
zhǔn xǔ
  • permit;allow;permission;consent;all clear;let;say-so;a green light;leave;sanction
准许 [zhǔn xǔ]
  • [permit;allow] 允许;许可

  • 准许保释

准许[zhǔn xǔ]
  1. 访问控制(AccessControl)就是通过某种途径显式地限制或者准许访问能力及范围的一种措施。

    Access control is a measure that uses certain approach directly to limit or permit access ability and range .

  2. 访问控制服务是网络安全的一项重要内容,访问控制(AccessControl)就是通过某种途径显式地准许或限制访问能力及范围的一种方法。

    Access control service is an important item of network safety . It is a way to permit or limit access .

  3. 法庭准许他对判决提出上诉。

    The court granted him leave to appeal against the sentence .

  4. 只有轻型车辆才准许通过那座旧桥。

    Only light vehicles are allowed over the old bridge .

  5. 这事我需要获得经理的准许。

    I 'll have to clear it with the manager .

  6. 未经她准许,什么都不可以做。

    Nothing could be done without her say-so .

  7. 精灵准许他实现三个心愿。

    The genie granted him three wishes .

  8. 每张票只准许一位成人入场。

    Each ticket admits one adult .

  9. 卫兵准许我带相机和录音机。

    The guards permitted me to bring my camera and tape recorder

  10. 政府将准许他们在广播和电视上做广告。

    The Government will allow them to advertise on radio and television

  11. 准许雇员在业余时间使用高尔夫球场。

    Employees are permitted to use the golf course during their free hours

  12. 医生准许我重新开始训练。

    I was given the all clear by the doctor to resume playing .

  13. 最后他母亲让步了,准许她的小儿子结婚。

    Finally his mother relented and gave permission for her youngest son to marry

  14. 车辆准许进入,但是车位有限。

    Cars allowed , but parking is limited .

  15. 我请求准许离开。

    I pleaded to be allowed to go .

  16. 他们准许她冲个澡,换套衣裳。

    They had allowed her to shower and change

  17. 应该准许他偶尔也轻松一下。

    He should be allowed the occasional treat .

  18. 他请求准许离开房间。

    He asked permission to leave the room

  19. 他们不会准许你结婚。

    They 'll forbid you to marry

  20. 在当时,他们并不经常准许请假回家。

    In those days they didn 't let you off work to go home very often .

  21. 她的老板非常热心地帮助她,并准许她请假去看望母亲。

    Her boss was very supportive and gave her time off work to see her mum .

  22. 她最终被准许入会。

    She was finally granted a fellowship .

  23. 准许他们迟延48小时,以收集更多的证据。

    They were granted a delay of 48 hours to gather more evidence .

  24. 他们准许我出去打一个电话。

    They allowed me out in order to make a telephone call .

  25. 孩子们被准许尽情地看电视。

    The children were allowed to watch television to their heart 's content .

  26. 不幸的是,她没准许我们做这件事。

    Sad to say , she hasn 't given us permission to do it .

  27. 由于有校长的准许,会议将在学校大厅举行。

    The meeting will be held in the school hall , by permission of the headmaster .

  28. 决不准许严刑拷打。

    Torture should never be sanctioned .

  29. 海关准许携带酒类的最大免税限量是多少?

    What 's the maximum amount of wine you 're allowed to take through customs duty-free ?

  30. 她的父母准许她去,但规定她要在午夜前回家。

    Her parents allowed her to go , but made it a condition that she should get home before midnight .