
mín bàn jiào shī
  • citizen-managed teachers;teacher not on the government payroll
  1. 不可以享受国家的民办教师福利待遇。

    Can not enjoy treatment of welfare of teacher of run by the local people .

  2. 中国民办教师始末研究

    Historical Research on Chinese Local People Teachers

  3. 近几年,各级政府在解决教师住房、工资待遇、民办教师等问题上,做了许多工作,对稳定教师队伍、调动教师积极性起了很好的作用。

    During recent years all levels of government have contributed a great deal toward solving problems in teachers ?

  4. 中国民办教师转正是从少数民族地区等边远地区开始的,到1982年才在全国进行。

    The work started from minority nationality regions and other remote areas , then throughout the country in1982 .

  5. 当过农民、铁路工人、民办教师、电影放映员等。

    He used to be a farmer , railway worker , community school teacher , film projectionist and so on .

  6. 国度明白划定到20世纪末消化所有及格民办教师,所以把这一段时光称为民办教师的“消化期”。

    The State made a clear decision to turn all non-state employed teachers into state employed teachers , so the period was called " digestion period " .

  7. 代课教师大量出现在八十年代停止招民办教师之后,在1997年突破了100万,达到了顶峰。

    In 1980s a large number of substitute teachers , which in 1997 exceeded one million , and reached its peak , appeared after stopping stocking private teachers .

  8. 代课教师是继国家解决民办教师问题后在农村地区出现的一个特殊群体,尴尬的身份与拮据的经济收入使得代课教师受到了社会各界的广泛关注。

    Substitute teachers is the national private teachers to solve problems in rural areas after a special group , the identity of embarrassment and economic constraints of the revenue made by substitute teachers widespread concern in the community .

  9. 在中国的历史长河中,有过民办教师存在的身影,他们从产生到发展以及最终身份的转变都诠释着每一阶段特殊的含义。

    Citizen-managed teachers have appeared as a special group in the long history of China . From its generation , development to the eventual change in the identity of these teachers , each stage has its specific meaning .

  10. 主要包括优化的目标、设计程序、绩效考核方法的选择,考核周期和考核频率的确定、绩效考核指标体系的设计等;第四章提出了XX民办高校教师绩效考核体系的实施保证。

    It mainly includes the optimizing optimum objective , design program , the choice of performance appraisal methods , the confirmation of examination cycle and assessment frequency , the design of performance evaluation indicator system , etc. ; The fourth chapter proposes implementation guarantee of teachers ' performance assessment system .

  11. 民办院校教师人力资源管理问题的多学科分析

    Multi-subject study on human resource management of staff in private colleges

  12. 安徽省民办高校教师激励问题的研究

    Teacher Incentive Mechanism Research of Private Higher Education in Anhui Province

  13. 中国民办高校教师学术能力发展的问题及对策

    On Academic Ability Development of Private University 's Teachers in China

  14. 民办高校教师职业过劳的成因与对策分析

    Reasons and Solutions to the Job Burnout of Teachers in Non-Governmental Colleges

  15. 农村民办幼儿教师专业成长的叙事研究

    A Narrative Research on Rural Non-governmental Kindergarteners ' Professional Development

  16. 宁德市蕉城区民办幼儿教师心理问题研究

    Psychological problems of teachers in state-run kindergartens in Jiaocheng district of Ningde

  17. 教授教养质量的高下取决于民办高校教师的素质。

    Education quality is decided by the quality of teacher .

  18. 民办园教师的职业倦怠与其心理健康的关系

    Job Burnout and Its Relation with Mental Health among Private Preschool Teachers

  19. 对民办高校教师社会养老保险制度提出了一系列改革的措施。

    It proposes a series of reformational measures of social insurance system .

  20. 因而,如何对民办高校教师的教学津贴进行有效管理就具有非常积极的意义。

    So how to manage teaching allowance of private university effectively is positive .

  21. 排斥与融合:民办园教师生存状态的社会学考察

    Exclusion and Fusion : a Sociological Survey on Subsistence of Private Kindergarten Teachers

  22. 从民办高校教师的心理契约状况看师资队伍建设

    Faculty Construction from the Viewpoint of Psychological Contract of Teachers in Private Universities

  23. 民办学校教师专业发展的困境与对策研究

    Research on Dilemma and Countermeasure of the Teachers ' Professional Development of Private Schools

  24. 民办幼儿园教师心理健康状况的调查分析&以重庆市民办幼儿园教师为例

    Analysis on Teachers ' Mental Health Condition in Kindergartens Runned by the Local People

  25. 民办学校教师作为民办学校的主体,在民办教育的发展过程中发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    As the main part , teachers play a significant role in private education .

  26. 通过这些机制,才能更好地激励民办培训教师为民办培训学校工作。

    Only under these mechanisms can teachers work better for the non-governmental training schools .

  27. 民办高校教师自身应不断的提升自己,并且认同民办教育事业。

    For teacher , they should improve themselves constantly and identify non-governmental educational career .

  28. 重庆民办高校教师薪酬制度研究

    The Research on Teachers ' Salary System of the Non - Government Universities in Chongqing

  29. 青年民办幼儿教师职业倦怠与心理健康研究

    Survey of Mental Health States and Job Burnout of Young Kindergarten Teachers in Private Kindergartens

  30. 新《劳动合同法》下的民办学校教师权益的保障

    Protect the Interests of Teachers in Private Under the New " Labor Contract Law "