首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 他让服务员送杯咖啡到他房里。

    He ordered coffee from room service .

  2. 一个好心人让我们住在他家的一间房里。

    A good Samaritan offered us a room in his house .

  3. 空气会变得特别炎热干燥,特别是在一个小玻璃房里。

    It can become extremely hot and dry , specially in a small glasshouse

  4. 在最大那间房里,地毯上坐了约12个小孩和7个大人。

    In the largest room about a dozen children and seven adults are sitting on the carpet

  5. 我们的主人从房里牵出一根延长电线,架起屏幕和投影仪。

    Our host ran a long extension cord out from the house and set up a screen and a projector .

  6. 他把自己关在房里一整天。

    He locked himself in the room for a whole day .

  7. 冷风往房里直灌。

    The cold air poured into the room .

  8. 孩子们跑进房里去问候他们的奶奶。

    The children charged into the house to greet their grandmother .

  9. 他直接向房里走去。

    He made straight for the room .

  10. 房里只剩下两个女仆,她们又开始了第二个回合的争吵。

    The two chambermaids being again left alone , began a second bout at altercation .

  11. 他在房里踱来踱去,滔滔不绝地讲着城里发生的事情。

    Pacing around the room , he talked endlessly about the goings-on in the city .

  12. 她决定带祖母离开家乡,和她一起住在学校附近的一间出租房里。

    She decided to take her grandmother from their hometown and live with her in a rented room near her school .

  13. 房里充满刺鼻的烟。

    The room was filled with acrid smoke .

  14. 一家杂货店的老板快要死了,全家人都聚在他的睡房里哀伤的恸哭。

    The owner of a grocery was on his deathbed . The entire family had gathered in his bed room weeping and wailing .

  15. 你就不能像tammy妈妈在自己房里喝酒?

    Why can 't you just drink alonein your room like tammy 's mom ?

  16. 我们可以看到牛奶房里有大量奶制品。

    We could see lots of milk products in the dairy .

  17. 吉诺曼先生转身向那些在房里的人大声说

    M.Gillenormand turned towards those who were in the room and cried

  18. 被捆绑着,而房里还有一个带枪的男人?

    Tied up , with an armed man in the house ?

  19. 屠维岳坐在自己的房里,低着头;

    Tu Wei-yueh was sitting in his office with bent head .

  20. 他们常常愿意住在一间房里节省点儿花费。

    They often want to room together to cut down expenses .

  21. 她不在房里也不在花园里。

    She is neither in the kitchen nor in the garden .

  22. 书和报纸散在房里到处都是。

    Book and newspaper dismiss inside the room to be everywhere .

  23. 他回到自己房里,开始考虑。

    On returning to his room , he communed with himself .

  24. 然后呢,还有一个人也从房里出来了。

    Then hor , another person came out of the house .

  25. 迈克尔在一间“公司”的贵宾房里醒来了。

    Michael wakes up in a guest room of The Company .

  26. 在你房里等着孩子去吧

    Wait in your room , my boy . Go on .

  27. 我们住在那个很大的树房里,熊哥哥说。

    We live in that big tree house , says Brother .

  28. 孩子们哪儿去了,叫他们到我房里来。

    Where are the children ? Have them in my room .

  29. 两个人回到巫婆的房里。

    And then they ran back into the witch 's house .

  30. 我在夫人的练功房里偷了好多药出来。

    I have stolen many antidotes from Madam 's exercise room .