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chuán jiào
  • do missionary work;preach one's religion;disseminate government affair;mission
传教 [chuán jiào]
  • (1) [disseminate government affair]∶传布政教

  • 昔者舜欲以乐传教于天下。--《吕氏春秋.慎行论》

  • (2) [do missionary work]∶传播宗教教义,劝人们信教

传教[chuán jiào]
  1. 我们设定他去非洲传教。

    Then we decided he went to do missionary work in Africa .

  2. 马礼逊是基督教新教来华传教的开山鼻祖。

    Robert Morrison was the first missionary of Protestant Church to do missionary work in China .

  3. 这个组织的教义和传教方式威胁到了社会的和谐统一。

    The group 's teaching and methods threatened social cohesion .

  4. 作为一名牧师,他相信上帝是用一生去传教的。

    He was a pastor who trusted in the Lord who lived to preach .

  5. 你应该从事传教工作。

    You should be in missionary work .

  6. 由于其传教式宣传方式十分成功,以及Linux的广为流行,“开源与GPL是同义词”的错误思想也到处弥漫。

    Through extremely successful evangelization , and the popularity of Linux , the misconception that OpenSource and the GPL are synonymous has become pervasive .

  7. 这无疑正是同为共和党员的摩门教徒、曾在法国传教的米特罗姆尼(MITTROMNEY)没有脱口说出法语的原因。

    That is surely why his fellow Mormon Mitt Romney , who spent his missionary years in France , has refrained from slipping into French .

  8. 作为韩国著名高僧之一,BopTa不赞成这种福音传播者。这帮人有时会把朝鲜信徒送回国,让他们冒着生命危险传教,在政府的宣传材料中,传教士被刻画成儿童杀手。

    Bop Ta , one of South Korea 's leading abbots , disapproved of such evangelists , who sometimes send North Korean converts back home to risk death as missionaries , depicted in state propaganda as child killers .

  9. 作为他对现代美国“末日天启教派”研究的一部份,威斯康星大学的保罗博耶(paulboyer)问:为什么这么多和他一样的美国公民易受电视福音布道者和其他“普及传教者”的影响?

    As part of his investigation into the " apocalyptic genre " in modern America , Paul Boyer of the University of Wisconsin asks why so many of his fellow Americans are " susceptible " to televangelists and other " popularisers " .

  10. 美国新教传教士卢公明(JustusDoolittle,1824-1880)在华传教十余载,其传教活动的进行与福州茶叶贸易发展的兴衰紧密相连。

    Justus Doolittle ( 1824-1880 ), a Protestant from America , was engaged in mission in China for over ten years . His mission was in close relation with the ebb and flow of the tea trade in Fuzhou port .

  11. 近代基督教传教运动与美国在华商业扩张

    Elegant Sports Protestant Missions and American Commercial Expansion in Modern China

  12. 他们甚至派人来向我传教。

    They even had a priest come and talk to me .

  13. 明末社会危机与耶稣会士在华传教的根本冲突

    Fundamental Conflict Between Late Ming Society and Jesuit Mission in China

  14. 教会通过传教促进了英吉利民族的形成。

    Church promoted the forming of English nation through missionary work .

  15. 唐代景教的传教模式和译经模式研究&唐代景教研究之三

    On the Preaching and Translating Methods of Nestorianism in Tang Dynasty

  16. 记者:依据圣经,妇女不可以传教。

    Q : according to the Bible women should not preach .

  17. 桑蒂西莫-特立尼达-德-巴拉那和杰西-德-塔瓦兰古耶酥会传教场所

    Jesuit Missions of La Santisima Trinidad de Parana and Jesus de Tavarangue

  18. 浸礼教会派了一个传教团去非洲

    A mission is sent to Africa by the Baptist church

  19. 但有多少女孩子会相约听宗教传教呢?

    They are less usual when waiting to hear a religious preacher .

  20. 赛珍珠传记作品与西方在华基督教传教运动

    Pearl Buck 's Biographic Works and Christian Mission in China

  21. 我还不知道救世军(基督教一种传教组织)有卖衣服呢。

    I didn 't know the salvation army was having a sale .

  22. 在监狱的教堂里,林肯凝视着牧师,倾听牧师的传教。

    In the prison chapel , Lincoln gazes up at the chaplain .

  23. 那是因为你妈妈在国外传教。

    That 's because your mom has her missionary position .

  24. 他完成了在印度的传教工作后,到了哥伦比亚的亚美尼亚。

    After missionary work in India he travelled to armenia , colombia .

  25. 清代法国耶稣会士在华传教策略

    An Analysis of the Strategy of French Jesuits in the Qing Dynasty

  26. 法国大约一半的清真寺没有传教者。

    Roughly half of all French mosques have no preachers .

  27. 监理会的这些活动产生了有利于传教的影响。

    These activities had good impacts on the missionary works .

  28. 当释迦佛传教时,他就追随佛祖。

    When Sakyamuni did missionary works , he followed sakyamuni .

  29. 至于传教,是指传播基督宗教。

    As for missionary , it is to point to spread Christianity .

  30. 它的开创和发展本意是为了服务于传教事业。

    Its original goal was for service in missionary work .