
yāo jing
  • evil spirit;demon;bogy;goblin;monster;alluring woman;peri
妖精 [yāo jīng]
  • (1) [bogy;demon;goblin;monster;evil spirit]∶妖怪,有魔法或巫术的鬼神

  • (2) [alluring woman]∶比喻以姿色迷人的女子

  • 你若丢了我,再娶了别的妖精。--《儒林外史》

妖精[yāo jing]
  1. 游戏介绍:把空降下来的小妖精们都消灭掉,消灭妖精会得到宝物,还可能得到幸运的累,就可以将妖精一举消灭。

    The game is introduced : all eliminate little evil spirits dropping from the air down , it will get treasures to eliminate the evil spirit , may also get the lucky one hard , can eliminate the evil spirit at one blow .

  2. 绿妖精的尖牙从他的嘴唇里龇出来。

    The green fairy 's fang thrusting between his lips .

  3. 那个叫作罗宾好伙计的精明而又顽皮的小妖精

    That shrewd and knavish sprite call 'd Robin Goodfellow ( Shakespeare )

  4. 在名为《电脑怪人、黑客和山精》(Phreaks,HackersandTrolls)的论文中,学者加布里埃拉•科尔曼(GabriellaColeman)将互联网颠覆者类比成神话里恶作剧的妖精。

    In her essay on Phreaks , Hackers and Trolls , academic Gabriella Coleman likens internet disrupters to the tricksters of mythology .

  5. 一些特殊类型的糖尿病,如:青年发病的成年型糖尿病、矮妖精貌综合征、脂肪萎缩性糖尿病和Rabson-Mendenhall综合征为单基因致病并符合孟德尔遗传。

    Some specific types of diabetes , such as MODY , Leprechaunism , lipoatrophic diabetes , and Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome , are monogenic forms of diabetes and are inherited as a Mendelian pattern .

  6. 物理学中的三个妖精及其简单性和复杂性思想意蕴

    Three Demons in Physics and their Implication on Simplicity and Complexity

  7. 神是一个女孩,但我是一个妖精!

    God is a girl , but I 'm a spirit !

  8. 如果你非得给我取名,就叫我小妖精吧。

    If you must give me a name , call me hobgob-lin.

  9. 小妖精是公平的和轻蔑除了高的建立。

    The elves are fair and of slight but tall build .

  10. 他是被人们称作“片翼之妖精”的战斗机飞行员。

    He was a fighter pilot they called Solo Wing Pixy .

  11. 没有了魔法,古灵阁坍塌成妖精尸首的巨大坟墓。

    Enchantment-free , Gringotts collapsed into a mass grave for goblin bodies .

  12. 妖精A:哈利·波特先生有带钥匙吗?

    A Goblin : And does Mr. Harry Potter have his key ?

  13. 要是我能跟绿水那小妖精一样走运就好喽。

    If I am as lucky as that tramp nok-su .

  14. “还用得着这油嘴滑舌的小妖精来袒护我!”

    " To have that mealymouthed little mess take up for me !"

  15. 残酷的妖精,魔鬼在自己伪装成天使。

    Cruel seductress , devil in disguise as an angel .

  16. 爸爸,爸爸,你没听见妖精之王在轻声。

    ' Father , father , can 't you hear what the Erlking .

  17. 你要墨西哥小妖精?一齐来收拾他。

    You want the Mexican leprechaun ? Well , let 's take him .

  18. 希望把你们当成妖精是我们的错误。

    We hope that it is our mistake to take you as sprites .

  19. 他们将会称我为一个小妖精,一个阻隔进步的公敌。

    They 'll call me a vamp , a public enemy obstructing progress .

  20. 我们就把它给砍了喂妖精吃。

    Then we 'll chop him up and feed him to the monster .

  21. 爸爸,爸爸,现在妖精之王抓住我了!

    ' Father , father , now he 's taking hold of me !

  22. 如果我是妖精,那就看好你的男人!

    I see you please ! I am waiting for a long time !

  23. “好吧,那就等到明天吧。”妖精说。

    wait till tomorrow , then , " said the goblin . 5 .

  24. 穿著这种衣服使他看上去像个小妖精。

    He looked like a goblin in those clothes .

  25. 用行话说,就是我要“干掉”妖精。

    So now I have to " take out ", to use the vernacular .

  26. 那里有妖精,师傅,不要去那里。我们走别的路吧。

    The monster is there . Master , let 's take the other way .

  27. 但是他随后就被居住在树林里的小妖精发现了。

    But soon he was discovered by the goblins that lived in the woods .

  28. 我们要做配对的爱尔兰妖精纹身。

    And we 're getting matching Leprechaun tattoos .

  29. 想当然耳,对于妖精或巫术之说,刑事主任哈德利压根儿从未相信过。

    Naturally , Superintendent Hadley never for a moment believed in goblins or wizardry .

  30. 你会带给我们一个妖精。

    You can bring us back a leprechaun .