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  • 网络inexhaustible
  1. 这是留给我们取之不尽用之不竭的宝贵精神财富。

    This remains for us the inexhaustible precious spiritual wealth .

  2. 中华名族上下五千年传统文化,深厚的根基为我们提供了取之不尽用之不竭的素材。

    Five thousand years of Chinese traditional culture provides us with inexhaustible material .

  3. 据说这口井很大,它的水是取之不尽用之不竭的。

    The well is , they say , great and inexhaustible .

  4. 但是,传统的化石能源并不是取之不尽用之不竭的。

    However , the traditional fossil fuels are not inexhaustible .

  5. 太阳能是全社会公认的绿色无污染能源,并且认为是取之不尽用之不竭的。

    Solar is deemed as a green , non-polluting and inexhaustible energy .

  6. 信息资源是准公共物品,流动容易,费用相对低廉,是取之不尽用之不竭的无形资源。

    Information resource is quasi public article which has lower price and moves easily .

  7. 碳氢化合物、金属、土地和水并不是取之不尽用之不竭的。

    Our supplies of hydrocarbons , metals , land , and water are finite .

  8. 我说真的,爱并非取之不尽用之不竭。

    Seriously , there is not an unlimited amount of love in the world .

  9. 沼气作为一种取之不尽用之不竭的可再生清洁能源,受到了政府的广泛关注。

    As a renewable and clean energy , biogas is given more attention by the government .

  10. 取之不尽用之不竭的煤炭。

    An inexhaustible supply of coal .

  11. 太阳能取之不尽用之不竭,是被世界公认的理想的清洁能源。

    Solar energy is inexhaustible , which is recognized as the ideal clean energy in the world .

  12. 我们不能再认为沙子取之不尽用之不竭,而是要把它当成一种稀缺的自然资源。

    We need to stop taking sand for granted and think of it as an endangered natural resource .

  13. 太阳能因为其可再生、取之不尽用之不竭、洁净、无污染等特性,成为广受欢迎的新能源,是理想的替代能源。

    Solar energy is a popular alternative energy sources for its renewable , inexhaustible , clean , no pollution .

  14. 太阳能作为取之不尽用之不竭、近乎无污染的优点受到世界各国的关注和支持。

    Solar energy , as its inexhaustible supply and being almost non-polluting advantage , is receiving worldwide attention and support .

  15. 我们很热衷于种种眼前利益,这很好理解:我们大量制造廉价塑料制品,因为我们曾以为石油取之不尽用之不竭;

    Instead they were understandably pleased by the benefits : cheap , malleable plastics made from a seemingly endless sea of petroleum ;

  16. 而风能是世界上最丰富的自然资源,取之不尽用之不竭,对环境没有污染,在世界范围内得到了广泛的应用和发展,风力发电技术是风能利用的最好形式。

    Wind power is the most abundant natural resources , so it has a wide range of applications and development in the world scope .

  17. 对日益技术化的人类来说,神话时代才是健康的生命之火取之不尽用之不竭的能源。

    It is the age of mythology that is the inexhaustible source of the fire of healthy life for human beings living in a hi-tech society .

  18. 全球能源危机的日益加剧,太阳能作为一种取之不尽用之不竭的可再生能源,近几年得到了广泛的应用。

    With global energy crisis growing more and more seriously , solar energy as an inexhaustible renewable energy sources has been widely used in recent years .

  19. 这些现象的出现提醒我们:人力资源也不是取之不尽用之不竭的,作为一种资源,它也需要得到保护和有效利用,需要实现可持续的发展。

    All these phenomena remind us that , the human resources are not inexhaustible ; they also need to be protected and have an effective use .

  20. 随着石油、煤炭等传统能源的日渐紧张,几乎取之不尽用之不竭的太阳能的开发利用逐渐被提上日程。

    With traditional energy sources becoming increasingly tense such as oil , coal and so on , solar energy development and utilization has been put on the agenda .

  21. 太阳能源潜力无限它一小时提供的能量比全人类一年的用量还要多并且不像化石燃料,它是取之不尽用之不竭的。

    The sun is hugely powerful it delivers more energy in an hour than humankind uses in a year and unlike fossil fuels it will never run out .

  22. 自然给我们提供了舒适的环境和保证我们基本生活的取之不尽用之不竭的资源。

    Nature has provided us with a comfortable environment and sufficient resources , which have ensured our basic living and the foundations for us to pursue a better life .

  23. 因此道教的神仙信仰及神仙世界和众多的神仙人物传说故事,给予文人画取之不尽用之不竭的创作资源和艺术营养,极大地丰富和发展了中国传统绘画艺术。

    The belief of immortals and their paradise and the tales are inexhaustible resources and nutrition for the paintings , thus greatly enrich and develop Chinese traditional painting arts .

  24. 由于太阳能取之不尽用之不竭并且具有清洁无污染、使用安全的特点,因此发展太阳能成为关注的焦点。

    Because solar energy has the characteristics that are not only inexhaustible and clean , but also safe in use , the development of solar energy has being focused .

  25. 太阳能是一种无污染并且又取之不尽用之不竭的绿色能源,而太阳能光伏发电是太阳能利用的一种主要方式,受到人们越来越多的关注。

    The solar energy is cleaning and inexhaustible , and getting more and more attention . The photovoltaic power generation is one of most important using method of solar energy .

  26. 随着全球对环境保护的日益关注,太阳能作为未来一种新的替代能源,因其清洁、无污染和取之不尽用之不竭的特点,已经引起了广泛的关注。

    With the increasing concern about global environmental protection , the solar energy , clean , pollution-free and inexhaustible , has received great interest as an alternative source of energy for the future .

  27. 但是石油作为不可再生能源其储量是有限的,而并非取之不尽用之不竭,石油能源的短缺危机已经近在咫尺,石油价格的上涨也成为了今后发展的必然趋势。

    But the oil as a non-renewable energy reserves is limited , not inexhaustible . The oil energy shortage crisis is close at hand . The oil price will be higher and higher .

  28. 面对日益增长的建筑能耗需求,太阳能作为一种取之不尽用之不竭的清洁能源,将其与建筑相结合,是建筑节能的有效措施之一,也是太阳能应用的重要方面。

    With the increase of building energy consumption , solar energy as an inexhaustible clean energy , combined it with the building , is one of the effective measures of building saving energy .

  29. 太阳能因其取之不尽用之不竭、不污染环境、不受地域影响、花费较低,是解决能源和环境问题的理想能源。

    Solar energy , for its inexhaustible , environment friendly , low cost and without geographical restrictions , is regarded as the ideal source of energy to solve the problem of energy and environment .

  30. 米尔斯创办了好几家由发电企业资助的非盈利组织。2006年,他还合作出版了《无底洞:燃料的没落、浪费的好处、为何我们的能源将取之不尽用之不竭》一书。

    He has founded several power-industry funded non-profit organizations and 2006 he co-authored The Bottomless Well : The Twilight of Fuel , The Virtue of Waste , and Why We Will Never Run Out of Energy .