
  • 网络grain boundary energy
  1. 从理论上阐述了La降低晶界能和提高空位形成能的作用是改善合金持久性能的主要原因。

    Theoretical analysis shows that the main causes of stress rupture property improvement can be contributed to the effects of grain boundary energy lowering and vacancy formation energy raising .

  2. 空洞是材料的内自由表面,其形核长大与(2γs-γgb)有关,提高表面能、降低晶界能可增强材料的超塑性。

    Cavity is the inner surface of the alloy and its formation and growth relate with ( 2 γ s - γ gb ), increasing the surface energy or reducing grain boundary energy can enhance the superplasticity of the alloy .

  3. 一种考虑晶界能各向异性模拟晶粒长大的MonteCarlo方法

    A Monte Carlo Simulation of Grain Growth with Grain Boundary Energy Anisotropy Considered

  4. 分析了ZnO晶粒半导特性、ZnO压敏电阻晶界能带结构及晶界能带导电的机理。

    Semi conducting properties of ZnO varistor , structure of its energy band and conductive mechanism of grain bounder energy band were analyzed .

  5. 用热蚀刻方法测量了合金的晶界能。

    The grain boundary energy was measured with thermal etching method .

  6. 晶界能与晶粒取向差关系的原子模拟

    Misorientation dependence of grain boundary energy : an atomistic study

  7. 使晶界能和碳化物-基体的相界能降低,提高了界面结合力。

    The grain boundary energy and the boundary energy between grain boundary carbide and matrix are decreased and bonding strength of interface increased .

  8. 相对平移可以降低晶界能。可以间接地从理论上解释材料中晶粒间相对滑移变形的机制。

    The relative translation may reduce the grain boundary energy . May explain theoretically indirectly in the material the inter granular relative slip distorts mechanism .

  9. 再结晶晶粒的生长速度与再结晶驱动力成正比,再结晶驱动力取决于晶界能和位错密度。

    The growth velocity for recrystallized grain is proportional to the driving force of recrystallization , which is determined by the grain boundary energy and dislocation density .

  10. 晶粒生长的驱动力为晶界能,系统通过减小晶界面积达到减少体系总自由能的目的。

    The driving force for the normal grain growth is the grain boundary energy , and the system induces the total energy by shrinking the grain boundary area .

  11. 当晶界能与相界能增量之和等于晶界运动的驱动力时,晶界被粒子钉扎而停止运动。

    When the sum of grain boundary energy and surface phase boundary energy is equal to driving force , grain boundary is pinned by the particle and stops moving .

  12. 同时得出在不考虑晶格松弛的前提下,金属的孪晶晶界能为单个内禀层错能的一半。

    At the same time , we obtained that the energy of twins grain boundary ( without lattice relaxation ) equals a half of the single intrinsic stacking fault energy .

  13. 因此,薄膜中的晶粒生长除像传统的整体材料中的晶粒生长一样要考虑晶界能外,还应当同时考虑表面能、界面能和应变能。

    Therefore besides the minimization of boundary energy in traditional bulk material , the anisotropy of surface energy , interface energy and strain energy can drive the grain growth in thin films .

  14. 结果表明:各向异性晶界能和晶界迁移率使晶粒尺寸不均匀、形状不规则,降低了晶粒长大指数,晶粒尺寸分布偏离对数正态分布;

    The results show that the anisotropy of grain boundary energy and mobility induce grain size inhomogeneous , grain shape irregular , grain growth exponent decreasing , grain size distribution deviating from log-normal distribution .

  15. 因此,分析和研究晶界能和晶界结构对材料科学、冶金学、固体物理及固体化学提供重要的理论基础和指导。

    Therefore , the analysis and study the grain boundary energy and grain boundary structure on the material science , metallurgy , solid state physics and solid chemistry provide an important theoretical foundation and guidance .

  16. 结果表明,微量固溶的Ce可提高合金晶界激活能,从而改善合金晶界强度;

    The results show that trace solution Ce atoms can increase the activation energy of grain boundary , thereby improve the grain boundary strength of alloy .

  17. 计算结果表明:∑为5的晶界结构能最低,比较稳定;

    The calculated results show that the structure energy of the aluminum high angle grain boundary with Σ 5 is the lowest , it is the most stable structure .

