
  1. 在性能方面由于目前嵌入式处理器主频普遍不高,难以满足高质量实时视频通信的音视频算法的运行需要。

    However , in one aspect of performance , because of the generally low frequency of present embedded processors , it is hard for audio and video processing algorithms to realize high-quality and real-time video communication .

  2. 英特尔曾经认为,其处理器的主频应成为性能改善的衡量标准。

    Intel had decided that the clock speed of its processors should be the standard for performance improvements .

  3. 由于受到功耗和频率的限制,进一步提高单处理器的主频受到限制。

    Due to restrictions on power and frequency , Further raises the single processor basic frequency is limited .

  4. 为了提高处理器的速度,制造商不断的提高处理器的主频,但是随之而来的是更大的功耗,成为了处理器速度提高的瓶颈。

    In order to improve the speed of the processor , manufacturers constantly improve the frequency of the processor , but the ensuing greater power consumption becomes the bottleneck of the processor speed .

  5. 其次,指令发射逻辑是超标量处理器中的关键路径,也是制约执行单元为超标量结构的多线程处理器主频提高的关键因素。

    Secondly , the issue logic is not only the critical path in a superscalar microprocessor , but also critical to the performance of a multithreaded microprocessor with superscalar execution core .