
  1. 就其表现形式而言,行政垄断可分为地区封锁、部门垄断、行政性公司垄断、行政强制经营行为及行政干涉企业联合五种类型。

    Administrative monopoly mainly has five forms : regional blockade ; branch monopoly ; administrative company monopoly ;

  2. 事后制裁是对造成地区封锁、部门垄断等行政性垄断状态的责任单位和责任人进行法律追究。

    Post-punishment is imposed on those units or persons whose behaviours lead to region blockade or sector monopoly .

  3. 反行政垄断没必要区分地区垄断与部门垄断

    The anti - administrative monopolization : unnecessary distinction of " the regioal " the " the sectional "

  4. 部门垄断和地区封锁的危害性,阻碍了全国统一大市场的形成,恶化了市场竞争条件。

    The department monopolism and region quarantine blocked forming a large national market and worsen the market competition condition .

  5. 此外,随着地区间合作的加深,部门垄断、地方保护、政府行政关系错乱等一些矛盾也逐渐显现。

    Additionally , with the deepening of inter-regional co-operation , sector monopoly , local protectionism , government administration and some contradictions are gradually apparent .

  6. 在中国公共文化服务领域,长期以来在制度安排上一直存在着公共部门垄断、市场准入壁垒、寻租和公共福利损减等诸多问题。

    Section monopoly , barrier for market excess and decrease in public welfare have existed in the system of public culture service over a long time .

  7. 特殊利益集团已事关深化市场化改革、打破行业和部门垄断、铲除滋生集团腐败等一系列社会问题的解决。

    Special interest groups have a bearing on deepening market-oriented reform , breaking the industrial , departmental monopoly , and eradicating collective corruption and a series of social problems .

  8. 由于城市公共交通行业属于城市公用事业,提供的是公共服务,因此,长期以来,我国的公共交通行业一直由公共部门垄断经营。

    As urban public transport industry belongs to urban public utilities , and it offers the public services . For a long time , urban public transport industry has been monopolized by the public sector .

  9. 实际上,有些金融约束政策可以创造租金机会,但在中国租金机会集中于国有商业银行和国有企业等,从而维持国有经济部门垄断。

    In fact , some financial restriction policy could create leasing opportunities , but these opportunities in China are mainly in the state-owned banks and enterprises , so that it encouraged economic monopoly by nation-owned branches .

  10. 本文将行政性垄断分为地区垄断、部门垄断、行政强制联合限制竞争与行政指定交易四种表现形式,并指出某些自然垄断行业呈现出行政性垄断的态势。

    The author thinks that there are four operation forms of administrative monopoly , including regional blockade , sector monopoly , compulsory associated restriction of competition , and points out that some natural monopolies present administrative-monopoly 's tend .

  11. 任何公司的采购部门都垄断了采购的责任。

    The procurement office in any large companies monopolised the duty to buy .

  12. 中国经济呈开放部门与垄断部门并存的二元结构格局。

    China 's economy takes on the shape in which coexist open and monopolized sectors .

  13. 1995年以前,我国的移动通信市场处于邮电部门的垄断之下。

    Before 1995 , China Mobile Communications market was monopolized by posts and telecommunications department .

  14. 其原因主要是劳动力市场发育程度低、部门职业垄断和国有部门用人机制改革滞后。

    Its reasons are mainly the low development degree of labor market , the monopolization of jobs in departments and the state-run department 's employing mechanism reform lagged behind with the society .

  15. 劳动力市场发育程度低,部门职业垄断以及国有部门用人机制改革滞后,阻碍了我国人力资源的合理配置。

    Moreover , the immature development of labour market , the departmental employment monopoly and the sluggish reform of state department in talents exploitation constitute an impediment to the sound distribution of China 's human resources .

  16. 通过并购内国企业,跨国公司就能够轻而易举地取得原国内企业的市场份额,隐性突破产业政策和市场准入的限制,在某些行业和部门形成垄断。

    By the way of merger and acquisition , multinational corporations can obtain market share belonging to domestic enterprises easily , break the limitation of industry policy and market entrance secretively , monopolize in some industries and departments .

  17. 今后政府及相关部门应从垄断定价改革、促进劳动力市场自由流动、约束寻租行为以及优化政府规制等方面入手,对行政垄断行业进行改革。

    From now on , the government and relevant departments should reform the administrative monopoly industries from reforming the monopoly price , promoting the free flow of labor markets , restricting rent-seeking behavior and optimizing the government regulation and other aspects .

  18. 它存在的范围很广,不仅电力、电信等行业的行政垄断令人关注,而且目前广泛分布于高等教育、医疗卫生等公用事业部门的垄断现象也越来越吸引人们的目光。

    The monopoly phenomenon exists in a very large range , not only electricity trade , telecommunication trade etc , which attract people 's attention , but also such public utilities departments as the advanced education , health care , which more and more attracted people 's sight at present .

  19. 随着全球竞争的加剧,公共部门以往的垄断性正受到挑战。

    But the global competition now is challenging the former privilege of public sectors .

  20. 世界各国电力部门的自然垄断的观念受到英、美等发达国家电力工业改革实践的挑战,许多国家对本国的电力工业进行了重组,建立了自己的电力市场。

    The natural monopoly opinion of electric power industry worldwide is challenged by electric power industry reform practice in developed countries such as England and America , many countries have restructured their own electric power industries , and established their own electric power markets .

  21. 行政干预还在一些部门导致有害的垄断行为,排除了公正的市场竞争。

    Administrative intervention also results in harmful monopolization in some sectors that eliminates fair market competition .

  22. 此次和解结束了这家美国公司与俄罗斯竞争监管部门--联邦反垄断局之间的长期斗争。

    It brings to an end a long-running battle between the US firm and Russia 's competition regulator , the Federal Antimonopoly Service ( FAS ) .

  23. 同时,我国有关部门正在进行反垄断法的立法工作,希望以此构建起一个完整的竞争法体系。

    Meanwhile , relevant legislation department in China has been taking up the formulation of the Antimonopoly Law in the hope of establishing a complete competition law system .

  24. 这些政府的左膀右臂被愤愤不平的消费者提起的法律诉讼所淹没的可能性,迫使相关部门在涉及反垄断法的这个部分时行动更加小心谨慎。

    The possibility that these important arms of the state could be deluged with court cases from aggrieved consumers has forced the authorities to move more cautiously on this aspect of the anti-monopoly laws .