
  1. 试验证明,在纵向通风隧道内,热烟气流从靠近墙体火源处顺风向隧道中心蔓延。

    It was shown through experiments in a tunnel with longitudinal ventilation that the hot current developed toward the tunnel center downwind from the fire source near a wall .

  2. 在劳动权的保护顺位上,私法保护是积极的,处第一顺位;税法保护是消极的,处第二顺位。

    On order of labor rights protection , private law protection is positive and in first place ; tax law protection is passive and in second place .

  3. 最新款式的衣领是翻领。这样可防止驳头部位伸长,并可使驳头翻折处圆顺服帖。

    The collar turns back in the latest fashion . This prevents the lapel stretching and creates a rounded effect to the roll of the jacket lapel .

  4. 对样品的电磁输运性质测量表明,在约316K处出现顺磁到铁磁的转变,并且样品从室温到低温的一个很宽的温区出现了低场磁电阻效应。

    The electric transport and magnetic properties of the samples indicate that the samples have a magnetic transition temperature at ~ 316 K , and exhibit a low field magnetoresistance effect from room temperature to low temperature .

  5. 提出一种基于频域采样的三角级数法模拟轨道线路不平顺信号。通过仿真,与传统方法相比,该方法不仅实现容易、模拟精度高,而且还能获得指定频率处的不平顺幅值。

    A new " trigonometric series scheme based on the frequency sampling " is proposed to simulate the track irregular signal .

  6. 同样在周二,中信股份表示,将根据在澳大利亚的一处进展不顺的铁矿项目投资价值,对其2014年收益减记14至18亿美元。

    Separately on Tuesday , Citic said it would write down $ 1.4 billion to $ 1.8 billion of its 2014 earnings on the value of its investment in a troubled iron ore mining project in Australia .

  7. 通过仿真,与传统方法相比,该方法不仅实现容易、模拟精度高,而且还能获得指定频率处的不平顺幅值。

    By simulation , the proposed scheme can be realized more easily and is more precise than the traditional scheme , in addition , the irregular amplitude at the designated frequency can be got easily . 3 .

  8. 其次,以现代微分几何学为工具,采用选择性局部细分插值的方式对犁铧和犁胸曲面拼接处进行光顺,构造相对光顺的插值曲面,极大地改善了曲面的光顺效果。

    Secondly , the fairing of surface to the joint of plough share and plough breast surface was made through adopting the selective partial subdivision interpolation way with the modern differential geometry , which can construct the relative smooth interpolating surface and improve the fairing effect of surface .

  9. 通过曲面在节点对处的局部光顺度量,确定要光顺的节点及方向,然后用最小区域算法实现曲面的局部光顺;

    Local fairing of surface was realized by minimal region algorithm , in which the bad knot and fairing direction was determined by local fairing measure of knot pair .