
chuán sòng
  • be widely read;be on everybody's lips
传诵 [chuán sòng]
  • [be on everybody's lips;be widely read] 传扬称颂

  • 传诵一时

传诵[chuán sòng]
  1. 它因积极乐观、催人奋进而被广为传诵。

    It is widely read for its positive and courageous tone .

  2. 未来的舌头也会将你永传诵。

    And tongues to be , your being shall rehearse .

  3. 数世纪来旅人传诵着关于这片神奇土地

    For centuries , travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes

  4. 他俩的爱情是好莱坞最为人传诵的。

    Theirs was the most storied romance in hollywood .

  5. 这使他成为了街头巷尾传诵的英雄

    made him a hero on the streets .

  6. 这次大选产生了许多“第一”,发生了许多故事,它们都足以为后世传诵。

    This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations .

  7. 然而他的《仁宗哀册文》传诵天下。

    However , his " Ren zong sorrow text book paper ," widely read world .

  8. 传说会被永世传诵,他的名字也会永远被铭记。

    Long will the legend be told , and forever will his name be remembered .

  9. 数世纪来旅人传诵着关于这片神奇土地以及那些神奇生物的传说。

    For centuries , travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures .

  10. 自1776年以来,《独立宣言》中所体现的原则就一直在全世界为人传诵。

    Since the1776 , the declaration of independence in principle has been told is in the world .

  11. 在我们当中一度传诵过的一句名言,有时我觉得英国人用来谈论爱尔兰也很合适。

    A phrase once famous among us has sometimes seemed to me fit for English use about Ireland .

  12. 千百年来,在这条古老的丝绸之路上,各国人民共同谱写出千古传诵的友好篇章。

    For two millennia , countless tales of everlasting friendship between peoples have been woven into this ancient network .

  13. 我看着你,想你的孤独在眼角的泪;你照着我,听我的寂寞在风中传诵。

    In my eyes , you are lonely in tears ; In your light , I am lonely in wind .

  14. 一八六○年代,巴拉圭和阿根廷、巴西、乌拉圭三国作战,巴拉圭将士的勇气传诵人口。

    During Paraguay 's war against Argentina , Brazil and Uruguay in the1860s , the courage of the Paraguayans was legendary .

  15. 一生他创作了众多的长篇小说,作品被广为传诵并且获得了高度的评价。

    For his whole life , he created many novels which were given high appraisal and remained popular up to today .

  16. 他被各个阶层的智利人所爱戴着,他的作品广为传诵,备受尊重。

    Beloved by Chileans of all classes , he is one of the most widely read and respected poets in history .

  17. 纵观当今流行歌坛,国人传诵百年、千年的古典诗词和歌词结缘的趋势,正在被听众所接受。

    It is being accepted that the lyric of modern songs is having closer connection with classical poetry sung by people for thousands of years .

  18. 唐诗中的许多优美篇章,不仅传诵国内,脍炙人口,而且早已超越国界,成为世界文艺宝库中的珍品。

    Many beautiful Tang poems are still on everyone 's lips in China today and turn to be gems in the treasure house of world literature .

  19. 绝句作为中国诗歌的代表之一,以其精炼的语言,规整的格式,浓缩的篇幅和深远的意境深受人们喜爱,也得到了广泛的传诵和发扬。

    As a representative of Chinese poetry , quatrains are commonly enjoyed by people for their concise language , regular form , short line and profound artistic conception .

  20. 古罗马人接受了古希腊光贤们睿智的法律及其思想,加上罗马人的聪明智慧,使罗马法名扬四海,广为传诵。

    Romans accepted the enlightening law and its ideology from Greece , which , plus Roman 's intelligence , made law of Rome known in the whole world .

  21. 基督教〈福音书〉引用〈以赛亚书〉比其他先知书多,它的“将刀打成犁头”至今仍为人们所传诵。

    The Christian Gospels lean more heavily on the Book of Isaiah than on any other prophetic text , and its " swords-into-plowshares " passage has universal appeal .

  22. 诗词歌赋中广为传诵的多佛白崖对面就是多佛海峡,位于隔断英法的海峡最窄处。

    The famous white cliffs , immortalized in song and verse , face the Strait of Dover , the narrowest point of the Channel separating England and France .

  23. 事情虽发生在好多年以前,但现今老老少少仍在传诵着,感谢将智慧施与人类的上帝。

    This happened years and years ago , but old and young still tell it and bless the Lord who gave His wisdom to human flesh and blood .

  24. 出版姊妹诗集《一路有你》和《一路想你》出版后,好评如潮,被各界人士广为传诵。

    Publishing sisters anthology " and the " all along the way you all think after publication , highly praised by people from all walks of life read today .

  25. 1283年,年仅47岁的文天祥去世。文天祥在监狱中写下的《正气歌》,成为千古传诵的不朽诗篇。

    Wen Tianxiang died in1283 , at the age of47.The Song of Integrity , which he wrote behind prison bars , is regarded as a classic of its kind .

  26. 自从他广被传诵的运动员生涯在上世纪90年代中期结束以来,马拉多纳行为乖张的名声就盖过了他在任何球队的执教声誉。

    Since his storied career as a player ended in the mid-1990s , Maradona has been known more for his erratic behavior than for his expert stewardship of any given team .

  27. 奥运健儿们拿自己的青春和生命释放自己的光彩,星空下被多少人传诵着无与伦比的伟大!

    Olympic athletes who take their own youth and the release of their own lives and glamour , how many people were under the sky has been read with unparalleled great !

  28. 《西厢记》文辞典雅秀丽,情景交融,名句隽语,美不胜收,千载而下为人传诵,可谓美丽的长篇叙事诗。

    " The West Chamber " diction elegant beauty , scenes , famous paradox , beautiful , golden down from HG Wells , can be described as a beautiful long narrative poems .

  29. 古丝绸之路上的古城阿拉木图有一条冼星海大道,人们传诵着这样一个故事。

    The ancient city of Almaty is also on the ancient Silk Road . In Almaty , there is a Xian Xinghai Boulevard , which got its name from a true story .

  30. 以牡丹为题材的神话传说,诗词歌赋,千古传诵不辍,堪称花文化中之最。

    Take the peony as the theme myth fable , the poems and songs , the eternity will be on everybody 's lips ceaselessly , will may be called in the flowered culture .