
  1. 敦煌寺院经济文书体现了唐五代时期的民间会计思想。

    The economic documents of Dunhuang temples reflect the civil accounting thoughts during the period of Tang and Five Dynasties .

  2. 中华民国时期的会计教育事业的主体是由公办会计教育和民间会计教育两个方面组成的,他们是会计教育的主力军,也是会计改革的推动者。

    The principal part of accounting education in the period of the Republic of China is composed of public-run and private-run accounting education system , which formed the main forces of accounting education , as well as the active driving force of reform in accounting system .

  3. 二是适当提升民间组织在会计标准制定过程中的作用和地位;

    Secondly , upgrading the position in nongovernmental organization in accounting standard formulation process properly ;

  4. 积极吸取民间对行业会计研究的成果以加强对行业会计的研究;同时,依托高校的科研实力进行行业会计的研究。

    Absorbs the succeed of industry accounting research from civilian and uses the advantages of the institutes to strengthen it .

  5. 我国民间非营利组织会计规范问题

    Issues on Accounting Standard Setting for China 's Nongovernmental Nonprofit Organizations

  6. 然后比较了政府会计、民间非营利组织会计及预算会计,分析了预算会计的缺陷及建立政府会计的必要性;

    It also compares governmental accounting with non-profit organization accounting and budgetary accounting , and analyzes the flaws of budgetary accounting .

  7. 关于我国事业单位会计制度改革的几点思考&借鉴《民间非营利组织会计制度》

    Think Deeply about the Reform of State-Owned Non-Profit Enterprises Accounting System of our Country & by Study the the Accounting System of Civil Non-Profit Enterprises ;