
chǔ biàn bù jīng
  • with presence of mind in the face of disasters;undismayed;presence of mind
处变不惊[chǔ biàn bù jīng]
  1. 在1987年10月大风暴(theGreatStormofOctober1987)后,尽管灾难预言者宣布英格兰南部的地貌遭遇了灭顶之灾,我仍发现了很多在水平状态下也处变不惊的树。

    In the months after the Great Storm of October 1987 , while doomsayers were announcing the ruination of the landscapes of southern England , I found a legion of trees unfazed by horizontality .

  2. 祝你好运。我可是个处变不惊的人哦。

    And good luck -- I 'm a pretty laid-back guy .

  3. 她有处变不惊的本事。

    She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency .

  4. 你公司里最处变不惊的人是谁?

    Who in your organization is unflappable amid change ?

  5. 她处变不惊地应对局势。

    She handled the situation with great poise .

  6. 男孩自幼被教导在困难时候仍然要(绷紧上唇)处变不惊。

    Boys are taught to keep a stiff upper lip even during times of adversity .

  7. 凭借多年的风投经历,我基本上已经处变不惊了。

    Through all the years that I have been doing this I can kind of roll with the punches .

  8. 而对于城市,王安忆显然更为熟稔,通过对市民日常生活衣食住行的生动描摹,她的小说展现了平民百姓精致、讲究的生活方式,以及这种生活方式背后柔韧坚强、处变不惊的生活哲学。

    As to city , Wang is more proficient . By vividly depicting citizens ' everyday life , her novels express their delicate life style and the pliability and strength behind this life style .

  9. 在成功到来之前,我们必须提高自身的知识结构和层次,夯实基础,从而在各种场合都能游刃有余,处变不惊。

    Before success arrival , we must enhance own knowledge structure and the level , the ramming foundation , can thus accomplish a task with ease in each kind of situation , place changes is not startled .