
  • 网络crystal nucleation
  1. 认为适当的温度、实验室的清洁、容器的干燥和搅拌的均匀对控制晶体成核起着决定性的作用,这对获得大尺寸晶体至关重要;

    And it 's found that the suitable temperature , clean room , dry container and even stir are crucial for controlling the crystal nucleation .

  2. 由晶体成核理论中均相成核和非均相成核的理论模型分析了镁铝水滑石在不同条件下成核与生长以及表面活性剂在晶体成核过程中所起的作用。

    It is analyzed that the nucleation and growth of Mg , Al-hydrotalcite under different conditions by crystal nucleation theory and the role of surfactants in the process of crystal nucleation .

  3. 应用晶体成核-长大理论和SiC沉积热力学理论,解释了SiC沉积的各种形貌。

    All sorts of morphologies were accounted by using the principle of the nuclei-growth of crystals and the theory of thermodynamics of SiC deposition .

  4. 方法观察胆固醇结石中的细菌在模拟胆汁中的生长活性及其对胆固醇晶体成核时间(NT)的影响。

    Methods Observe the bacteria activity in model bile and the influence of bacteria on the cholesterol nucleation time ( NT ) .

  5. 通过研究共聚物的等温结晶动力学发现,随DTC含量增加,聚合物结晶速率减慢(晶体成核和生长速率均减慢)。

    The isothermal crystallization kinetics of random copolymers shows that the crystallization rate decreases with the increase of DTC amount .

  6. KIO3晶体成核和结晶习性的研究

    Studies on the nucleation and crystallization habits of kio_3 crystals

  7. 结果表明,由于该反应体系晶体成核和生长的速度太快,初级粒子(晶核)及次级粒子之间频繁的相互碰撞,聚集生长导致了特殊的3-D结构。

    Results show that a high collision number of primary particles ( nuclei ) and / or subunits , due to the very easy nucleation and crystal growth , lead to mutual aggregation of colliding particles in three dimensions .

  8. 研究结果表明:双表面活性剂的模板效应和混合溶剂的协同效应等在调控HAP晶体成核和生长过程中起着重要的作用。

    The results indicate that dual surfactant template effect and the synergic interaction with solvents effect can play a key role in mediating nucleation and growth of HAP crystal . 2 .

  9. 溶剂&非溶剂法重结晶细化级配HNS的实验研究确定了反应结晶和溶析结晶过程中晶体成核和生长速率方程。

    Experimental Study on Recrystallization Thinning and Gradation HNS by Solvent Anti-solvent ; The nucleation and growth rate equations of DSP were determined by non-linear regression analysis .

  10. 抗有机杂质镀镍添加剂对镍沉积晶体成核过程的影响

    Effects of anti organic impurity additive on electrocrystallization for nickel plating

  11. 聚集过程类似于晶体成核与增长。

    The process of aggregation proceeds via a nucleation and growth mechanism .

  12. 仅铜绿假单胞菌和粪肠球菌能缩短胆固醇晶体成核时间。

    Only pseudomonas aeruginosa and enTerococcus faecalis could ly shorten the cholesterol nucleation time .

  13. γ-氨基丁酸晶体成核动力学、晶体生长及热力学性质研究

    Investigation on the Nucleation Kinetics , Growth and Thermal Properties of γ - aminobutyric Acid Crystal

  14. 提出了一种新的间歇动态法,用来测定晶体成核与生长动力学参数。

    A new batch transient method is developed for the determination of crystallization growth and nucleation kinetic parameters .

  15. 运用热力学和晶体成核-长大理论,解释了温度对热解碳形貌和沉积过程的影响。

    Temperature influences on morphology and deposition process of PyC are explained by means of thermodynamics and the nuclei-growth principle of crystals .

  16. 认为熊去氧胆酸可通过降低胆固醇饱和指数,延长胆固醇晶体成核过程而对胆囊结石起预防作用。

    We believe that small dose of ursodeoxycholic acid may prevent the gallstone formation by decreasing cholesterol saturation index and lengthening the nucleation time .

