
zhǔn rù
  • access;admit
  1. 市场准入的行政管理措施

    Administrative Aspects of Market Access

  2. 中国将继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,坚定不移扩大改革开放,放宽市场准入,持续优化营商环境,积极扩大进口,扩大对外投资,为世界经济稳定作出贡献。

    China will continue to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and prudent6 monetary7 policy . We will continue to advance reform and opening-up , widen market access , improve the business environment , and expand imports and outbound investment to contribute to a stable world economy .

  3. 只有正式认可的记者才获准入内。

    Only accredited journalists were allowed entry .

  4. 大幅缩减外资准入负面清单

    Significantly shorten the negative list for foreign investment .

  5. 国家发展改革委副主任宁吉喆表示,国家将进一步优化外资营商环境,推行一系列政策,包括缩减外资准入负面清单,鼓励外资参与中国制造业高质量发展。

    Ning Jizhe , deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission , said that the country would further improve the business environment for foreign investment , implementing and incentivizing overseas investors in participating in the high-quality development of its manufacturing industry .

  6. 市场准入是WTO的重要规则。

    Market access is one of the most important rules of WTO .

  7. WTO环境下新型市场主体准入制度的构建

    Construction of New Type Access System for Market Subject under WTO Background

  8. 中国加入WTO后,外资金融机构的市场准入将逐步放宽,中资金融机构面临的冲击和挑战将加大。

    The financial market adopts gradually the open policy after China 's accession to WTO .

  9. 从市场准入承诺看加入WTO给西部高等教育带来的挑战

    Challenge from market access of China 's entry into WTO to high education in western

  10. WTO的市场准入制度

    The WTO 's Market Access System

  11. 试论WTO框架下的外资准入

    Discussion of Alien-investment-access in WTO Framework

  12. 提出了一个P2P网络的准入控制方案。

    An admission control scheme for P2P networks is proposed in this paper .

  13. 尽量缩小行政许可范围,以适应WTO市场准入原则要求;

    Minimizing scope of administrative license so as to accord with WTO 's principle of admittance of entering market ;

  14. 能源服务是WTO新一轮服务贸易市场准入谈判的新议题。

    Energy service will be the new issue of the new WTO negotiation about market access of service trade .

  15. P2P网络的准入控制方案

    An admission control scheme for P2P Networks

  16. 以及PKI的标准、产品与服务准入问题。

    As well as PKI standards , production and service admission problems .

  17. 而市场准入限制也是凌驾于WTO成员政府干预服务贸易自由化的国内监管之上。

    And the market access limitation also overrides domestic regulation which intervenes the liberalization of service trade by the government of WTO members .

  18. 网络随机接入ON-OFF重尾流的准入控制研究

    Research on Call Admission Control of Stochastic Accessing ON-OFF Heavy Tailed Flows

  19. 关联域(Context),即构成该学科会聚的以中心项为主的相关领域,这是确定准入人员、准入项目的依据;

    Context . It refers to the fields relevant to the Central Item , by which the structure of personnel and project proposals can be judged and evaluated .

  20. 在Linux上构建基于802.1x的端点准入校园网

    Structure Campus Network with the Mechanism of " Endpoint Admission " Based on 802.1X on Linux

  21. 而我国外资法在国民待遇,外资准入和透明度等方面与WTO规则的要求皆存在着一定的差距。

    But our Foreign Investment Law has some disparities on the national treatment , admission of foreign investment and the open politics with the regulation of WTO .

  22. 基于GoS的功率控制WCDMA系统呼叫准入控制算法

    GoS-Based Call Admission Control Algorithm for Power Controlled WCDMA Networks

  23. 该参量受网络QoS参数影响,且与上一时刻的网络准入能力具有一定的关联性。

    It can be affected by the network QoS parameters , vary with time and associated with the admissibility of the last time .

  24. 对照WTO的相关规则,我国会计服务市场交易主体及其准入制度的现状尚存在很多不足之处。

    In contrast with the relevant rules of WTO , there are many defects with the transaction participants and institution of market access on China 's accounting service market .

  25. 析CEPA中服务提供者的准入标准

    An Analysis of the Admittance Criteria for " Service Suppliers " in CEPA

  26. 苹果应用程序商店(AppStore)和谷歌安卓市场(AndroidMarketplace)之所以流行,一定程度上是因为它们降低了原生应用的准入门槛。

    Apple 's App Store and Google 's Android Marketplace are partly popular because they keep the barriers to entry low for native apps .

  27. 在市场准入方面,PPM的进一步发展可能会导致我国遭受更多基于环境的贸易限制。

    In market access , PPM may result in the further development of our country being more environment-based trade restrictions .

  28. Diffserv中基于测量的准入控制

    Measurement-based Admission Control in Diffserv

  29. 市场准入原则是GATS中一个关键性条件,也是成员方履行WTO所规范的实现世界贸易自由化的首要义务。

    Principle of market access is the essential terms of GATS , which are also the key measures regulated by WTO for world trade freedom .

  30. 我国加入WTO以后,市场经济体制的进一步完善和新的市场准入机会的增加,外资并购国内企业已十分普遍。

    Since China 's entering WTO , the further perfection of market economic system and the increase of new market field have made it prevalent for foreign investors merging and acquiring Chinese enterprises .