
  • 网络civil transport
  1. 本文介绍了应用并行工程方法建立可行的高速民用运输机(HSCT)候选方案,并对方案进行评价,从而选出最优方案。

    This article introduces the application of concurrent engineering method to create candidate concepts for High Speed Civil Transport ( HSCT ), makes an evaluation of the concepts and selects out the optimum concept .

  2. 介绍了高超声速民用运输机的概念设计方案。

    A conceptual design of the hypersonic civil transport is introduced here .

  3. IraqDefiesNo-FlyZones伊拉克挑战禁飞区伊拉克两架共装有154名乘客的民用运输机今天公然穿越有美英战斗机巡逻的禁飞区,这是伊拉克第一次向它认为侵害了其主权完整的禁飞区发起挑战。

    Iraq sent domestic passenger flights carrying 154 people into skies patrolled by U.S. and British warplanes today , the first challenge of its kind to the no-fly zones that Iraq considers infringements on its sovereignty .

  4. BR710&90年代的小型民用运输机动力装置

    The Small Civil Transporter 's Powerplant in 1990s & BR710

  5. 翼身融合体民用运输机空气动力设计

    Aerodynamic Design of a Blended-wing-body Civil Transport

  6. 市场定位策略;并行工程在高速民用运输机方案选型中的应用

    Market selection ; The Application of Concurrent Engineering in Selection of High Speed Civil Transport Concepts

  7. 大型飞机一般是指起飞总重超过100吨的运输类飞机,包括军用、民用大型运输机,也包括150座以上的干线客机。

    Trunk-liner generally refers to transport aircrafts whose take-off weight is above 100 tons , including both military and commercial ones and also large aircraft that are above 150 seats .

  8. 负过载试飞是民用飞机,特别是大、中型民用运输机适航试飞的重要验证项目之一。

    Negative load factor flight test is one of the important verification items of airworthness flight test for civil airplanes , especially for large and medium sized transport airplanes .