
  1. 宁德市位于福州、温州两大旅游城市之间,是海峡西岸旅游区连接长江三角洲旅游区的重要桥梁。

    It is located in between Fuzhou and Wenzhou which are two tourism cities , It covers the west coast of the strait tourist area and is a very important bridge connected the tourist area of the Yangtze river delta .

  2. 海峡西岸旅游区的建设旨在加强对台合作往来,加快区域经济融合发展,形成海峡经济、文化的合作区域。

    Construction of Tourist Zone of West Band of Taiwan Straits aims at strengthening communication and cooperation with Taiwan , and speeding up the integration and development of regional economy to form economic and cultural cooperation region of Taiwan Straits .

  3. 福建省处在海峡西岸滨海旅游区,对于两岸交流和海洋经济的发展具有重要意义。

    Fujian is located in the West Coast Tourism Area , so it takes an important part in cross-strait exchanges and the development of marine economy .