
  1. 他们对PPP都持有乐观的态度,认为PPP可以解决在当前公私有房屋交付方式下房屋业主在融资、设计、建筑、运营以及维修中所面临的各种问题。

    These professionals are optimistic that PPP can solve the problems of financing , designing , building , operating and maintenance that are currently facing the house owners under the current public and private housing delivery methods .

  2. 问:有关于房屋交付方面的问题请教。

    Q : Some aspects of advice on housing delivery .

  3. 若甲方未能在本合同规定之交付日或变更后的交付日将该房屋交付给乙方,乙方承诺同意给予甲方90天的宽限期。

    Where Party A fails to deliver the house to Party B on the delivery date as required in the contract or the delivery date after modification , Party B makes a commitment to agree to give Party A a90-day grace period .

  4. 我国商品房预售制度与国外商品预售制度存在一个明显的差异,即在房屋成品之前就交付全部房款给开发商。

    Between the pre-selling system of our country and other countries , there is an obvious difference , i.e.deliver money to a developer before the house is completed .

  5. 本部分认为,房屋租赁契约生效后、房屋交付前承租人所享有的权利是合同债权,而真正的房屋租赁权是指房屋交付后承租人所享有的权利。

    It is thought that after the lease contract takes effect , the rights enjoyed by the lessee are contract creditors before the house is delivered . The real housing leasehold refers to the rights enjoyed by the lessee before the house is delivered .