
kōng tóu
  • Airdrop;air-drop;parachute;airlift;aerial delivery;paradrop
空投 [kōng tóu]
  • [airdrop;paradrop] 从飞行中的飞机上用降落伞投放货物或人员

  • 空投救灾物资

空投[kōng tóu]
  1. 空投鱼雷弹道视景仿真系统设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Air-Drop Torpedo Trajectory Visual Simulation System

  2. 航天器空投试验用大容量数据记录器的研究

    Research of Big Capacitance Data Recorder Used in Air-Drop Experiment

  3. 联合国已开始向难民空投食物。

    The UN has begun making airdrops of food to refugees .

  4. 飞机用降落伞空投补给。

    Planes dropped supplies by parachute .

  5. 政府正试图通过空投食品补充供应。

    The government is trying to replenish supplies by airlifting food .

  6. 传单被空投下来,要求人们离开某些地区。

    Leaflets have been air dropped telling people to leave certain areas .

  7. 盟军空投了数千人的空降部队。

    The allies landed thousands of airborne troops .

  8. 补给物资被空投到山区。

    Supplies were parachuted into the mountains .

  9. 飞机将食品、衣物、毯子、药品和水空投到崎岖多山的边界地区。

    Planes parachuted food , clothing , blankets , medicine and water into the rugged mountainous border region

  10. 与此同时,联合国向乡村空投食物的计划被搁置。

    Meanwhile , United Nations plans to start air dropping food to rural villages are being held up .

  11. 飞机向灾区空投救灾物资。

    The planes airdropped relief supplies to the stricken area .

  12. 救援物资已空投到洪灾区。

    Supplies were parachuted into the flooded zone .

  13. 目前正向大雪隔绝的村庄空投生活用品。

    Drops of supplies are being made to villages still cut off by the snow .

  14. 柔性神经网络的遥控空投PID控制

    Flexible Neural Network Control of Remote Airdrops

  15. 由于运输机超低空空投属于C种飞机阶段,需要极高精度的航迹跟踪和姿态保持。

    Because the transport aircraft flies in C phase while Ultra-Low Altitude Airdrop , high-accuracy flightpath tracking and attitude hold are required .

  16. OpenGL在空投鱼雷弹道视景仿真系统开发中的应用

    The Application of OpenGL in Airdrop Torpedo Trajectory Scenario Simulation System Development

  17. 1.parachutev.用降落伞降落他们向我们空投食品。

    They parachuted food to us .

  18. 他说,WFP正在向30000名难民空投能量饼干。

    He says WFP is also airlifting energy biscuits for 30000 people .

  19. 设计一种悬挂式缓冲包装结构,在空投补给时对脆值为20G左右的仪器提供缓冲保护。

    The suspending cushion packaging structure was designed to protect instruments of 20G in airdrop supply .

  20. 麦克拉奇报业公司的刻米歇尔·博斐接受NPR采访时表示,美国的空投援助也在继续实施。

    McClatchy reporter Michelle Profero tells NPR , US aid drops are continuing as well .

  21. 建立了FAE子母弹空投过程物理模型和结构化数学模型,使用Visualc++语言编写了仿真软件,该软件可以对各种条件下空投过程进行仿真,计算出子弹落点散布及子弹落地的弹道诸元。

    Physical and mathematical models of a fuel air explosive bomb 's airdrop course are established . The simulation software is written applying visual C + + .

  22. 到十月19日,C-130运输机已开始向库尔德地面作战人员空投武器、弹药和医疗物资,部分失地被夺回。

    By the 19th there were air-drops of weapons , ammunitions and medical supplies by C-130 transports . Some ground lost to IS was recovered .

  23. 介绍了RADSS型母线中阻差动保护的动作特性。该文提出了一种不受空投时励磁涌流影响的变压器差动保护原理,并用阻抗原理反应空投于内部故障。

    The operation characteristics of RADSS type bus medium impedance protection is put forward . This paper introduces a new approach to transformer protection which combines current differential protection and impedance protection .

  24. 潜艇反空投鱼雷对抗策略仿真评估研究

    Research on simulation evaluation of anti-airdropped torpedo countermeasure strategy in submarine

  25. 他们每次要对我们进行物资空投。

    Every time they tried to drop supplies in to us .

  26. 航空弹簧减震器支柱空投弹药(或子弹药)

    Aero spring shock absorber strut air-dropped munitions ( or submunitions )

  27. 空投物资捆绑包装分析与建模

    Analyzing and Modeling the Binding and Packing of Airdropped Material

  28. 某空投鱼雷浅水控制方案的半实物仿真

    Semi-physical simulation of the shallow water control scheme for an aerial torpedo

  29. 弹药托盘装运与空投补给相容性研究

    Study of the Compatibility of Palletized Loading System with Ammunition Airdrop Supply

  30. 空投鱼雷斜入水冲击动力建模及仿真分析

    Modeling and Simulation Analysis of Oblique Water-entry Impact Dynamics of Air-dropped Torpedo