
  • 网络lasik;lasik lasek epi-lasik;Hi-Safe LASIK
  1. 分析准分子激光手术(LASIK或LASEK)引起波前像差改变的相关因素。

    To analyze the relative factors that keratorefractive surgery ( LASIK or LASEK ) changes the wavefront aberration .

  2. 准分子激光手术在矫治儿童严重屈光参差性弱视中的作用

    The role of excimer laser surgery in treating children with severe anisometropic amblyopia

  3. 结论准分子激光手术有效提高屈光不正眼的裸眼视力。

    Conclusion Excimer laser cornea reshaping can improve the visual acuity of ametropia .

  4. 高质量的角膜屈光手术包括三个主要环节:优良的准分子激光手术设备;

    Higher quality corneal refractive surgery includes three major parts : excellent excimer laser device ;

  5. 准分子激光手术前后角膜形态及其波面像差的变化分析

    The variation analysis of corneal topography and wavefront aberrations before and after excimer laser surgery

  6. 人眼波前像差及准分子激光手术矫正的研究

    Study on Measurement of the Wavefront Aberration of the Human Eye and Corneal Refractive Surgery by Excimer Laser

  7. 目的了解近视患者接受准分子激光手术前的心理健康状况,为手术筛选提供心理学方面的依据。

    Objective To study the states of mental health of the myopic patients before excimer laser surgery , assist to screen patients who have psychological problems .

  8. 近十年准分子激光手术矫治儿童严重屈光参差的研究表明,该手术是安全、有效的,可预测性及稳定性均较好,为儿童屈光参差性弱视治疗提供了一个良好的条件。

    In recent 10 years , researches on excimer laser surgery in treating children with severe anisometropic amblyopia showed it was an effective and safe method for the correction of anisometropia with good predictability and refractive stability , and it provided a benefit in treatment of anisometropic amblyopia in children .

  9. 结论(1)准分子激光屈光手术后角膜愈合过程中成纤维细胞分泌产生生长因子bFGF及TGF-β1;

    Conclusions ( 1 ) bFGF and TGF β 1 were produced by fibroblast during the corneal wound healing after excimer laser refractive surgery ;

  10. 目的探讨在准分子激光屈光手术后角膜伤口愈合过程中,是否有生长因子bFGF及TGF-β1参与,两种生长因子对成纤维细胞增殖的作用及其相应抗体对这一过程的影响。

    Objective To study whether bFGF and TGF 1 were involved in the corneal wound healing after excimer laser refractive surgery , the role of the two growth factors on fibroblast proliferation , and the effect of anti bFGF antibody and anti TGF β 1 antibody during this process .

  11. 准分子激光层流手术室的使用与管理

    The using and management for operation room of quasi molecule laser laminar flow

  12. 准分子激光屈光手术角膜消融模式

    The ablating pattern of keratectomy by excimer laser

  13. 准分子激光角膜手术研究

    Investigation of Excimer Laser Keratoplastic Surgery

  14. 目的:通过对实验动物房水流畅系数的检测,了解准分子激光屈光手术对房水流畅系数的影响情况。

    Objective To investigate the changes of the coefficient of aqueous outflow after excimer laser operation .

  15. 眼睛做了准分子激光近视手术,会不会有什么后遗症?

    The eye became operation of myopia of accurate element laser , what sequela can you have ?

  16. 近年来准分子激光角膜手术迅速发展,人眼波前像差的矫正成为该领域研究的热点问题。

    Modern corneal laser surgery has been one of the effective methods for refractive error correction and wavefront aberration correction in recent years .

  17. 方法统计分析9800眼准分子激光屈光手术前及术后随访1年以上资料,比较术前三面镜检查到的眼底改变发现率及术后眼底疾病发生率。

    Methods 9800 eyes were followed up for more than a year and the data before and after the excimer laser surgery were statistically analyzed .

  18. 个体化切削,是根据个体的特性及需要去建立、适应或改变准分子激光屈光手术方式的一仪系列方法。

    The customized ablation is a kind of method with which to build , fit , or alter corneal surface according to individuals or needs .

  19. 目的通过统计行准分子激光屈光手术的患者术前检查的各项手术指标数据,分析其屈光状态,从而探讨影响近视度数(等值球镜度数)的因素。

    Objective To study the influence factors of myopic degree ( spherical equivalent refraction ) by counting the datum of each index before excimer laser refractive surgery .

  20. 分析了自适应光学系统、准分子激光角膜手术和其它非球面方法对人眼象差的矫正和所面临的问题。

    Several methods for correction of ocular aberrations , such as adaptive optics system , excimer laser corneal surgery and other aspheric methods were reviewed , and the encountering problems were listed .

  21. Q值调整的个体化准分子激光角膜屈光手术治疗近视的临床观察新辅助化疗加保肢手术治疗肢体骨肉瘤

    Clinical observation of Q-value guided customized LASIK for myopia The new adjuvant chemotherapy with limb salvage surgery for extremity osteosarcoma

  22. 证实了Epi-K角膜上皮刀在准分子激光表面切削手术中有其独特的优越性。

    Confirmed the Epi-K epithelial surface of the cutting knife in excimer laser surgery has its own unique advantages .

  23. 方法年龄2~3个月的健康恒河猴8只,每只猴一只眼接受准分子激光角膜屈光手术(PRK),使术后产生300D相对近视或远视性离焦(各4只);

    Methods PRK was performed in 8 healthy rhesus monkeys age ranging from 2 to 3 months . Either 3.00 D of relative hyperopic or myopic defocus was produced in one eye and the fellow eye as controls .

  24. 准分子激光在屈光手术中获得了迅速发展,193nm的准分子激光刻蚀角膜表面,改变角膜表面的光学结构从而矫正屈光不正,而且由于其微小的力学和热效应,不会损伤邻近组织。

    The excimer laser has shown a rapid development from the laboratory to its current clinical use for refractive surgery . Operating at 193 nanometers , the excimer laser is able to sculpt the corneal surface meticulously , altering the surface optical architecture to correct refractive errors .

  25. 角膜准分子激光屈光性手术中存在的不安全因素分析及防范

    Analysis and precaution of the unsafe factors in excimer photorefractive keratectomy

  26. 611例未行准分子激光角膜屈光手术的原因分析

    Analysis of the reasons that 611 patients did not undergo laser refractive keratectomy

  27. 飞点准分子激光角膜屈光手术理论及实验研究

    Flying Spot Excimer Laser Corneal Surgery Theory and Experiments

  28. 准分子激光眼屈光手术中的一种过渡区模型

    Blend zone model for excimer laser refractive surgery

  29. 近视眼患者选择准分子激光角膜屈光手术的影响因素

    Analysis of influencing factors on the choice to cure myopia by Excimer laser corneal refractive surgery

  30. 接受不同准分子激光屈光性手术后角膜厚度及曲率的变化以及对眼内压测量的影响

    Changes in corneal thickness and curvature after different excimer laser photorefractive procedures and their impact on intraocular pressure measurements