
qǔ bǎo hòu shěn
  • Bail pending trial; undertake recognizance upon bail;post a bail and await trial with restricted liberty of moving
  1. 对我国取保候审制度之思考

    Thinking on System of Undertake Recognizance upon Bail in China

  2. 她获准取保候审。

    She was remanded on bail .

  3. 取保候审听证会通常在3分钟内结束。

    The remand hearing is often over in three minutes

  4. 他被取保候审。

    He was freed on bail pending an appeal

  5. 其次,简述了我国取保候审制度的历史沿革。

    Secondly the author introduces the history of guarantor pending trial .

  6. 取保候审制度的实施问题及立法完善

    Implementation of the Recognizance System and the Perfection of China 's Legislation

  7. 未成年人取保候审程序主体之重构

    On Reconstructing the Procedural Subjects of Juvenile 's Undertaking Recognizance Upon Bail

  8. 未成年人取保候审适用:问题与前瞻

    On the Application of Minors Recognizance : Problems and Prospecting

  9. 我国取保候审措施存在的问题及其对策

    The Problems and Solutions of the Guarantor Pending Trial in our Country

  10. 理解取保候审适用条件时应当注意的几个问题

    Some Problems of Application Conditions of Recognizance upon Bail

  11. 正在取保候审或者被监视居住的;

    Those who are awaiting trials on bail or subject to residential surveillance ;

  12. 调查与思考:取保候审的法律实务

    Investigation and consideration : the legal practice of release upon bail pending trail

  13. 取保候审制度定位之思考

    Reflection on the Positioning of the System of Release upon Bail pending Trial

  14. 批判与改造:取保候审制度解读

    Criticism and Reform : An Analysis of the System of Undertaking Recognizance upon Bail

  15. 取保候审制度研究

    Researching the Obtaining a Guarantor Pending Trial System

  16. 经济犯罪案件中取保候审的运用

    The Usage That Take to Protect to Await Trial In the Economic Crime Case

  17. 保释制度与取保候审之比较研究

    The Comparison between Bailment and Bailing Await Trial

  18. 实证研究反映了取保候审救济程序的缺失起因于立法的粗疏。

    The lack of remedy of guarantor pending trial originates from omission of legislation .

  19. 取保候审实施问题及对策

    Thought on the Issues and Suggestion in the Implementation of the Guarantor Pending Trial

  20. 依法申请取保候审权困难;

    It is difficult to apply for bail right in accordance with the law ;

  21. 当事人取保候审权利保护之不足

    Disadvantages of the Protection of Clients ' Rights in Obtaining a Guarantor and Pending Trial

  22. 而承办法官以防止引发民众骚乱为由拒绝二人取保候审。

    The judge refused bail on the grounds that their release might provoke mob violence .

  23. 在这个时候可以尝试一下申请取保候审。

    Can try to apply for await trial of be bailed out in this moment .

  24. 他获得了取保候审。

    He was bound over for trial .

  25. 第四部分论述了我国取保候审制度的理论基础和诉讼价值;

    The fourth part elaborates our country guaranteed pending trial system rationale and the lawsuit value ;

  26. 无偿服务非营利组织中的委托-代理关系保释制度与取保候审之比较研究

    Principal-Agent Relation in the Organization for Gratuitous Services The Comparison between Bailment and Bailing Await Trial

  27. 论文对我国的现行的取保候审制度进行分析并和国外的保释制度相比较,指出我国的取保候审制度存在的不足并针对存在的缺陷进行完善和改革。

    The article analyzes our current guaranteed-pending-trial system and compares it with on-bail system in foreign countries .

  28. 第二部分是我国取保候审制度与国外保释制度的比较。

    The second part compared undertaking recognizance upon bail system of our country with foreign bail system .

  29. 我国的保证金制度是1996年刑事诉讼法修改后一种新增的取保候审形式。

    Our earnest money system was 1996 criminal procedure law amended the bail pending a new form .

  30. 我国刑事诉讼法规定的非羁押强制措施之一取保候审,它的实施应有其良好的法律效果和社会效果。

    A guarantor pending trial should have its good legal effect and social effect for its non-arresting .