
mín pǐn
  • Civil Products;civilian products;products for civil use
民品 [mín pǐn]
  • [civil products] 民用产品, 特指军工厂所生产的民用产品

  1. 在国家军转民的政策指引下,C研究院曾经实施了军民民品划分、分离的体制变革。

    In the national policy under the guidance of the conversion , C Research Institute have implemented the reform of separation and division , the .

  2. 软件采用嵌入式Linux操作系统,该操作系统是公开源代码的自由软件,无版权要求,特别适合民品应用和降低成本。

    The software is based on embedded Linux OS , which is free and adapted to civil product development and reducing cost .

  3. 第三部分,应用SWOT方法对四海工业总公司的民品企业进行了分类。

    The third part makes a classification to the civil product company of the described example by using SWOT way .

  4. 随着C研究院从军工市场步入民用市场,民品市场成为C研究院的竞争主体,其发展战略及组织结构为C研究院的可持续发展服务。

    With the C Research Institute from the military market into the civilian market , the civilian market become C Institute competition subject , its development strategy and organization structure for the C Institute for sustainable development .

  5. CBT树脂基体复合材料力学性能好,抗冲击能力比环氧树脂强,在军品及民品中有一定的发展潜力。

    The mechanical performance of CBT resin composites is good , and its impact resistant ability is better than that of epoxy resin , therefore it has potential in military and civilian applications .

  6. 它主要被用于XXX系统的复进簧或者航空发动机的气门弹簧等特殊场合,而在民品中应用比较少见,这是由于多股簧制造工艺复杂、制造成本较高。

    It is mainly used in recoil check spring of XXX system , complex aero-engine valve spring and so on . However , their application for civilian use is relatively rare as a result of their complex manufacturing process and high manufacturing cost .

  7. 航空科研院所拓展民品市场的方法

    Some Ideas on Developing Civil Products Market for Aeronautical Research Institute

  8. 军工企业发展民品的战略选择探析

    Analysis on Strategy Options for Defense Enterprises to Develop Civilian Products

  9. 关于军工研究所发展民品产业的几点思考

    Several considerations of institutes engaged in war industry developing civil products

  10. 钛合金及其成形技术在民品中的应用前景

    Application of titanium alloys and its forming technology in commodity

  11. 中物院民品的发展及若干经验教训

    ⅰ、 Experience and morality of civil product development in CAEP

  12. 所有这些都阻碍了企业民品的发展。

    These all obstructed the development of the public products .

  13. 航天民品企业的技术创新初探

    A Preliminary Study of Creative Techniques of the Aerospace Public Product Enterprises

  14. A军需企业民品发展研究分析

    A Study on Business of Developing Civil Product for A Military-Supplies Enterprise

  15. 所以,近年来开发一些民品的项目。

    Therefore , in recent years developed a number of civilian projects .

  16. 重庆前卫仪表厂民品发展战略研究

    The Research on Civilian Produce Developing Strategies of Chongqing Qianwei Instrument & Meter Factory

  17. 市场经济中的供产销原理与民品生产决策

    Supply , production and sales principles in market economy and decision-making in civilian products manufacturing

  18. 成都飞机工业公司民品开发战略评价

    Evaluation of CAC Civil Product Development Strategy

  19. 本文还综述了含钪铝合金在军事和民品方面的应用。

    In this paper , an outline of their military and civil potential applications were also presented .

  20. 军工企业与民品企业融合发展的系统结构模型及分析

    The System Structure Model and its Analysis on the Corporation Development of War Industry and Civilian Product Enterprises

  21. 兴办实体,扩大市场,并提出了不同阶段民品工作的指导思想和工作原则。

    The respective guiding ideologies and operating principles during different stages raised by the paper are also valuable for reference .

  22. 第二章对湖南省兵器工业集团有限责任公司的民品发展现状进行了分析,在此基础上提出了今后的发展目标;

    Chapter 2 analyses the actuality of the civil product development , then put forward a target for the corporation ;

  23. 某航天企业属于航天科技集团,响应国家军转民和集团公司发展民品的号召,开始大力发展民品。

    An enterprise belongs to the aerospace industry , it responded to the policy and began to develop the public products .

  24. 此外,各个餐饮企业还在现场布置展台,现场制作美食,免费供市民品尝。

    In addition , the restaurants and shops also set up their own kitchen booths to cook food for people to taste .

  25. 为使环保机械产品作为本系统的一大支柱民品,提出发展战略目标和构想。

    In order that environmental mechanical product becomes a pillar product in the sysytem , the strategic aims and imagination is proposed .

  26. 紫外探测器在军事高科技和民品市场的紫外通信和成像方面具有很高的价值。

    The ultraviolet detectors have wide applications in the field of ultraviolet communication and image of both military technology and commerce market .

  27. 民品市场是军工企业新的发展环境,必然要求新的企业文化与之相适应。

    The market of civilian productions is becoming a new environment for defense enterprises , hence the requirements for a new enterprise culture .

  28. 第四章则根据航天企业自身特点对其实施民品战略过程中的几个具体问题进行探讨。

    In the third chapter , it tries to discuss some problems which will appear in the process of the civil product strategy .

  29. 本文结构上分为四章:第一章以全国和湖南省国防科技工业为背景,描述了民品的发展概况以及本文的研究思路和目的;

    Chapter 1 describes the general situation of the civil product development based on the national defense industries and Hunan provincial defense industries ;

  30. 本文阐述了军工企业民品经营的现状和存在的问题,提出并分析了军工企业发展民品的战略选择。

    The article describes the current status and issues of defense enterprises developing civilian products , puts forward and analyses the strategy options for them .