
  • 网络REITs
  1. 曾经满足于持有国内股票和债券组合的客户,如今纷纷寻求有关亚洲房产基金和软性大宗商品的投资建议,迫使私人银行家要让自己快速熟悉这些新产品。

    Clients who were previously happy with a domestic portfolio of stocks and bonds are now seeking advice on Asian real estate funds and soft commodities , forcing private bankers to rapidly familiarise themselves with new products .

  2. 房产投资信托基金启动地产融资能否走出窘境?

    Real estate investment trusts real estate financing can start out predicament ?

  3. 房产或是共同基金投资是有很大利润的。

    You can prosper if you invest in property or mutual funds .