
fáng guǎn jú
  • Housing Administration Bureau;department of housing management
房管局[fáng guǎn jú]
  1. 房管局房屋管理信息系统的设计及实现

    The Design and Implementation of MIS for House Management Bureau

  2. 请不要再给房管局打电话了。

    And please don 't call the Housing Authority !

  3. 同时,随着房管局管理水平的不断提高,也对管理工作的软、硬件设施提出了新的要求。

    At the same time , with the management level improvement , House management bureau also have higher requirement on hard and software resources .

  4. 在行业背景和技术研究的基础上,重点研究了测绘条例管理办法和各地房管局需求的基础上,建立了一种关联房屋信息和房屋户型图的系统。

    On the basis of the industry background and technical studies , establishing a correlation of housing information and the Housing Unit map system .

  5. 基于房管局管理信息系统的研发工作,本文全面阐述了该系统的设计开发的全过程。

    Base on research and development work of the House manage bureau management information system , this thesis describes the whole design and development process .

  6. 市国土房管局可根据实际情况,对局部地区的基准地价级别进行调整。

    The Municipal Bureau of Land and House Administration may adjust the grades of base land prices of some areas in light of the actual situations .

  7. 周日,天津滨海新区房管局宣布了处理距离爆炸区较近的七个居民区中被损毁房屋的计划。

    On Sunday , the Housing Management Department in Tianjin Binhai New Area announced a plan to handle apartments damaged at seven residential compounds near the blast scene .

  8. 随着地籍测绘成果的不断纳入,电子地籍图库作为广州市国土房管局基础图库系统的基础,将实现广州市国土房管局基础图库系统数据的不断更。

    With the continuous absorbing the recent achievement of surveying and mapping , the digital map warehouse will become an infrastructure of basic land map management system of GuangZhou .

  9. 通过市房管局资质认定,在白蚁防治行业独树一帜、成绩斐然,是集防治、科研、技术服务于一体的经济实体。

    Accreditation through municipal housing bureau , in the termite control industry , unique , impressive , is a prevention and control , scientific research , technical services in one economic entity .

  10. 苏州市MY建筑设计院是于2003年由事业单位转制而成的股份公司,其前身是1978年成立的苏州市房管局设计室。

    Su Zhou MY Building Design Institute is transfers a limited-liability company in 2003 by the institution which the system becomes , its Predecessor is the Su Zhou Housing and Real estate Administered Bureau Design Office which was built in 1978 .

  11. 而且,我国在很早就在颁布了《房屋权属登记条例》,在该条例中重点强调了国土房管局要做好房屋权属信息的档案管理,档案的管理实现档案电子信息化的要求。

    Furthermore , our country issued the registration of house title regulations early . The ordinance emphasized the requirements that the national territory & housing administration should do the files management of the house ownership information well and the file management should realize archives electronic computerization .