  17. 确定了反应结晶和溶析结晶过程中晶体成核和生长速率方程。具指数型反应项的半线性抛物型方程组解的爆破速率估计

    The nucleation and growth rate equations of DSP were determined by non-linear regression analysis . Blow-up estimates for semilinear parabolic systems with exponent reaction terms

  18. 壳聚糖浓度不同结晶形态发生变化,浓度过高会抑制晶体成核生长。

    The morphology of minerals would be changed by different concentration of chitosan in the system , but nucleation and crystallization could be inhibited in higher concentration of chitosan .

  19. 参照工业装置氧化反应的工艺条件,以实验室制备的氧化反应液为原料,研究对苯二甲酸在其氧化反应液中的晶体成核与生长动力学规律。

    Crystallization process of crude terephthalic acid ( CTA ) was investigated with reaction liquid of paraxylene ( PX ) oxidation as raw material obtained referring to industrial conditions .

  20. 粘度越大晶体成核均匀,生长速度慢,有利于晶体长成形貌均一的结构。

    With higher viscosity the crystal size is uniform , and will grow slower , which is can help the crystal growing into a structure which is more homogeneous .

  21. I型胶原是骨组织细胞外基质的主要有机组分。它是骨中的有机基质模板,限定了矿物晶体成核的位置和生长空间。

    Type I collagen , the main organic component of the extracellular matrix of bone , serves as the template of bone matrix and controls the nucleation site and growth space of hydroxyapatite .

  22. 研究表明竹炭在整个反应过程中除作为吸附剂填料外还起着固体粉末乳化剂、成核剂(气泡成核剂,晶体成核剂)、固体粉末稳泡剂等作用;

    It was revealed that bamboo charcoal not only functioned as adsorptive stuff , but also served as solid powder emulsifier , nucleating agent ( bubble nucleating agent , crystal nucleating agent ), solid powder stabilizer agent during the process of reaction .

  23. 通过晶体的成核和生长理论初步解释了棒状ZnO粒子的形成过程。

    The formation mechanism of the rodlike ZnO particles was explained in terms of the theory of crystal nucleation and growth .

  24. 采用FT-IR,XRD,SEM等研究了四种不同模拟体系中胆红素钙晶体的成核与生长情况。

    The nucleation and growth of calcium bilirubinate produced in four different aqueous biomimetic systems were characterized by FT-IR , XRD and SEM .

  25. 通过对SiO2膜的表征和分析,结果表明有机模板对无机晶体的成核与生长存在调制作用。为了进一步控制成膜过程,实验采用了引入外加电场的方法。

    The outcomes by characterizing and analyzing silica films demonstrate that organic template can modify the nucleation and growth of inorganic crystal .

  26. 受损伤非洲绿猴肾细胞调控CaOx晶体的成核与生长

    Traumatise VERO Control the Nucleation and Growth of CaOx Crystal

  27. 在N2保护和敞开体系两类不同的反应环境中,分别研究了纯水溶液、葡聚糖水溶液和聚乙二醇水溶液中胆红素钙晶体的成核与生长情况。

    The crystal growth of calcium bilirubinate was studied in pure water , dextran and polyethylene glycol aqueous solutions with the protection of N2 or in the open system .

  28. 通过对氧化反应过程中二价铁离子浓度的监测,确定了不同温度下Fe(OH)2氧化反应的反应动力学及反应活化能。从理论上分析铁黑颜料晶体的成核机理及成核热力学。

    By the measurement of the Fe2 + ions concentration during the reaction process , components of Fe ( OH ) 2 in precipitance regularity was obtained , furthermore , reaction kinetics and activity energy of Fe ( OH ) 2 oxidation reaction at different temperature were determined .

  29. 双连续微乳液中草酸钙晶体的成核生长

    Nucleation and Growth of Calcium Oxalate Crystal in Bicontinuous Microemulsions

  30. 氧化物晶体的成核机理与晶粒粒度

    Nucleating Mechanism of Oxide Crystal and Its Particle Size