
  • 网络Haimen Port;PORT OF HAIMEN
  1. 海门港外航道水深浅(最浅处达1.2m)且距离长,吃水深的重载货轮都须乘潮进港。

    The outer channel of Haimen Port is very shallow and lengthy . The shallowest water is only 1.2m from the water surface .

  2. 海门港外航道通航条件研究

    Research on Navigation Condition in Outer Channel of Haimen Port

  3. 境内有台金、甬台温高速公路、甬台温高速铁路、黄岩机场、海门港等形成的立体交通网。

    Taijin-Yongtaiwen highway , Yountaiwen high-speed railway , Huangyan airport and Haimen port comprises the solid communication network .

  4. 本论文为使研究更具有实践意义,对江苏海门市东灶港牡蛎礁保护区的社区环境教育模式进行了探讨。

    It is practically significant to discuss the mode of the community environmental education in the Xiaomiaohong oyster reefs reservation in Dongzaogang town of Haimen city in Jiangsu Coast .