
fáng xíng
  • layout of a house or an apartment
  1. 方法:观察总结120例(129眼)无晶状体眼行II期后房型人工晶状体植入术,分析不同的手术方法及并发症。

    · METHODS : A total of 129 aphakic eyes ( 120 cases ) undergone secondary intraocular lens implantation was observed and their surgery methods and complications were analyzed .

  2. tuberculata和孔窝无梗囊霉A.后囊大破孔时后房型人工晶状体植入

    PC-IOL implanted in case with big hole of posterior capsule

  3. 32只兔眼均行晶体囊外摘除及后房型人工晶体植入术,术后1,3,5,7,14,21及30d定量动态观察人工晶体前膜的情况。

    The fibrinous membrane was observed after 1,3,5,7,14,21 and 30 days postoperatively .

  4. 小眼球高度远视眼透明晶状体摘除联合后房型Piggyback人工晶状体植入

    Clear crystalline lens extraction and implantation of two posterior chamber piggyback IOLs for microphthalmos with high hyperopia

  5. 基于AHP法的住宅小区规划设计方案评价方法研究中小套型住宅优秀方案房型统计分析

    The Study on the Evaluation of Residence Plan & Design Based on the AHP Method ; House Models ' Statistical Analysis on Excellent Plans of Medium and Small Type Dwelling

  6. 目的探讨一种改良式的经巩膜睫状沟缝线固定后房型人工晶体(PC-IOL)的手术方法及其远期疗效。

    Objective : To study a modified surgical procedure of posterior chamber intraocular lens ( PC-IOL ) implantation with transscleral sulcus suture fixation and observe the long - term results following surgery .

  7. 为探讨白内障超声乳化及人工晶体植入术中后囊破裂的原因及防治方法,对400例(430眼)白内障施行超声乳化术,植入PM-MA后房型人工晶体,分析其中后囊破裂原因。

    Objective : To analyze the cause and treatment of posterior capsule rupture in phacoemulsification . Methods : Phacoemulsification with PMMA posterior chamber IOL implantation were performed on 430 eyes of 400 patients .

  8. 方法我院1997年1月~2004年8月间采用后房型IOL缝线固定术完成了42例(43眼),均获得满意效果。

    Methods From January 1997 to August 2003,42 cases ( 43 eyes ) using of ciliary groove suture with posterior chamber type of intraocular lens all acquired satisfying result .

  9. 方法对8例(8眼)玻璃体切割术后无玻璃体眼行经巩膜睫状沟后房型人工晶状体固定术(PC-IOL)。

    Methods Eight eyes of 8 patients underwent scleral fixation of secondary intraocular lens implantation after vitrectomy .

  10. Artisan虹膜夹持型人工晶状体治疗无晶状体眼临床观察弹性开放襻前房型人工晶状体植入术

    Results of artisan iris clip intraocular lens implantation for aphakic eyes Clinical study on the implantation of elastic open loop anterior chamber intraocular lens

  11. 根据客户提出的对房型、结构、房组及其水、电、空调等各类辅助设施的不同需求,可以从模板库中快速检索出与客户需求最为匹配的CAD图纸。

    According to the different needs of the customer on the chamber , the structure , the Housing Group and its water , electricity , air conditioning and other ancillary facilities to from the template library to quickly retrieve the most matching customer needs with CAD drawings .

  12. 观察后房型Collamer屈光晶状体植入术治疗白内障的早期疗效

    The Observation of Ciliary Groove Implantable Collamer Lens Implantation Efficacy of Early Cataract Treatment

  13. 目的探讨小切口(5.5mm)、无缝线超声乳化(Phaco)和后房型人工晶状体(PC-IOL)植入术的临床疗效及其安全性。

    Objective To study the clinical effects and the safety of the operation of small incision ( 5 . 5mm ) sutureless phacoemulsification ( Phaco ) and posterior chamber IOL implantations .

  14. 方法:对2003/2005之间于我院行前房型Ahmed房水引流物植入后的20例难治性青光眼患者的术中术后并发症进行回顾性分析。

    METHODS : In the period from 2003 to 2005 , retrospective study of operative and postoperative application was based on 20 eyes which underwent Ahmed valve implantation via anterior chamber for refractory glaucoma .

  15. 结论:白内障超声乳化吸出联合小梁切除及后房型IOL植入术治疗青光眼合并白内障是一种安全有效的手术方法。

    CONCLUSION : The triple procedure of phacoemulsification , intraocular lens implantation combined with trabeculectomy is safe and effective for treating coexisting glaucoma and cataract , and it can reduce intraocular pressure , improve visual acuity rapidly with few post-operative complications .

