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kāi shān
  • founder;cut into a mountain;cut into a mountian;to build a temple on a mountain primarily;open hillside(to grazing and fuel gathering)
开山 [kāi shān]
  • (1) [cut into a mountain]∶挖开山体

  • 开山找矿

  • (2) [to build a temple on a mountain primarily]∶在没庙的山上建寺院,本为佛教用语,后喻指开创一种行业或流派

  • (3) [open hillside(to grazing and fuel gathering)]∶一定时间内山区开禁

  • [founder] 开山祖师

开山[kāi shān]
  1. 这并未阻止他熟读这部令他即将亮相于好莱坞的开山之作《龙之舞》的英文剧本,一部联合了JasonScottLee和FannWong主演的新加坡电影制作项目。

    It didn 't stop him from memorising the English script for his upcoming Hollywood debut Dance Of The Dragon , a Singapore project co-starring Jason Scott Lee and Fann Wong . ( See report below ) .

  2. 兰登·温纳(LangdonWinner)是美国当代著名的政治理论家和技术哲学家,以其震撼学术界的开山著作《自主的技术》成为技术哲学领域的先锋人物,第一次将技术哲学与政治学联系在一起。

    Langdon Winner is a well-known American contemporary political theorists and technical philosophers , with his shocked academic book " autonomous technology ", he became a pioneer in the field of technological philosophy , It is also the first time connect the technical philosophy with the politics .

  3. 本文主要介绍了深圳蛇口工业区SCT二期陆域形成开山填海工程的爆破施工情况,提出了一些在城市复杂环境下爆破震动、爆破飞石、滚石等防治措施,对类似工程有一定的参考价值。

    This paper gives an introduction to the blasting construction of filling sea by blasting mountain in the second phase of SCT for Shekou lndustrial Zone in Shenzhen , proposes the prevention measures for vibration , flying and rolling stones by blasting , for reference to similar construction in future .

  4. 利用该系统原型,对开山公司的活塞式空压机系列产品按照DFMC的思想进行了重组,建立了产品族并按照订单要求进行了产品配置。

    With the system prototype , the piston air compressor series are redesigned according DFMC theory in the paper . A new piston product family is developed . Products meeting the order requirement are formed with the product configurator based on the product family .

  5. 开山软岩填筑路基施工技术

    The Construction Technology of Excavating Hill Soft Rock Fill Subgrade

  6. 听着,我要其他人开山默尔去。

    Listen , I need a driver to drive samuel .

  7. 王安石在北宋儒家学派中的地位&附说理学家的开山祖问题

    The Position of Wang Anshi in the Confucian School of North Song

  8. 开山石填海挤淤区非均匀软弱地基的治理软弱地基的处理

    Treatment of the uneven soft foundation in site-extruding area by excavating hills

  9. 他们是西城帮的开山祖。

    They were two of the founding members of the west side boys .

  10. 大型开山爆破工程技术十年实践回顾

    Ten Years Review Blasting Engineering Technology in Large-scale Mining

  11. 毛竹笋用林梅前开山施肥试验初报

    Preliminary Report on Cleaning and Fertilization before Raining Season in Bamboo Stand for Shoot Use

  12. 20世纪中国合唱创作的开山祖,当推萧友梅、赵元任两位。

    The founders of Chinese choral music in the20th century were Xiao Youmei and Zhao Yuanren .

  13. 当震撼撕裂大地我们开山辟路加油,中国!

    When the earth shook , we tear open the way of fuel mountains , China !

  14. 杨新敏《电视剧叙事研究》一书不愧是电视剧叙事理论的开山之作。

    Study of Teleplay Narrative written by Yang Xinmin is really a pioneering book on teleplay narratology .

  15. 论清代台湾的开山抚番政策

    On the Policy of " Cutting Mountains and Protecting Foreigners " by Taiwan During the Qing Dynasty

  16. 《狂人日记》既是中国现代小说的开山之作,又是中国现代心理小说的发端,与当时世界文坛最前卫的小说具有同步性。

    Maniac Diary is an earliest works of Chinese modern novels and a start of Chinese modern psychological novels .

  17. 斯密一直被尊称为伟大的哲学家、政治经济学的开山之父。

    Smith has been respectfully known as the great philosopher and the father of the pioneer of political economy .

  18. 本文对开山软岩填筑路基的技术要求、施工工艺和试验路段的施工做了简要的介绍和总结。

    The paper introduces technical requirement , craft and construction in test section of excavating soft rock fill subgrade .

  19. 梁漱溟倾尽全部心力构建他的文化理论体系,成为现代新儒家的开山者。

    Liang Shuming devoted himself to establishing his system of cultural theory , becoming the founder of modern new-Confucianism .

  20. 《第二十二条军规》是约瑟夫·海勒的代表作品,也是黑色幽默小说的开山之作。

    Catch-22 , representative book of Joseph Heller , is regarded as the first and greatest canon of black humor .

  21. 码头堆场强夯开山填土地基静载荷试验

    The Static Loading Test for the Foundation of Forced Ram Fill Cut from Mountain of the Storage Yard of Terminal

  22. 该诗由于运用意识流手法展现怪异的意象而被誉为现代主义诗歌的开山之作。

    Alfred Prufrock , a poem which is lauded as marking the beginning of modern poetry for its stream-of-consciousness use of uncanny images .

  23. 开拓与创造:地域文化精神的生动张扬&论浙江潮对中国新文学建设的开山之功

    Initiative and Creativity as Vivid Manifestations of Spirit of Regional Culture : On Epoch-making Contributions of the " Zhejiang Upsurge " to Chinese New Literature

  24. 《古镜记》作为唐代文言小说的开山之作,在叙事艺术方面有突出的特点。《古镜记》的叙事艺术主要表现在叙事角度和叙事时间两个层面。

    Being the beginning of the classical Chinese novel of the Tang Dynasty , The Story Of Ancient Mirror is characterized by the art of narrating .

  25. 弗雷格的《概念文字:一种模仿算术语言构造的纯思维的形式语言》可谓现代逻辑的开山之作。

    G.Frege 's Begriffsschrift , a Formalized Language of Pure Thought Modelled upon the Language of Arithmetic is well-known as a foundation stone in modern logic .

  26. 曹操作为“文人乐府”创作的开山之人,开辟、引领了文人诗歌创作的正确方向与道路。

    Caocao , as the founder of the creation of literate Yuefu verse opened and led the right direction and path of the writer poetry creation .

  27. 首届中国动漫嘉年华是中国动漫游戏城的开山之作,此后中国动漫游戏城的运营也将正式开启。

    Carnival is the first Chinese animation Chinese animation pioneer for the city game , then the operation of Chinese animation game City will officially open .

  28. 其开山之作《凶杀》一书的副标题也定为“一场谋杀案以及它后果的真实记录”。

    As the pioneering and classic work of new-journalism , In Cold Blood is claimed by Truman Capote to be a real account of a murder case .

  29. 由于长时间大规模的开山采石,平顶山及其周边地区的地质环境受到严重破坏,其地质环境的保护工作亟待展开。

    Because of the long time and Large-scale mining , the geological environment of Pingdingshan Mountain and its surrounding area is seriously damaged , and urgently protected .

  30. 胡适是新文化运动的开山宗师,在史学、文学、哲学及教育学等多个领域都有很高的造诣。

    Hu Shi is the guru of The New Culture Movement , who has high attainments in Historiography , Literature , Philosophy , Education and other fields .