  18. 采用位错理论推导出了一个具有晶界迁移能、再结晶平均晶粒尺寸以及位错密度等材料物理参数再结晶动力学模型。

    A recrystallization kinetics model is deduced by dislocation theory . In the model , three parameters , such as migration energy for grain boundary , recrystallization grain size and dislocation density , are included .

  19. 我们用扭转微蠕变的实验装置测定了纯铁的高温微蠕变与晶界滑移激活能及加Si,W等合金元素的影响,从而研究Si与W等合金元素对晶界耐热性的影响。

    The high-temperature creep of iron under very small torsional stress and the effect of the adding alloying elements Si and W upon the creep have been investigated .

  20. 从Arrhenius方程得出互扩散及晶界扩散激活能。

    And the energies of interdiffusion and grain boundary diffusion have been figured out by the Arrhenius equation .

  21. 根据实验结果,对奥氏体晶界迁移激活能(Q)进行了计算,计算表明随稀土加入量增加,Q值亦增加。

    According to the results , the activation energy for migration of grain boundary Q was calculated . With the increase of the amount of RE , the value of Q increases .

  22. 晶界纳米相能和基质形成高强度主晶界,从而对沿晶裂纹起强“钉扎”作用;

    It is suggested that toughening of the nano-composites is a result which is combined by strengthening of main boundaries with brittle effect of matrix grains .

  23. 出现反常电阻现象原因可能是Ca替代Y位,导致体系载流子浓度发生变化,从而使得晶界附近的电子能带结构发生改变.另外;

    This abnormal phenomena on the resistance might be caused by the Ca doping , which substitutes Ca ~ 2 + for Y ~ 3 + in the bulk and results in change of energy band structure near grain boundaries .

  24. 测量了晶界弛豫激活能的大小和不同温度下该材料的特征弛豫时间。

    The activation energy of the boundary relaxation and the specific relaxation time of the ceramics have been measured .

  25. 在523K-623K压缩温度范围内,试验材料的热激活能均小于铝的晶界自扩散激活能,表明该温度范围内试验材料的变形机制是以晶内位错滑移及攀移为主要特征。

    The thermal activation energies of all test material composites were lower than the thermal activation energy of self-diffusion of grain boundary ranged the temperatures from 523K to 623K , which indicated that the deformation mechanism were characterized by sliding and climbing of dislocations in the grains .

  26. Sn沿晶界偏聚降低了晶界能,使得{111}面织构在原始晶界处的形核和晶粒长大过程受到了抑制,从而降低了成品钢带中{111}面织构的比例。

    Because the grain boundary segregation of Tin could reduce the grain boundary energy the nucleation and grain growth of { 111 } nucleus at the original grain boundary were restrained .

  27. 以磷对晶界结合力、晶界扩散和晶界能的影响机理为基础,分析了磷元素对钢力学性能的影响和磷在钢中发生晶界偏聚的原因。

    The effects of phosphorus on mechanical performance of steel are analyzed on the basis of the influence mechanism of phosphorus on grain boundary cohesive force , grain boundary diffusion and grain boundary energy . The factors influencing phosphorus segregation on steel grain boundaries are also stated .

  28. 晶界是一种面缺陷,存在晶界能,并且有向低能态转化的趋势。

    GB was a kind of defect structure and contained GB energy , it has the trend of development to low energy state .

  29. 研究结果表明:增加单位体积的晶界数量,即增加单位体积的晶界能,能提高电极合金的塑性变形阻力。

    Study result indicates : adding the crystal boundary amount of unit volume , i.e. adding the crystal boundary energy of unit volume , can increase plastic deformation resistance of electrode alloy .

  30. XRD、SEM、EPMA测试分析表明铌掺杂增强硅化石墨的机理是:碳化铌相的生成使原材料平直表面界面锯齿化,并平衡晶界附近不饱和价键,降低了晶界能;

    The mechanism of intensifying of silicified graphite via Nb doping was based on the XRD , SEM and EPMA analyses . Formation of NbC phase caused straight surface grain boundary structure to form sawtooth and balance non-saturation bonds of grain boundary and reduce grain boundary energy .