  16. 定位前再次对项目所在区域市场按住宅、商业的不同产品类型进行市场细分,在此基础上定位62地块项目为SOHO中房型社区,建筑规模12万方,主力户型建筑面积在80-130平方米。

    On the base of all above analysis , it orients the 62nd # plot as SOHO dwelling unit community , whose construction dimension reaches 120,000 square meter and area of main type of house ranges from 80 to 130 square meter .

  17. 在25例晶状体囊环完整或存留2/3以上的眼植入后房型IOL于睫状沟内;5例作了IOL的透巩膜缝线固定术;

    Posterior chamber IOL was implanted in the ciliary sulcus in 25 eyes with a whole or 2 / 3 of lens capsule , trans scleral suture fixation of IOL in 5 eyes , anterior chamber IOL and IOL with artificial iris in one eye respectively .

  18. 方法高度近视眼患者26例44眼,近视范围为-9.875~-24.75D,行有晶状体眼IOLs植入术,植入Verisys前房型IOLs,比较手术前后最佳矫正视力变化状况。

    Methods A comparative study was conducted on the change in best corrected visual acuity before and after anterior chamber intraocular lenses were inserted in 44 eyes ( 26 patients ) with high myopia from -9.875 to -24.75 D.

  19. 报告81只眼行白内障囊外摘除及后房型人工晶体植入术,其中41只眼术中在皮质冲吸液中加入肝素(25u/ml);另40只眼作为对照。

    Extracapsular cataract extraction with posterior chamber lens implantation was performed on 81 cases of which 40 eye in the control group and 41 eyes were irrigated with heparin solution ( 25u / ml ) in the operation , the drug group .

  20. 目的评价糖尿病患者后房型人工晶状体植入术的手术时机及白内障囊外摘出(ECCE)与超声乳化白内障摘出(PHACO)两种不同术式植入后房型人工晶状体后的并发症和手术效果。

    Objective To investigate the operative opportunity and to evaluate the incidence of postoperative complications and the effects of posterior chamber intraocular lens ( IOL ) implantation after extracapsular cataract extraction ( ECCE ) and phacoemulsification ( PHACO ) for diabetic patients .

  21. 用Goldmann房角镜观察老年性白内障囊外摘除及后房型人工晶体植入术后半年30只眼,结果显示,虹膜周边前粘连17只眼(56%)。

    Months after senile extra-capsular cataract extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lens ( IOL ) implantation , Goldmann gonioscopy was performed on 30 eyes having undertaken the surgery . Peripheral anterior synechiae ( PAS ) were found in 17 eyes ( 56 % ) .

  22. 2建立玻璃体腔液体灌注系统维持术中和术后眼压分别为272cmH2.O(相当于20mmHg)和4.08cmH2O(30mmHg)。3硅油填充眼先行眼内硅油取出术,然后行后房型IOL植入术。

    Methods Vitreous irrigation was established to maintain intraocular pressure ( IOP ) at the level of 27 2 cmH 2O ( equal to 20mmHg ) in the operation and 40 8 cmH 2O ( 30mmHg ) after the operation , respectively .

  23. 方法:以Gullstrand(1号)模型眼及标准人工晶状体眼部分数据为基础进行数理推导,导出无晶状体植入后房型人工晶状体模型眼的理论参数。

    Methods : Based on Gullstrand exact model eye ( No.1 ) and standard intraocular lens ' model eye , we deduced the mathematic parameters of model eyes with posterior chamber intraocular lens in ( aphakia ) .

  24. 套型建筑面积90m~2的单体房型设计

    Design of Single Room Type with 90m ~ 2 Dwelling Floor-space

  25. 当所需房型没有时,怎样处理这种情形。

    How to handle special situation for not available room type .

  26. 残留囊膜支撑的一期后房型人工晶状体植入术

    Posterior chamber IOL implantation with functional anterior or posterior capsule support

  27. 带黑色虹膜隔后房型人工晶状体植入术的临床研究

    A clinical study on black diaphragm posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation

  28. 有晶状体眼后房型可植入式接触镜矫正高度近视患者18例

    Posterior chamber implantable contact lens for 18 cases of high myopia

  29. 房型:两厅是南北通。

    Room type : two hall is the north-south tong .

  30. 新型前房型人工晶体植入术治疗无晶体眼

    New type anterior chamber intraocular lens implantation for treatment of aphakic eye