
  • Estate Agent;Realtor;house agent
  1. 根据房屋中介机构中原地产(Centaline)的数据,2013年香港住宅价格较2012年仅微幅上涨。

    Prices rose only slightly compared with 2012 , according to an index by property agency Centaline .

  2. 房屋中介机构我爱我家的负责人明确表示了他的观点。

    I love my family housing intermediaries responsible person clearly expressed his views .

  3. 后来,招架不住房屋中介不知疲倦来电骚扰,我决定将闺房出嫁。

    Later , overwhelmed housing intermediary tireless harassment calls , I decided to Her marriage .

  4. 当房地产进入萧条的时候,美国的房屋中介的销售顾问都在忙什么?

    When real estate into slack , American homes intermediary sales advisor are busy doing ?

  5. 决定租房以后,我们便着手联系所有的房屋中介公司。

    Having decided to rent a house , we set about contacting all the accommodation agencies .

  6. 一些房屋中介公司以所谓“质优价廉”的房屋招徕看房客户。

    Some housing agency to the so-called " quality and cheap " housing to attract critically customers .

  7. 目前,房地产行业的不断升温,房地产市场也空前活跃,此时房屋中介服务机构也随着不断涌现。

    With the heating up of the real estate industry and the real estate market , housing intermediary services are emerging .

  8. 拉尔夫:我刚跟房屋中介谈过,她明天会带我们去看房子。

    Ralph : I just talked to our new real estate agent and she 's going to show us some houses tomorrow .

  9. 据北京大型房屋中介“链家地产”表示,一套公寓的平均租金为3000元/月。

    According to Lianjia , a major local estate agency , currently the average rent for an apartment is 3000 yuan per month .

  10. 据当地房屋中介透露,1月份上半月,上海房屋交易量同比增长了三分之一。

    Transactions in Shanghai in the first half of January reportedly jumped by more than a third year-on-year , according to local estate agents .

  11. 直接通过房屋中介,或者是公开的房贷交易网搜寻合适的抵押物都是安全可行的做法。

    Look for loans that are for sale either by contacting lenders directly as a loan broker or by searching on a public loan exchange .

  12. 学生可从大学后勤办公室、校内广告、网上或是当地房屋中介这些地方获取招租信息。

    Students can get to let information from the university welfare office , adverts around campus or on the Internet , and local estate agents .

  13. 在采访中,记者也发现,除了部分业主不愿意采用资金监管之外,一些房屋中介的态度也颇为耐人寻味。

    In the interview , the reporter also found that while some of the owners are unwilling to adopt the management of funds , housing intermediary attitude is quite intriguing .

  14. 到周五为止,雄安新区有关部门已经调查并处理了765起非法房地产交易和建设问题,拘留了7名嫌疑人,关闭了71家房地产销售部门和35家房屋中介。

    Friday , authorities in Xiong'an New Area have investigated and dealt with 765 illegal real estate transactions and construction issues , detaining 7 suspects , and closing 71 estate sales departments and 35 housing agencies .

  15. 本研究在借鉴国内外研究成果的基础上,以辽宁省大连市旅行社、房屋中介和律师事务所的顾客为样本,设计了相应的变量测量项目,并且通过预调研对问卷的信度进行了检验。

    Based on literature review , this text takes the customers of travel agency , house intermediary organization and law firm in the Dalian city , Liaoning province as sample , designs relevant scale items , and tests the reliability of the questionnaire by the pre-survey .

  16. 他占公司51%的股份,于是我成为曼哈顿的一家房屋租赁中介。

    He got 51 % , and I became a rental agent in Manhattan .

  17. 活动现场还有室内设计师帮忙选择装饰,房屋租赁中介也在场将这些公寓作为投资物业来讨论。

    Interior designers were also on hand to help select finishes , and rental agents were available to discuss the condos as investment properties .

  18. 该系统将覆盖来自政府、个人、房屋开发商和中介等的所有出租房源。

    The system will cover apartments put up for rent from all sources - the government , individuals , real estate developers and agents .

  19. 房屋置业中心作为一种新事物,尽管发展前景看好,但并不是很容易就经营好,它同样存在着经营风险,全国很多房屋中介退出房屋置业中心的业务就清楚说明了这一点。

    Although the future seems bright , House Tenancy Center is not very easy to operate , which can be seen from many cases of withdrawing the business of House Tenancy Center .