
  • 网络Real Estate Brokerage;Real estate brokers;real estate agent
  1. 房地产经纪技巧

    The Basic Skill of Real Estate Agent

  2. 改革开放以来,伴随着房地产市场的繁荣,房地产经纪业作为房地产业中重要的服务性产业,也迎来了历史性的发展机遇。

    With the reform and opening of China , real estate agent profession , as an important service branch in real estate industry , has obtained historical developing chances with the prosperity of the real estate industry .

  3. 房地产经纪公司莱坊(KnightFrank)的数据显示,香港最昂贵住宅的价格已超过崩盘之前的高位。

    Prices of the most expensive homes are now above their pre-crash highs in Hong Kong , according to data from estate agent Knight Frank .

  4. 对于房地产经纪企业而言,建立企业内部网INTRANET及企业的WEB站点的巨大投入阻碍了电子商务发展,其中大多数仅停留在网上黄页的层面。

    The huge investment for intranet and web site prevents the development of the application of electronic business in small and medium real estate agency corporations , which only use the electronic business as an information platform simply .

  5. 根据房地产经纪公司莱坊(KnightFrank)的数据,自2009年3月以来,伦敦最高端住宅市场的价格已上涨49%,几乎完全是外国买家所推动的。

    Prices in the top slice of the London market have risen 49 per cent since March 2009 , according to estate agents Knight Frank , driven almost entirely by foreign buyers .

  6. 这项调查是房地产经纪公司莱坊(KnightFrank)实施的,考察了资产逾3000万美元的超富人群的生活方式,以及他们购买的非常昂贵的顶层公寓、城堡、公馆和庄园。

    The study , by real-estate broker Knight Frank , looked at the lifestyles of the superrich-those with more than $ 30 million in net assets-and the very expensive penthouses , castles , mansions and estates they buy .

  7. 房地产经纪公司中原地产(centaline)表示,2011年有近900宗土地流标流拍,约是2010年的3倍。

    Nearly 900 land auctions failed in 2011 , about three times more than in 2010 , Centaline , a property company , said .

  8. 香港房地产经纪公司中原地产(Centaline)表示,2011年四季度,内地购房客占香港住宅销售额的比例达到四分之一,为历史最高水平。但这一比例在今年一季度降至仅8%。

    Buyers from the mainland , accounting for as much as a quarter of home sales at the peak in the fourth quarter of 2011 , dropped to only 8 per cent in the first quarter of this year , according to Centaline , a property agency .

  9. 房地产经纪业的关系营销发展理论研究

    Study on the Theory of Relationship Marketing for Real Estate Broking

  10. 美国房地产经纪市场运行效率综述

    A Literature Review on Operating Efficiency of American Real Estate Brokerage Market

  11. 房地产经纪在房地产市场中发挥着重要作用。

    Real estate agency plays an important role in real estate market .

  12. 加大房地产经纪规模化经营力度;

    Strengthening the scale operation of the real estate brokerage ;

  13. 我国房地产经纪业的现状分析和对策研究

    A Study of Chinese Real Estate Brokerage : Current State & Future Prospects

  14. 不幸的是,他的房地产经纪没办法跟他一样扭捏作态。

    Unfortunately , his estate agent could not afford to be so coy .

  15. 中美房地产经纪运作模式的比较研究

    A Study on Real Estate Brokerage 's Operating Mode between China and America

  16. 该《办法》同时明确了房地产经纪机构和人员的从业禁止行为。

    The rules also define prohibition of real estate brokering agencies and agents .

  17. 房地产经纪课程多维教学方法解析

    Analysis on Multidimensional Teaching Method Estate Manger Course

  18. 然后介绍了房地产经纪机构的组织形式和经营模式。

    Then it introduces the organization form and business model of real estate brokerage .

  19. 建立完善的房地产经纪机构资质管理制度;

    Setting up the perfective qualification management system of the real estate brokerage organization ;

  20. 房地产经纪的内涵与特征分析

    Analyzing Connotation and Charactristics of Real Estate Brokerage

  21. 华嘉汇是北京优秀的高端房地产经纪服务公司之一。

    Good View Property is one of the outstanding high-end real property agencies in Beijing .

  22. 关于房地产经纪与营销的研究

    Research on real estate brokerage and marketing

  23. 外资房地产经纪盯上二手房

    Foreign Estate Broker Focus on Second-hand Houses

  24. 这两个新的业务:房地产经纪机构和房地产经纪。

    This presented two new lines of business : Real Estate Broking and Real Estate Agency .

  25. 房地产经纪人称,这些公寓当时价值接近600万美元。

    They were worth close to $ 6 million at the time , real-estate brokers said .

  26. 房地产经纪人称,如今这七套公寓的价值超过1600万美元。

    Today , the seven apartments are worth more than $ 16 million , real-estate brokers said .

  27. 但是,记者从多家房地产经纪公司获悉,签订补充协议的寥寥可数。

    However , the reporter learned from the many real estate brokerage companies , signed supplementary agreement few .

  28. 信息共享、用户保护与双边市场有效竞争&以房地产经纪业为例

    Information Sharing , User Protection and Workable Competition of Two-sided Markets & Taking Real Estate Brokerage As an Example

  29. 改革开放以来,房地产经纪迎来了历史性的发展机遇。

    Since the reform and opening up , real estate brokerage has been facing a historic opportunity for development .

  30. 由于房价前景仍然黯淡,全香港的房地产经纪公司可能都在降价。

    Real estate agents across Hong Kong may be slashing their prices as the outlook for home prices remains bleak .