic of the air spring with auxiliary chamber . The research results could be reference and guide for further study in the future .

  16. 预压空气室虽在国内外生产的植保机械用隔膜泵上已普遍应用,但对该类空气室的性能研究未引起重视。

    Pre-pressure air chamber has been widely adopted to the diaphragm pump sprayers manufactured both at home and abroad , but little attention has been focused on research of their performances .

  17. 认为空气室的正确使用及易损件问题,尤其是柱塞填料密封对泵正常运行的影响等问题应引起现场人员的足够重视。

    For the concerned technicians , Special attention must be put to the correct uses of air chambers and the effects of easy-to-wear components , especially plunger packing to mormal operation of a plunger pump .

  18. 由密封活塞来密封介质,密封活塞上有油脂室和空气室,通过绝对密封空气室内的空气来达到绝对密封油品的目的。

    The medium is sealed with the sealing piston on which there are both a grease chamber and an air chamber . The product can be fully sealed by means of absolute sealing of the air in the air chamber .

  19. 隔膜、泵阀与空气室是往复式隔膜泵中与输送介质直接接触的部件,因此,隔膜、泵阀与空气室是影响隔膜泵使用寿命长短的关键部件。

    There are some components that direct contact with the pumped medium in the reciprocating diaphragm pump , such as diaphragm , pump valve and air vessel , so these components are key components that influence the operating life of the reciprocating diaphragm pump .

  20. 用于低能X射线绝对测量的自由空气电离室

    Free-air ionization chamber used in absolute measurement of low energy X-rays

  21. 一个用于中能X射线照射量基准的自由空气电离室

    A Free-air Chamber Used as the Primary Standard of Medium Energy X-ray Exposure

  22. 自由空气电离室中的电离作用是量度x和γ射线照射量的标准方法。

    Ionization in a free-air chamber is the standard process for measuring x-and γ - ray exposure .

  23. 10~100kV自由空气电离室

    10-100 kV free-air ionization chamber

  24. 美国国家标准局自由空气电离室空气吸收改正项的测量

    Measurements of ATR attenuation correction factors for NBS free-air chambers

  25. 提高空气洁净室洁净度的建议

    Some suggestions about improving the cleanliness of air clean room

  26. 加强对药厂和医院制剂室空气净化室的管理

    Strengthening the Management of Clean Areas in Pharmaceutical Factory and Hospital Pharmacy

  27. 热空气缓冲室在塑壳断路器上的应用

    Application of Thermal Air Buffer Compartment in MCCB

  28. 本文概括地介绍了美国国家标准局三台自由空气电离室空气吸收改正项的测量工作。

    This paper introduces the measurements of air attenuation correction factors for three NBS ( National Bureau of Standards ) flee-air chambers .

  29. 设计了甲醛污染空气模拟室及介质阻挡放电处理装置,研究了甲醛浓度、外加电压、处理时间等条件与甲醛降解率的关系。

    This paper studied the influence of formaldehyde concentration , discharge voltage , treatment time , etc. on the disposed rate of formaldehyde .

  30. 广泛适用于钢结构厂房、吊顶、墙体、空气洁净室的大面积吊顶与隔断。

    Widely used for large area suspended ceiling and separation of steel structure workshop , suspended ceiling , wall body and air purification room .