
  1. 本文研究用稀土硅铁和SG变质剂作联合球化剂,而不用含镁的合金来处理球墨铸铁。

    A new inoculant SG allied with rare earth ferro silico instead magnesium as a spheroidizing agent was investigated .

  2. 稀土处理球墨铸铁的热力学研究

    Study on the thermodynamics of re treatment of cast iron

  3. 喂丝法处理球墨铸铁技术的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Cored - Wire Injection Nodularizing Process

  4. 郁金香5℃处理球的室内栽培试验

    Indoor Cultivation of 5 ℃ Treated Bulbs of Tulips

  5. 现代足球比赛中直接处理球技术的重要性

    Importance of the skill of tacking the ball directly in the modern football matches

  6. 他处理球的能力不一般。

    He was able to handle the ball .

  7. 复合热处理球铁曲轴的淬硬层

    The Hardened Layer of Multiple Treated Crankshaft

  8. 和他搭档很好,因为他处理球很沉着冷静。

    It 's been nice because he 's so composed and calm on the ball .

  9. 当他们找到他的时,他通常都能用他大个的身体和娴熟的技能去处理球。

    When they find him there , he is usually too big and too skilled to handle .

  10. 他在比赛中非常专注,处理球也很合理。

    The qualities that stood out for us are his great composure and use of the ball .

  11. 他处理球更加精确,也为队友奉献了更多有效的助攻。

    He demonstrated a more clinical touch in front of goal and also weighed in with numerous assists for team-mates .

  12. 第二,综合性选手处理球变化多样,相比底线型选手和发球上网型选手的打法要丰富。

    Second , comprehensive players ball compared variety , the contestants and serve - volleyed linear type player of dozen rich .

  13. 是的,湖人队在最后5分钟随便的处理球和防守上的松懈差点使自己半场19分的领先优势化为乌有。

    Yes , the Lakers nearly blew a19-point halftime lead with sloppy ball-handling and defensive lapses in the final five minutes .

  14. 国际排联颁布的新规则,对运动员的技战术水平、处理球能力提出了更高的要求。

    The new rules issued by Internation Volleyball Union has put forward higher demand to athlete 's skills and tactics level .

  15. 沃顿更擅长处理球,这就可以给科比和小鱼创造更多的机会。

    Walton is a much better ball handler , which would allow Kobe and Fish to play off the ball more .

  16. 缺点:处理球不好,打球会犹豫,罚篮很差,在防守中的脚步移动也不行。

    Weaknesses : Poor ball handler , suspect jumper , poor FT shooter , doesn 't move his feet enough on defense .

  17. 尽管詹姆斯可以(无私地)控球,但他不应该是唯一有能力处理球的人。

    While James can and will dominate the ball ( unselfishly ) , he shouldn 't be the only player capable of handling it .

  18. 优势:积极,在他位置上的高度,直线移动速度快,处理球很好,要是不看他的位置他也许是个伟大的传球手。

    Strengths : Aggressive , tall for his position , fast in straight lines , good handles and maybe great passing regardless of position .

  19. 因为他的处理球很糟糕,他被迫呆在外线,只能期待其他人能为他创造机会。

    Because he was a poor ball handler , he was incredibly limited on the perimeter and had to hope others would create for him .

  20. 采用激光表面改性处理球墨铸铁凸轮轴,达到以铸代锻的目的,提高经济效益。

    The cast nodular iron camshaft can substitute the forged alloy steel by laser surface hardening , in this way , profits can be raised .

  21. 并且通过坐标变换或投影平面代替曲面等方法可以处理球壳及曲面屋盖的风压分布插值计算。

    Wind pressure distributions on spherical shell or curving roofs can be obtained by the method of coordinate transform or projected plane of curved surface .

  22. 他们对处理球、指法或阅读音乐的低级技巧给予过多的思考和关注,

    They have to give so much thought and attention to the low-level mechanics of handling the ball or fingering the keys or reading the music ,

  23. 中国队后卫球员在场上的观察和判断能力不如对手,在激烈对抗条件下,处理球的能力有待提高。

    Chinese guards ' observation and judge abilities less than the rivals . In the fierce combat conditions , the ability to handle the ball needs to be improved .

  24. 当然,对詹姆斯来说正确的处理球只是就像是一种天性,但是对他的队友,那些来自各支球队的老将们,却是意义非凡。

    That James made the right play is second nature , of course . But to his teammates , many of them veterans from other teams , it means everything .

  25. 处理球—面对包夹传出球。这个赛季波尔津吉斯经常面对额外的防守球员,他不得不承认,仍然在习惯如何最好地处理这一问题。

    Dealing with - and passing out of - double-teams . Porzingis has seen an extra defender frequently this season and he 's admittedly still getting used to how best to handle it .

  26. 时机的把握、掩护的质量、处理球的及时性、战术执行的时间性、持球队员的攻击性以及默契度成为高位挡拆战术运用失败的影响因素。

    The timing of the grasp , cover quality , timeliness of the ball , the timing of implementation tactics , offensive ball carrier and a high degree of understanding tactics screens failure factor .

  27. 保罗的精细处理球和喜爱发动战术肯定会降低哈登全联盟最高的37%使用率,并可能降低他的总助攻数,但数据上的牺牲才能成就总冠军的不朽。

    Paul 's micromanaging and love of set plays will certainly eat into Harden 's league-leading 37.0 usage rate and probably his assist totals , but sacrifices must be made to attain NBA championship immortality .

  28. 随着防守的加强,进攻的时间和空间越来越小,直接传球、直接射门即直接处理球技术成为未来足球技术发展趋势。

    As the strengthen of defense , the offense time and space will be more and more smaller and direct pass and direct score will become the main stream of the soccer strategy in the future .

  29. 随着威金斯的经验更加丰富,能够更好地拿捏出手时机,他的投篮选择有所进步。由于他的处理球能力,他是森林狼现在打挡拆时常规运用的一个点。

    Wiggins " shot selection has improved as he 's gained experience and acquired a better grasp of where to get his looks from , and his ball-handling is now at a point where the Timberwolves can regularly utilize Wiggins in pick-and-rolls .

  30. 与使用含铈或含混合稀土的球化剂相比,使用加有纯镧的硅铁镁合金作为包内处理球化剂时,球铁的工艺性能得到令人惊奇的改善。

    It has been discovered that the use of pure lanthanum as the primary rare earth source in the magnesium ferrosilicon nodularizer surprisingly further improves the performance of the ductile iron ladle treatment method compared to similar methods using cerium or mish metal beating nodularizers .