
qǔ jīng
  • go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures;learn from sb.else's experience
取经 [qǔ jīng]
  • (1) [go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures]∶佛教徒到印度去求取佛经原本

  • (2) [learn from sb.else's experience]∶比喻向先进人物、单位或地区吸取好的经验

取经[qǔ jīng]
  1. 《西游记》讲唐僧往西天取经的故事。

    The journey to the West tells how the Tang Monk went to the Western Heaven to acquire scriptures .

  2. Penny的现追求者向前追求者取经。

    Penny 's current suitor asking advice from her former suitor .

  3. 方法取经PCⅠ型水处理器处理前后的二次供水的水质样品,按《生活饮用水卫生规范》(2001年6月版)进行检测。

    Methods The samples of secondary supply water before and after treatment were collected and determined according to the < Hygienic criterion for analysis of drinking water > ( 2001 edition ) and the water quality was analyzed .

  4. 比如全美第二大医院梅奥医院(MayoClinic)的一名外科医生希望改善病人的就诊体验,他可以向丽思-卡尔顿(Ritz-Carlton)酒店取经,因为这家酒店一向以优质的客户服务闻名。

    For example , a physician at the Mayo Clinic who wants to improve the patient experience may pay a visit to a Ritz-Carlton , which is known for its customer service .

  5. 她成功加入了斯坦福创业工作室(StanfordVentureStudio)。来自不同学科的研究生都可以在这个工作室测试和开发商业创意,参与小组座谈会,向成功的创业者和校友取经,练习推销技能等。

    She applied successfully to get into the Stanford Venture Studio , a facility in which graduate students from all disciplines can test and develop business ideas , take part in group sessions , get advice from successful entrepreneurs and alumni , and practice pitching .

  6. 取经溴化氰活化的Sepharose4B与单克隆抗体抗体偶联,偶联比为85.21%,封闭活化位点,洗涤,制备IAC柱。

    The coupling ratio between monoclonal antibodies and Sepharose 4B is 85.21 % . The active groups on the Sepharose 4B base materials are blocked and washed , stored .

  7. 美国和欧洲正疲于应对泡沫经济、公共债务不断上升和婴儿潮(baby-boom)一代退休带来的后果,他们应该怀着尊敬的心情向日本取经。

    As the US and Europe struggle to come to terms with the aftermath of a bubble economy , rising public debt and the retirement of the baby-boom generation , they should look to Japan with respect .

  8. 方法:Ⅰ组:取经腹直肌切口15例。

    Methods : I group : 15 cases of rectus incision .

  9. 可以向有相似经历的人取取经。

    You can learn from those who have had similar experiences .

  10. 如何发言重庆市新闻发言人狮城取经

    Chongqing Press Conference Spokesmen Learn How to Make Statement in Singapore

  11. 呆子,我带你去见取经人。

    You silly , I 'm taking you to meet the sutra-seeker .

  12. 我们到这里来是向你们取经的。

    We 've come here to learn from your experience .

  13. 为寻找灵感,他们不畏路遥,甚至去很远的学校拜访取经。

    They even visited groups on faraway campuses for inspiration .

  14. 当代宏观经济学家或许可以向森林管理员取取经。

    Perhaps modern macroeconomists could learn from the forest managers .

  15. 取经印度力促软件产业的跨越式发展

    Learning from India , Promote Leap-forward Development of the Software Industry in China

  16. 经济学专业人士可以从中取经。

    The economics profession could learn from this .

  17. 银行还向其他投资于绿色解决方案的公司取经。

    The bank is also gleaning knowledge from other corporations that invest in green solutions .

  18. 要降低风险,中国的亿万富翁应当从李嘉诚那里取经。

    To mitigate the risks , Chinese billionaires could borrow from the Li Ka-shing playbook .

  19. 你还可以向一些理财专家取经,这可是他们的毕生追求。

    You can especially benefit from financial advisors who treat money management as a spiritual pursuit .

  20. 论吴承恩《西游记》小说及其成书之前的取经故事

    A Journey to the West by Wu Cheng ' en and The Stories Before the Book

  21. 玄奘取经回国后便在慈恩寺主持寺务,翻译佛经。

    Xuanzang then took charge of the Ci'en Temple and did the translation of the scriptures there .

  22. 他收集研究资料进行试验,并向农民学习取经。

    He collected information , studied it , did experiments and learnt from the experience of farmers .

  23. 看来伦敦在自身重建时转向加尔各答取经,或许也只是个时间问题了。

    Perhaps it is only a matter of time before London turns to Calcutta for its own regeneration .

  24. 其实在历史上,还真有这么一个去“西天”取经的唐僧。

    The novel is a collection of legends , but in history there really was such a monk .

  25. 他们是“硅谷云计算协会”的普通成员,到这儿是来取经的。

    These are rank-and-file members of the Silicon Valley Cloud Computing Group , and they 're here to learn .

  26. 妈妈们还在网上寻找专业医疗建议,从别的妈妈那里取经,从社交网站上寻找产品评价。

    Mothers are also seeking out expert medical advice , parent-to-parent wisdom , and product reviews via social media .

  27. 取经3次传代培养的大鼠乳鼠AS,随机分为实验组和对照组。

    Picked up the 3rd generation cultured neonatal rat astrocytes , and randomly divided into experimental and control groups .

  28. 前往西天取经的唐僧师徒四人中最不起眼,最不受人注目的是沙僧。

    Monk Sha is the most common one of four teachers and prentices who go for lections in the west .

  29. 萨瑟兰说,通过从动物训练者那里取经并把经验运用于自己丈夫身上,她的婚姻得到了改善。

    Sutherland says she improved her marriage by taking the lessons from animal trainers and applying them to her husband .

  30. 方法:取经手术、病理、证实的102例(105例次)乳腺癌的术前乳腺片进行回顾性综合分析。

    Methods : One hundred and two high frequency X ray images of breast cancer surgically confirmed were comprehensively analyzed .