
  1. 新江苏精神的时代意义

    The Significance of the Times of the New Jiangsu Spirit

  2. 新时期江苏农产品加工业发展前景探析

    An Analysis of the Development Prospect of Agricultural Products Processing Industry in the New Period in Jiangsu

  3. 新时期江苏经济发展模式必须改变,推进循环经济建设。

    In the new-era , we must change Jiangsu 's development pattern and propel cyclic economic construction .

  4. 新世纪发展江苏石油化工之管见

    Thoughts on developing Jiangsu Petrochemical Industry in the next century

  5. 探索医患纠纷处置新机制:江苏省经验

    Exploration for a new mechanism on solving doctor-patient conflict : experience from Jiangsu province

  6. 新世纪初期江苏的发展前景和投资环境

    The Development Future and the Investment Environment in Jiangsu at the Beginning of the New Century

  7. 当代服务业对外直接投资的新特征与江苏服务业开放策略

    New Features of Contemporary Direct Investment Outward in Services & Analysis on Opening Strategy of Jiangsu Service Industry

  8. 周一以蓝星新材、江苏阳光为代表的有机硅、多晶硅概念股异军突起。

    Monday to Bluestar new material , as represented by Jiangsu Sunshine Organic silicon , polysilicon concept stocks rise .

  9. 保护和提高耕地综合生产能力的新思考&江苏省土地开发整理复垦调研报告我国农业综合生产能力研究

    A New Look at Protecting and Promoting the Farmland Comprehensive Productive Capacity & Report for study on land development , consolidation and reclamation

  10. 第三节,介绍了新思想在江苏省的传播,教育的普及程度以及由此而带来的绅民权利意识的觉醒,为江苏咨议局的筹备和运作中民间参与主体的积极性作了背景准备。

    Section three is about the spread of new ideas in Jiangsu Province . The popularization of education and awakening of elites ' rights conscience led to the active preparatory work for a Provincial Assembly .

  11. 最后,结合实证计算结果和宏观经济环境、交通运输业的新特点、江苏交通运输的发展要求以及运输量及交通工具预测给出相应的政策建议。

    In the end , from result of positive calculation , macroeconomics environment , new characteristic of traffic transport industrial , development demand in Jiangsu and prediction of traffic quantity , the paper gives the corresponding policy suggestion .

  12. 本文以长江三角洲经济发展新阶段和江苏沿江开发战略实施为背景,对南京沿江开发战略实施的基本条件、基本原则和基本策略等问题作了较深的分析。

    Taking new stage of economic development in Yangtse Rive Delta and the Exploiting Strategy along Yangtse Rive of Jiangsu province as the main background , this paper discusses the basic qualifications , principles and strategies of the Nanjing 's exploiture along Yangtse Rive .

  13. 新农村建设下江苏农村教育问题及其发展对策

    Jiangsu Rural Education Question and its Development Countermeasure Under New Rural Reconstruction

  14. 进入新世纪后的江苏省苏南地区已基本实现教育现代化。

    After entering the new century , Jiangsu province has basically achieved the modernization of education in its southern areas .

  15. 后发地区发展产业集群的新思路&以江苏省高邮市城南经济新区为例

    New Ideas of Developing Industrial Cluster in Late - developing Area - Based on Economic District in the South of Gaoyou City in Jiangsu

  16. 80年代中期到90年代末基督教(新教)在江苏北部地区农村取得了迅速地发展,目前它已成为苏北地区五大宗教之一。

    The Christianity has developed very fast from the middle of 1980 's to the early years of 1990 's in the rural areas of Northern Jiangsu .

  17. 这不仅能提高竞争力,也能提高公众对化工的接受度,使该行业获得新发展,成为江苏经济增长的新支柱。

    This will not only increase the competitiveness but boost public acceptance of the Chemical industry and will revitalize the industry into a new growth pillar for Jiangsu .

  18. 妇女群体分层与女性社会特征新走向&以江苏省南通市妇女发展与妇联工作为个案的研究(之一)

    Stratification of Women Group and New Tendency of Female Social Features ( Case of Women Development and Work of Women 's Federation in Nantong , Jiangsu ) ( I )

  19. 提出构建新长铁路(江苏段)沿线经济协作带的设想:分析构建的可能性,强调构建的意义,阐明区域的现状,并给出构建的对策。

    It also put forward an imagine to build economic coordinated belt along Xin-Chang railway line ( the section of Jiangsu Province ) . It analyzed the possibility , emphasized the significance , expounded the regional situation and suggested some measures .

  20. 改革开放尤其是新世纪以来,江苏机电产品出口的规模迅速扩大,在江苏总产品出口中的比重已超过三分之二,成为江苏对外贸易与经济发展的重要推动力量。

    The export of Jiangsu mechanical and electrical products has been witnessed rapid growth since reform and opening up , especially since the coming of new century . It has occupied two thirds of the total exports of Jiangsu and has become the important motive power .

  21. 因此,如何化解利用外资过程中存在的矛盾与问题,保持竞争优势,制定利用外资新战略,开创利用外资新模式和新局面,是江苏需要完成的一项重大而艰巨的任务。

    Therefore , how to resolve the contradictions and problems existing in the utilization of foreign capital , maintain the competitive edge , develop new strategies and create a new model of foreign investment is an important and arduous task for Jiangsu to be carried out .

  22. 在新的历史条件下,“创业创新创优”的三创精神是新时期江苏人文精神的升华

    Presently , entrepreneurship , innovation and excellence-creating are the sublimation of the spirit .