
  • 网络misorientation
  1. 利用SEM、TEM研究了单晶铝与多晶铜的形变显微组织特征并测定了形变显微组织中不同亚结构间的取向差。

    The sub structure characters of cold rolled aluminum single crystal and tensile strained copper polycrystal was studied and the misorientation between different sub structures after deformation was measured by TEM and SEM .

  2. 结果表明,平均取向差(θcry)小于15°的亚晶数量占95%以上,其平均直径约6μm ̄7μm,随亚晶平均取向差增大,亚晶平均尺寸增大;

    It is found that the number of sub-grain with mean misorientation of less than 15 ° is more than 95 % , and their linear diameter average is 6 μ m ~ 7 μ m , which become large with increasing of mean misorientation ;

  3. 本文还结合再结晶形核条件提出了以参数θ(mc)作为平均取向差临界值作为EBSD定量分析材料部分再结晶的一项判据。

    And together with the recrystallization theory , the parameter θ _ ( mc ) which is critical value of θ _m can be used as a quantitative description of recrystallization in EBSD analysis of the partially recrystallized materials .

  4. 微观组织分析表明,ECAP方法在细化两相组织、提高合金强度的同时,还改善了α相组织的均匀性和等轴性,并使各晶粒间的取向差逐渐增大。

    The analysis of the microstructures reveals that ECAP process could not only refine the α and β phases , but also improve the homogeneity of a phase microstructure and increase the misorientations between grains in both phases .

  5. 随着晶界取向差的增大,晶界迁移距离和迁移速率增加。

    The variation in the migration distance with misorientation was obtained .

  6. 金属再结晶过程中晶粒取向差分布的统计计算方法

    Statistical Calculation Method of Misorientation Distribution between Recrystallization Grains and Deformed Matrix

  7. 晶界能与晶粒取向差关系的原子模拟

    Misorientation dependence of grain boundary energy : an atomistic study

  8. 制取了具有[110]对称倾斜晶界的纯铝双晶体,获得了18种不同取向差的纯铝双晶试样。

    Aluminium bicrystal rods with [ 110 ] symmetric tilt boundaries were grown .

  9. 金属双晶及三晶取向差简易测定法

    A Simple and Convenient Method for Examining the Orientation Difference of Bicrystal and Tricrystal Metal

  10. 用会聚束电子衍射中菊池线测定微合金钢中亚晶取向差

    Determination of misorientation between subgrains in a microalloy steel by using Kikuchi lines in CBED patterns

  11. 采用会聚束中菊池衍射,确立了计算机计算双晶取向差的方法。

    A computerized method to calculate misorientation between any two crystals using Kikuchi patterns in convergent beam electron diffraction was established .

  12. 随着再结晶的进行,晶粒之间的取向差呈小角度关系的比例下降,这是因为具有相近取向的亚晶数量随着再结晶的进行而减少的缘故。

    Because of subgrain coalesce and grain consumption , the ratio of small angle misorientation decreases with the process of annealing process .

  13. 实际取向差分布特征与理论情况的差异也证明了这一点,使用应变补偿机理解释了这一差异。

    This was further proved by the discrepancy between practical and theoretical misorientation distribution . The discrepancy was explained by strain accommodation mechanism .

  14. 对几个不同的反射,可在其摇摆曲线上观测到由基体畴和铁弹畴之间的取向差导致的反射峰的分离。

    The reflection peak separations resulting from the misorientation between matrix domain and ferroelastic domain were observed in the rocking curves for several different reflections .

  15. 钼单晶的Iθ曲线有一对规整的峰,峰的宽度很小,这表明晶界两边的晶粒取向差很小。

    I - θ curve of a Mo Single Crystal has two standard peaks and the widths of peaks are all narrower , which means the orientation deviation angle between the two side of low angle grain boundary is very small .

  16. 不同晶体包之间取向角差为55°左右,为大角度晶界。

    Different crystal packet has the 55 ° orientation difference , which is called wide angle grain boundary .

  17. 说明红细胞膜剪切弹性模量的增大使其变形性变差,表面粘度的增大导致其取向能力变差。

    These data demonstrated that the increase of E and μ m weakened the deformability and the ability of orientation of RBCs .

  18. 分析讨论了偏振成像光谱仪在满足所需调制度时偏振化取向的允差偏角;

    Permissible deviations of polarizer orientation in the Polarization Imaging Spectrometer is analyzed and discussed when the given modulation depth are met .

  19. 还用X射线衍射仪对样品结构进行了表征,结果显示Mg掺杂样品的衍射峰位较之无掺杂的样品稍有增大,生长取向性也变差。

    The samples were also measured using X-ray diffraction method to study its structure . The result showed that the peak angle of the doped nanorods were a little larger than the undoped ones .

  20. 无取向钢横向厚度差,IEC、欧洲标准较严,日本、中国较松。美国没有规定。

    The cross direction thickness difference of non-grain orientated silicon steel , in IEC , Europe standards is stricter , in China , Japan standards is looser , in US standards isn 't prescribed .

  21. 分析了二次再结晶过程中高斯取向晶粒与晶粒尺寸的关系及取向差分布;

    The Goss oriented grains , their grain sizes and their misorientations to the surrounding grains were analyzed .