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  • 网络locative object
  1. “进+处所宾语”倾向于包含言外之意,而“去+处所宾语”倾向于不包含言外之意。

    This thesis is to put forward that " jin + locative object " tends to include illocutionary meaning while " qu + locative object " intends to exclude illocutionary meaning .

  2. 如果不计语境的影响,“进+处所宾语”中的事实是目的唯一性的事实,“去+处所宾语”中的事实是目的多样性的事实。

    If the effect of context is not considered , the destination of the facts in " jin + locative object " is unique while the destination of the facts in " qu + locative object " is diverse .

  3. 首先论证了现代汉语中的V在NL属于动宾短语,其中的V在是动补短语,NL是处所宾语,在属于附着成分;

    First , we demonstrates that " V zai NL " belongs to VO phrase ," V zai " is a VC phrase , NL is the locative object and " zai " belongs to clitics .

  4. 移动样态动词+处所宾语的语义功能

    The Semantic Function of " Motion Verb + Locative Object "

  5. 汉语动词+处所宾语结构在维吾尔语中的表达

    The Study of Chinese " verb + object of place " Structure

  6. 处所宾语句与对应的介词宾语句之间存在系统差别。

    There exist systematic differences between CLO and their corresponding sentences with prepositional objects .

  7. 动词+处所宾语的句法语义及相关语法问题研究

    The Study on Syntax and Semantic of VLC and Some Grammar Problems Relevant to It

  8. 趋向动词的句法以常带来表示起点或终点的处所宾语和前边可以有处所状语修饰为特点。

    The syntax of tendency verbs is characterized by the " place " object , modified by place adverbials .

  9. 地名一般作处所宾语或处所补语,也可修饰人名。

    The name of the place generally functions as the place object or place complement , can also modify names .

  10. 此外,英语处所宾语句是对运动事件的概念化,并且这种概念化跟汉语的相关句式存在有规律的联系和差异。

    Furthermore , English CLO illustrate conceptualization of motion events , which demonstrates regular correlation and distinction with corresponding Chinese sentences .

  11. 其次,运用结构主义理论从语义、语用等角度对非处所宾语与复合趋向补语同现时的语序进行分析,描写与解释相结合。

    Then , from semantic and pragmatic aspects , it descriptively analyzes the word order of non-locative objects and compound directional complements .

  12. 复合趋向补语和非处所宾语的位置问题,学者们已经作过许多研究。

    The thesis analyses the issues about the sequences between the compound complements of direction and non-location objects using the linguistic theories .

  13. 本文选取此期的六部作品对“於/在+处所宾语”的句法位置进行了穷尽式考察。

    In this paper six Medieval Ancient Chinese books were selected for a thorough examination in terms of the syntactic positions of the prepositional phrase " at / in + location " .

  14. 古汉语中受事主语句具有以下特点:受事主语句的谓语动词不带宾语或只带施事、处所宾语;

    In ancient Chinese , sentences with the objects of the action have the following characteristics : ( 1 ) The verb predicate is usually followed by no objects but only agentive objects or place objects ;

  15. “进+处所宾语”中的处所宾语不一定是特定的,“去+处所宾语”中的处所宾语往往是特定的,至少在说话人心目中是特定的。

    The object in " jin + locative object " is not necessarily specific but the object in " qu + locative object " is often specific , at least , in the mind of the speaker .

  16. 本文主要探讨了处所宾语及其相关问题,全文围绕处所宾语的判别标准、内部小类以及非典型处所宾语的生成动因三个主要问题展开。

    This thesis probes into the locative objects in modern Chinese and the related problems . The thesis revolves around three main problems : the standard of distinguishing locative objects , the sub-categories of locative objectives and the motivation of the formation of atypical locative objects .

  17. 处所角色宾语及其属性标记的隐现情况

    On Location-role Object and the Use or Disuse of Its Attribute Mark

  18. 例如,施事角色映射为主语,受事/客体映射为宾语,目标/处所映射为间接宾语,工具/来源映射为旁格(oblique)。

    For instance , agent is usually realized as subject , patient / theme realized as object , goal / location as indirect object , and instrument / source as oblique .

  19. 在句法结构关系中,方位结构能充当处所主语、处所宾语、话题和焦点;

    Second , location word structures act as subject , object , topic and focus in the syntactic construction .